I've used a number of Pi Zeros and some seem to need to run slow. The symptom is they freeze after a number of hours or a day or so. I'm using the Zero not the Zero W. I'm running the camera. I've read posts on problems booting Pi Zeros, and cases where they were inadvertently clocked at less than the default 1 GHz, but this is different.
In my case, when I look at syslog after a crash, all is fine until, for no apparent reason, nothing is recorded for a while and the next thing you know, the system reboots. (I have a hardware watchdog that resets the system after about 30 minutes of inactivity.) Such a crash usually indicates a hardware problem with the cpu, so the question is, do I need to underclock it ? If so, what parameters should I use ? The cpu temperature is at the upper end of the normal operating range. I have plenty of power.
I'm going nuts over this. Can anyone shed some light on it ?
Thank you in advance.