I've been using my raspberry pi for about a year now, with Octoprint for my 3d printer. One of the more recent updates started showing it as under-voltaged. Over the last week, it started to cut out, and fail prints.
Figuring that this was due to the under-voltage issue, I found an article that showed how to hard wire 5.1v to the main board. I had some step-down converters (10A) lying around, so I set one up to 5.1v and soldered it to the connections on the bottom of the board, and hooked it up to my power supply.
Seemed to be working fine for a minute or so, then I noticed some smoke (never a good sign) coming from what I thought was the converter... I quickly disconnected the power, and started looking at my connections. It appeared that I maybe didn't have a good connection with the + end of the wire, so I re-soldered it, and tried again. This time, it almost instantly smoked at least one of the components on the Pi.
My question is this: I have several g-code files that I commonly use for printing that were stored on the pi's internal memory (I thought they were stored on the SD card, but not so much...). Is there a way to recover the files from the Pi? Or, do I need to start over, and get going on re-slicing the files I need?
Thanks in advance!
I thought they were stored on the SD card
you thought correctly. How have you searched for these files?