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BlueZ with Raspberry Pi 3

I'm working on a project that involves interfacing a PC (windows based) with a raspberry pi 3 using Bluetooth with c++. I've done some research and found that the library BlueZ is one of the best ...
dmta24's user avatar
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Bluetooth on a read-only system

Oi, I am trying to say hello here... why are you deleting my "Hello all"... Anyway, as the title suggests, I need some help with bluetooth on a read only system. After some playing around and ...
papatrexas's user avatar
2 votes
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Bluetooth low energy gatt services not found on Android

I'm running one of the Bluez examples on a raspberry pi 3 B+. Output from using bluetoothctl then running show shows that some GATT services are available: Name: raspberrypi Alias: raspberrypi Class:...
Rem-D's user avatar
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How to programmatically check bluetooth speaker is connected to rpi3?

I am trying to detect if my bluetooth speaker is connected to my rpi3 with my python code, executing this command status ='ls /dev/input/event0 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if the ...
houdinisparks's user avatar
6 votes
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Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable - Error

I am trying to connect a HC-05 Bluetooth Module (connected to Arduino Uno) to my Raspberry Pi 3 in the hopes of achieving bluetooth communication between the two to send data from the Uno to the Pi. ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Program to get and display Bluetooth metadata

So I set up my Raspberry Pi 3 as a Bluetooth receiver and it is able to get sound from my phone. Is there any program (preferably graphical) that can display the track info and artist info from AVRCP ...
KelleyMcChes's user avatar
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prevent GUI notification for Bluetooth Pairing

Currently, I am trying to control Bluetooth (pairing - connecting - removing ...) with my python code (by accessing to bluetoothctl through pexpect). It actually works fine but I have a problem with ...
M.Armoun's user avatar
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Using Bluez, how to select what HCI interface to use?

I have an external USB Bluetooth 4.0 interface and the built in BT interface. I would like to configure Bluez to use the external Bluetooth 4.0 interface only (hci1). I did systemctl stop hciuart ...
wojciii's user avatar
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Bluetoothctl on Raspberry Pi 1 - Troubleshooting

I have been trying to make the Raspberry Pi work regarding Bluetooth using the command bluetoothctl. I've been using Wheezybefore and now I started using Jessie, because I couldn't find an image for ...
Vitalis Hommel's user avatar
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How do I fix bluetooth not working?

I own the raspberry pi 3. I've had it since like mid-late August. I was so happy about bluetooth. After a while, it stopped working. I checked the circuit board and the built in bluetooth board for ...
pilover's user avatar
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Automatically (re)connect paired Bluetooth devices

I have got a RPi 3 loaded with Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) and I use pyserial to send data over Bluetooth to an Android application. Pairing the Pi with the Android device works fine. For my ...
Buddyshot's user avatar
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Discoverable Bluetooth on boot with Jessie

I'm pretty new to raspberry pis, I got my first one last week. I am trying to setup up a "bluetooth server". It collects data from a serial connection and then sends it, via bluetooth, to an android ...
Gareth Edwards's user avatar
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How to power down bluetooth on startup, but leave it accessible

The majority of the time, I won't want to use the bluetooth on my pi, I've found how to do it with either the GUI or using bluetoothctrl at the command line, but I really don't see a way to do it ...
Ben Cline's user avatar
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15 votes
9 answers

Automatically accept bluetooth pairings

I am running a headless Raspberry PI 3, and I want it to automatically accept pairings from any device. I saw this answer in an identical question: Automatically accepting Bluetooth connections on a ...
Gilad Naaman's user avatar
8 votes
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Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth "No default controller available"

I'm running Jessie, and an apt-get update/upgrade has no work to do. The kernel is at version 4.4.11-v7+ #891. An hcitool scan says there's no device available. bluetoothctl says No default controller ...
nsayer's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3 Connecting to Bluetooth audio device on Raspbian Jessie

I am trying to connect to a Bluetooth audio device on fully updated Raspberry Pi 3 running Jessie using the following: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ bluetoothctl [bluetooth]# power on Changing power on ...
AKW's user avatar
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42 votes
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Setup Raspberry Pi 3 as bluetooth speaker

I am looking for a way to configure the Raspberry Pi 3 as bluetooth speaker using Raspbian Jessie. What I mean by as bluetooth speaker is use it to receive audio stream via bluetooth using A2DP and ...
gtatr's user avatar
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Streaming Audio From Raspberry Pi 2 to Bluetooth Speaker

I want to use bluetooth to stream any audio being played on my raspberry pi to my bluetooth speaker. I've installed bluez and all the other bluetooth packages. I can see and connect to my speaker, but ...
David's user avatar
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