Linked Questions

0 votes
2 answers

Move a raspberry disk image from sd card to .img file with only linux and boot partitions. Not the empty space! [duplicate]

Do you know how I could easily and portably (ie: work in windows and mac) take a raspbian disk image from an sd card and create an image that I could send to my colleague via dropbox? I need just the ...
danielbh's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Raspbian root default password

I tried to modify the sudoers file on Raspbian /etc/sudoers, and it looks like I made a mistake, as I'm unable to modify it again. I am also unable to call any command that requires sudo permissions. ...
Dani's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Can I use Fedora on the Pi 2?

I know Fedora has ARMv7 images. Can those be used on the Raspberry Pi 2, and if so, how?
goldilocks's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Temporarily disable expand filesystem during first boot

I'd like to build an in-house Raspberry Pi image based on Raspbian Lite which is already configured with the correct locale, timezone, etc. Unfortunately for me, current releases of Raspbian images ...
patricktokeeffe's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Build custom Raspbian OS image from source

UPDATE: This answer was given a long time ago. It will not build Raspbian Jessie - it will build whatever the Raspberry Pi Foundation's latest released image is based on. At time of writing, this is ...
Mike Roberts's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Can I view/copy the contents of an img file from Windows?

I have a backup .img file of an old Raspbian installation that I used to have running as a webserver. I'm unable to get the Raspberry Pi to boot from it any more, I think due to running out of space ...
Jamie Bull's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Reverse the expand root FS

When installing Raspbian, the first thing you're told to do is to expand the file system to stretch across the whole SD card. Works great. But what if I want to save space when doing a disk image. Can ...
Paolo Vacirca's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Creating a pre-prepared SD card image

For a project I'm working on I'd like to create a "stock" image based on Raspbian that I can install on many Pis. Ideally I'd like to be able to (on my computer) take the Raspbian image, apt-get ...
Andy Smith's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

RPi won't boot after editing fstab

My Pi was working until I followed this tutorial on how to auto-mount a specific drive on RPi boot. I added the following to the fstab file: UUID="123091823" /media/pi/"Orange Passport" auto ...
BruceWayne's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Pi 3 Raspbian "stretch" (testing) disables wifi

I have a raspberry pi 3 (which has internal WiFi), running raspbian. I decided to run it as "testing", by changing the apt list. Now, I can't use WiFi. Whenever I use wpa_supplicant, it complains ...
Wert's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is rPi3 binary compatible with rPi2?

I've been running Mythbuntu on rPi2 for some time. I bought a couple of rPi3s in an effort to improve performance a bit. However, when I put the SD card from my rPi2 into the rPi3 the boot just shows ...
me--'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can you use a micro SD card from raspberry pi B+ on the raspberry pi 2 model B?

Can you use a micro SD card from raspberry pi B+ on the raspberry pi 2 model B?
Bob's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I mount or otherwise read the raspbian image on Windows? [duplicate]

Same as this question, but for Windows. I have already unsuccessfully tried to open the raspbian debian wheezy image with 7-Zip and Ext2explore. Next I'm going to install an Ubuntu Linux on ...
Reto Höhener's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Booting to LXDE instead of Raspbian desktop

I'm very new to using a raspberry pi. Recently I purchased one (a raspberry pi 3) and I was playing around with it. All of the sudden when I turn it on, it takes me to LXDE login screen instead of the ...
unconditionalcoder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to remaster TinyCoreLinux for Raspberry Pi aka piCore Linux?

The TinyCoreLinux project for the Raspberry Pi is called piCore Linux and suits my requirements very well. So I want to use it. Therefore I need to "remaster" the image file and add further files. ...
mythbu's user avatar
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