I've been looking for a while to how to get the kind of click of a button on GPIO. Is it a single click? Double? Triple or more? Is it a long click? a very long click? a combination of them?
I haven't found a good solution to this problem out there, so I hope to do something useful sharing my solution here.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
BtnPin = 40 # GPIO pin
timeout = 0.5 # how long can pass between two clicks to consider them part of the same event
short_click = 0.65 # length of a single click
long_click = 1.0 # length of a long click
very_long_click = 4.0 # length of a veeeery long click
# set up the GPIO pins to register the presses
GPIO.setup(BtnPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set BtnPin's mode is input
# returns the kind ok click
def pressed():
start_time = time.time()
while not GPIO.input(BtnPin):
pressed_time = time.time() - start_time
if pressed_time < short_click:
return 'short'
elif pressed_time > very_long_click:
return 'very long'
return 'long'
# returns the kind of click event
def pressing():
global clicks
tmpclicks = []
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
if not GPIO.input(BtnPin):
start_time = time.time()
clicks = tmpclicks
clicks = [] # set up an empty list for the kind of clicks
lasting = 0
while True:
print (lasting) # just to show you can do other while getting the clicks
lasting +=1
# we create a thread for getting click events so we can other while waiting for the clicks
except NameError:
if not GPIO.input(BtnPin):
t= threading.Thread(target=pressing)
if clicks:
if clicks == ['short']:
print ("Single click")
elif clicks == ['short', 'short']:
print ("Double click")
elif clicks == ['short','short', 'short']:
print ("Triple click")
elif clicks == ['long']:
print ("Long click")
elif clicks == ['long', 'long']:
print ("Double long click")
elif clicks == ['very long']:
print ("Very long click")
clicks = []
del t
is a list, so you can detect different kinds and combinations of events.