i want to connect my android mobile with raspberry pi so that i can send some data from pi to mobile through UDP sockets and vice versa. This is because i want to use android screen as remote control , some rPI data display and live video view of pi camera output from android web browser. i am interested to use wifi connection but without using any access point/wireless router in between i.e i want to create a peer to peer wifi adhoc network. in home with access network this will work , but its not possible to have wireless network or carry wireless router where ever the pi go.
for prototyping purpose i tried creating Adhoc wifi network in windows vista but my mobile didnt detect the wifi possibly because the frequency of the wifi network cant be recognised by android. i tried wifi direct feature of my galaxy Note2 (android jelly bean) but i seems to work with only samsung specific phones. it didnt work with nexus 4 neither with windows vista.
so i am quite sure that none of the above technique will work with raspbian OS.
any idea how to achieve my requirements. if connecting raspberry pi with android by USB to microUSB cable will solve the purpose , please let me know how.
Thanks agoswami
to turn the pi into its own AP, if your wifi adapter support master mode. This means you get an AP, but it's not "in between", just "inside". Not much CPU needed, but the wifi card will use more power to advertise itself.