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Questions tagged [bluetooth]

For questions pertaining to Bluetooth setup, usage and troubleshooting on the Raspberry Pi, whether onboard or via a USB dongle.

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Logitech K480 Logitech Buetooth Keyboard connection

the rasberry pi 4 does not see the bluetooth K480 Logitech keyboard.The logitech k480 KB is a multi device kb,it has a switch to switch between 3 devices.Am using number 1.Its a new kb and has never ...
New2Pi's user avatar
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How Bluedroid can be worked in raspberry pi4B instead of BlueZ

Want to port the bluedroid to raspberry pi4B instead of BlueZ. Because of some causes, only want to use the pi's rootfs, don't use the dbus. how to work it? first of all, as we know,different ...
qitongliang's user avatar
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A2DP doesn't work with PC, but works with a phone

I used this project to set up A2DP. There is no problem with a phone <-> rpi connection. However, my PC (elementary OS) is struggling to connect to Raspberry Pi 4. But even when it does connect ...
stsdc's user avatar
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Python import bluetooth module

I'm trying to send and recieve data over bluetoth on my Raspberry Pi 4, via a bluetooth terminal app on my phone. I've found a couple of tutorials (e.g. this and this) which use python scripts ...
sdunnim's user avatar
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Raspbian and Bluetooth Headset not working

I know, there are already several questions about this, but none of them helped me. I have a rasbian installation and try to connect to my bluetooth headset. When I run sudo bluetoothctl I can find ...
bernhardh's user avatar
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How to get Blurtooth on a PI 4

I tried this to get Bluetooth set up on my PI4 with no luck Terminal From the Raspberry Pi desktop, open a new Terminal window. Type sudo bluetoothctl then press enter and input the administrator ...
user128440's user avatar
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Linux, python, Bluez, Bluetooth libraries, UUIDs, and handles

I am using the python library pygatt to talk to govee bluetooth bulbs, and it is working fine, for only 1 bulb. The problem with it is that it won't allow more than one connection at a time since it ...
jr3us's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi zero bluetoothctl connection fails to a device

I am currently trying to create a script to connect a Bluetooth printer to my raspberry device using CLI commands. So far I have tried using bluetoothctl but it freezes/crashes whenever I try to ...
judge's user avatar
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Receiving audio using bluetooth and performing DSP operations

I wish to create a project on the raspberry in which I can intercept the audio data being received by raspberry pi bluetooth and perform DSP operations on that data (Like Short-time Fourier Transform ...
Koobz866's user avatar
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How would I send files to Raspberry Pi through bluetooth without touching the Pi?

I want to be able to send code files to my Raspberry Pi Zero W from my Mac or Android phone, without needing to go do anything on the Pi itself. I was able to pair and connect to my devices with ...
SepSol's user avatar
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How to play through bluetooth speakers with RPi renderer on lan and openhome/linn android phone control point

Using RPi3b and clean installation of RaspberryPi OS Lite and connecting to network using lan. Media is stored on NAS and served to lan by minimserver. I have installed upmpdcli and mpd on RPi and ...
Budgie's user avatar
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Access Denied when scanning for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices

I'm running an up to date version of Buster on a Pi 3B+ (v1.3) and my Python program dies with txdbus.error.remoteerror: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Rejected send message errors unless I ...
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Send data to pc over bluetooth or wifi

I am working on a project where i have a motion sensor connected to a arduino connected to a raspberry pi and when the motion sensor detects movement i turn of my Windows pc. I want to connect the ...
a-bad-js-developer's user avatar
4 votes
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Where to get Bluetooth/Bluetooth.h for Raspberry Pi?

This is a stupid question. But I cannot find a solution to it. I am trying to build a BLE application with reference to this tutorial I am ...
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Bluetooth retransmission

I'm doing a project of automation, and I would like to implement a bluetooth "retransmitter" for sound. I'm currently using Raspberry PI 4 (4gb ram) with ubuntu desktop client 20.10 This is ...
Gabriel G.'s user avatar
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How to open a window with the output of a sensor connected via Bluetooth serial port with Python? [closed]

I connected 3 sensors via Bluetooth serial port to a Raspberry Pi 4 with the following Python program: import socket serverMACAddress1 = 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' serverMACAddress2 = 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' ...
blt's user avatar
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Connecting Various Devices Using Bluetooth as Serial Port

I managed to connect a sensor via Bluetooth to a serial port on the Raspberry Pi 4 by doing the following: First, I added the SP profile to the Raspberry by opening and editing the following file: ...
blt's user avatar
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headless blind remote unattended Bluetooth pairing

I need a Pi to pair promiscuously with anything with a Bluetooth antenna, because we need to use it headless, in the field, with no desktop, to pair to a Brand X tablet. Here's the existing literature ...
Phlip's user avatar
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Bluetooth Audio not working with Chromium

