I'm trying to learn reading out I2C chips, but somehow I can't figure out how to find the right data addresses.
I bought a water level sensor and a ADS1015 ADC[foto below]. They are connected via I2C to the RPI. The RPI seems to be configured correctly, as i2cdetect -y 1 shows that an I2C chip is present at 0x48. The water sensor LED lights up so it has power. I expect the chip to have more than 1 value, and should therefore supply i2cget with the address:
i2cget -y 1 0x48 address
It should be in the datasheet, but I don't get where it tells me the address. I tried looping over all addresses, some give an error, some a value (128, 133, 0, ...).
How do I figure out where the voltage is stored on the I2C chip?
Also, the ADS1015 has 4 channels, are these combined in one I2C chip, or should i2cdetect list 4 channels?