I have a RTC DS3231 connected to my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I connected it using this tutorial https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2015/05/adding-a-ds3231-real-time-clock-to-the-raspberry-pi/ and everything works fine.
The DS3231 is connected to the pins:
DS1307 Pi GPIO
GND P1-06
Vcc P1-01 (3.3V)
SDA P1-03 (I2C SDA)
SCL P1-05 (I2C SCL)
Now, I want to connect a push button that will turn OFF and ON the raspberry pi. Per this tutorial https://howchoo.com/g/mwnlytk3zmm/how-to-add-a-power-button-to-your-raspberry-pi I can turn ON/OFF the pi by shorting pins 5 and 6. However, these pins are already taken by the RTC board.
I'm afraid that I will burn either the Pi, RTC, or something else if I connect the button to the same pins as the RTC.
I know I can select other pins like 18, to turn OFF The pi. However, this will not Turn ON the pi when the button is pressed again.
What would be the safest, faster, and easiest way to accomplish this? To have the RTC DS3231 and a push button/switch that will turn ON the pi.