I have rpi zero w system with below spec.
system specifications: micro SD card slot, a mini HDMI port, two micro USB ports (one for power, one for USB), and 512MB of RAM. It has a single-core 700 MHz processor chip, similar to the Pi A+ and B+.
I am using zero in a iot project where less data is transferred hardly 10kb/day. My question is weather a 512mb single core cpu will handle mqtt server. I have already couple of servers running on it. currently my cpu usage goes 100%.
I have a microcontroller plugged in to rpi serial port to read/write, c file which reads/writes serial data consumes more that 60% of cpu.
And a python server running to display the information on web.
I am trying to plug mqtt for push notification to web.(Already tried Push API;service workers ,chrome needs trusted ssl certificates which is out of budget)