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How to mimic RC signals using raspberry pi?

I am working on an automated Quadcopter and I am trying to build a flight controller using Arduino board and raspberry pi. I don't want to use a transmitter and receiver in this project instead wants ...
HIMANSHU VERMA's user avatar
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3 answers

Python script stops mysteriously after a few hours

The Problem I have a raspberry pi 3b+ running a python 3.7 script that is controlling an arduino. The arduino is reading values in from a few different sensors, and sending the data back to the python ...
Eric Webb's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

PiCan 2 Data Logging on higher frequency problem

I have a project that logs data from a vechicle's OBD 2 port (using PiCan2 on top of RPi3B) and combines that data with data from sensors connected to an external Arduino. The Arduino communicates ...
Paul Boutsiadis's user avatar
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1 answer

SPI Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino questions

Basically the title, but I have been looking into SPI as I am working on a project that basically requires a Serial connection between a Raspberry Pi (as a master) and an Arduino (slave); I intended ...
Thanos's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Serial port fails after some time

I use a RPi 3b to request and receive float values over serial from an Arduino Nano (fake). For that I use python and pyserial. Arduino Loop: if (Serial.available() > 0) { String req = Serial....
Razorneck's user avatar
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2 answers

433MHz RF communication between Arduino + Raspberry Pi

I bought a 433MHz receiver and transmitter to send data from a Raspberry Pi 3 to an Arduino Uno. I searched the internet for tutorials, Arduino StackExchange and Raspberry Pi StackExchange but I did ...
manarinian's user avatar
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1 answer

Connecting an Arduino Nano to a Raspberry Pi using Serial Cable on an a Pi 3B+ or Zero W

I wanted to connect an Arduino Nano to either my Pi 3B+ or my Zero W, preferably my Zero. When I connected my Nano to my Pi Zero and ran a simple script with the Python 3 serial library, it didn't ...
aditya's user avatar
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Controlling multiple arduinos from a pi 3b+

I'm working on a robotics project where we need to control 2 motors, read data from 8 ultrasonic sensors, display a 2 digit number on 7 segment displays, drive servos and a few more things. The ...
OM222O's user avatar
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Socket communication between Pi and Arduino

I'm a beginner with Raspi and I would appreciate your advice and input on a project I'm working on. Hardware: Raspi 3B+ with latest Rasbian, Arduino MKR 1000 I have a bunch of sensors attached to ...
LeafTeaNeko's user avatar
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0 answers

upload GPS real time data to web browser with wifi [closed]

i am doing a project for my collage. The objective of this project is to collect real time GPS data and displaying the data on a web server, i am now able to run the program on Arduino IDE to get the ...
confuse's user avatar
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RF ISM 433MHz Module Using Rpi RadioHead Low Speed Problem

I have a rf module 433Mhz which consist of a transmitter and a receiver, I used virtualwire and Radiohead library in Arduino and it's pretty fast. When I shifted that to rpi there were no dedicated ...
Ambuje Gupta's user avatar
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reading EMG on Rpi3 using Teensy 3.2 on usb serial

We are using MyoWare EMG sensor and reading the RAW EMG pin as well as filtered SIG pin on the board. What it basically does is sends an analog value as a fraction of the input Voltage, which in this ...
Yusra's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can I drive a custom LED matrix from my Pi

I have an idea for a project, but I am unsure of the best route to take. I am going to create a custom 11x10 LED matrix (addressable LEDs like WS2812) with the intention of lighting up certain LEDs ...
physicsboy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Raspberry Pi and Arduino Due Spi

Is there any way to establish SPI communnication between Raspberry Pi 3B + and Arduino Due. Both only support master mode. I tried to google but mostly answers from 2013 come up. Has there any recent ...
user3622654's user avatar
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1 answer

Mapping Arduino pins to Raspberry Pi pins

I am following instructions on wiring an LED screen to an Arduino. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, so I am having to "interpret" the instructions. I'm stuck on a step where the instructions say to ...
Brian Leach's user avatar
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1 answer

Raspberry pi + L298 H bridge motor speed reduced when battery circuit shows 50%

I made a raspberry pi car. The pi is powered by two 18650 (Breewell New Multipurpose Flat Top 18650 Battery 2000 mAh 3.7 Volt Lithium Genuine Rechargeable Battery -Pack of 2
Prithivi Maruthachalam's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

RPi to Arduino I2C block_data read fails with "Errno 121, Remote I/O error" (Python3)

Folks, I cringe to bring this up as it has been discussed frequently, but I am at a loss. Background: I have a Raspberry project with about 3000 lines of Python3 code and want to add a wireless ...
Alan Malkiel's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How many arduinos can I control with one raspberry pi 3 B+

I have been reading about using a Raspberry Pi to control an Arduino. My goal is to control several Arduinos using a single Raspberry Pi, in order to automate several tasks, it is important to note ...
Derek Corcoran's user avatar