The Instuctable you refer to has everything you need -- are you asking how to hook it up, or are you not wanting to use Python? I recently added an Adafruit GPS module to an existing RPi project that runs Node. However, you can follow the instructions in that instructable up to the point where he mentions testing it using 'off the shelf' software drivers. You do not need those because the GPS is now exposed as a Linux tty (teletype terminal) device. If your setup is correct, the following will spit out raw NEMA sentences from the device:
Note that I am not using the ttyAMA0 -- I have RPi3B+ -- I use ttyS0.
sudo cat /dev/ttyS0
Use Ctl-C to terminate output.
In my implementation, I use a Node module called 'raspi' to access the serial port and I parse the sentences myself -- they are not difficult to parse, but -- there are many already written, as well.
So, once you have made the wiring and modified your RPi by those instructions, you will want to investigate serial communications. I can help you with that, as they are not well understood now -- most people 'poll' them and that wastes your processor's time. My solution lets the data drive the collection and so -- it does not hang my processor like polling does. (Always let the data drive the application when possible.)
EDIT : My first draft of the tutorial is up now. It is rough, however -- you can email me with any further questions. I will add an address to it after posting this update. You should be able to get your device hooked up by using the first section of the tutorial.
how to build a simple interface for this project
interfacing what? Between Pi and GPS? Or a user interface? or ...