I'm having issues with using a static IP for a Raspberry Pi 3.
What I'm trying to do is connect 4 Raspberry Pis as nodes/slaves to a single Pi which will act as the server/master. I'm using OSC protocol for communication between them which needs each to have a static IP address. I can setup a static IP for each of the Pi's ethernet ports, connect them all via a desktop switch and have them all talk to each other without issues.
The problem comes when I need to troubleshoot or adjust the code running on each of the Pi's. I can get each Pi to connect to a wifi network but I cannot load any pages or download any updates via the apt-get update commands in terminal. I would like to be able to access each Pi over wifi via VNC but seem to be unable to get the wifi to work on the Pi when an ethernet cable in connected to the port.
I've tried to follow the example set here: http://www.knight-of-pi.org/setup-simultanous-ethernet-and-wifi-access-for-the-raspberry-pi-3/
and here: https://www.modmypi.com/blog/how-to-give-your-raspberry-pi-a-static-ip-address-update
No solution found yet.
I know I could connect to each if I connect my computer to the desktop switch, then use VNC over my ethernet port. However, this doesn't solve my issue when I need to update the Pi or download a file.
I've also experienced this issue when I use a Pi to control an LED setup via the Artnet protocol. The ethernet port is connected to a DMX interface box. In this case, a static IP is not needed for the ethernet port since I am only transmitting data to the DMX interface box. However, I still cannot load webpages or run the apt-get upgrade commands. The process seems to be held up on connecting to a server. Again, the Pi is connected to a network but no data can be transmitted. In this example, when I unplug the ethernet cable, wifi works without issue.
Can anyone help explain why I'm running into this issue and what can be done to permanent resolve this?