I am having a problem using Chromium with bluetooth. I have a new Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian Buster. Using VLC, or aplay at command prompt, I can hear audio through bluetooth headset. However, I ...
user2734805's user avatar
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Sound output unpredictable

I'm a bit at a loss to describe the issues I have because they don't really seem consistent to me. I use a raspberry pi 4 running raspbian. When I boot I have sound through 3,5 jack I can change ...
jshlke's user avatar
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Connecting a phone to a Pi 3A+ using Bluetooth fails

I want to connect my phone using BLE to a Pi 3A+. For testing I have set up a Bluetooth server using this code. I have tried connecting with nRF Connect on both a Motorola Moto e5 (Android 8.0) and a ...
Whitefyre2's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Bluetooth status: inactive (dead)

I have uninstalled BlueZ from my raspberry pi. sudo apt-get --purge remove bluez Then, I reinstalled it using this tutorial: wget tar -xvf ...
vvvvv's user avatar
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Why does my Bluetooth adapters only allow connection to 5 BLE sensors?

I am trying to connect 7 BLE sensors to my Raspberry Pi using an external bluetooth adapter. However, I can only connect 5 units simoustanely. I have tried with three different bluetooth adapters. Two ...
Frederik Petri's user avatar
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How to connect raspberry pi zero v1.3 with arduino over bluetooth (HC-06)

I have raspberry pi zero v1.3 which have no build in bluetooth, i want to use hc-06 bluetooth module with raspberry pi and arduino for serial communication, just for receiving data from arduino to ...
Danish's user avatar
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How do you stream audio from one RPi to another?

I have a RPi Zero W running Stretch and equipped with an Adafruit speaker bonnet. I have followed these instructions including points 1 and 2 mentioned in the comments. The result is a functioning ...
bobthechemist's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect a Raspberry Pi with multiple inertial sensors simultaneously via Bluetooth?

I'm working on a project in which I have to connect 3 (or more) inertial sensors to a virtual reality headset (OculusQuest) via Bluetooth, but the problem is that it only accepts one connection, so I ...
blt's user avatar
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Temperature/PH/Humidity sensors Wireless?

I am designing an irrigation system. I have already put in place the pump piece, piloted by the Raspberry through a relay. Please note that this is an outdoor system, so the less wires are there the ...
Edge7's user avatar
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BlueZ with Raspberry Pi 3

I'm working on a project that involves interfacing a PC (windows based) with a raspberry pi 3 using Bluetooth with c++. I've done some research and found that the library BlueZ is one of the best ...
dmta24's user avatar
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Unable to broadcast string as beacon

this question is a continuation of the previous one on "How to read a string from a file and advertise as a beacon?". Link here: How to read a string from a file and advertise as a beacon? ...
snow's user avatar
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How to read a string from a file and advertise as a beacon?

I am using Raspberry Pi to advertise a string stored in a text file on Desktop. I am very new to the concepts of GATT services and characteristics and reading the BlueZ documentation caused me ...
snow's user avatar
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Bluetooth connection between Android smartphone and Raspberry Pi fails

A Bluetooth connection with a fresh flashed Raspberry Pi OS should work out of the box, at least with a Media audio profile. I can pair the smartphone and the RasPi but I cannot connect using ...
Ingo's user avatar
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How to broadcast a message with EddyStone beacon?

I am using a pi as a beacon and I have implemented EddyStone beacon URL. I can broadcast short URLs with no issue but now I want to broadcast a simple message which is stored as a string in a text ...
snow's user avatar
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Using PyDBUS to read BLE battery service

I tried to read battery service (0x180F) using pydbus and also via term but unable to find, setNotify or read the value. I tried to register-service under Menu GATT in Terminal running Bluetoothctl ...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
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How can I copy Bluetooth pairings from a working Raspbian to a fresh installation

How can I copy Bluetooth pairings from a working Raspbian to a fresh installation. Setting up on each new installation destroys existing pairings.
Milliways's user avatar
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Bluetooth Blues, Redux

NOTE: All questions here pertain to Raspberry Pi OS, Lite version I have asked a similar question here, without getting an answer. Eighteen months have passed, new information has come to light and I ...
Seamus's user avatar
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How can I make Raspberry Pi's Bluetooth discoverable to iPhone or iOS? [duplicate]

I've got a Raspberry Pi 4B, when I use an Android phone to connect to the Pi with Bluetooth, it works normally, both pairing and connection. But when I use an iPhone to do the same thing, the phone ...
ning's user avatar
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BLE connection timeout on Pi3 B+

With a Pi 3B and a Pi Zero I'm able to connect to a BLE device without problem, but if I try to connect to the same BLE device with a Pi 3B+ it connect and disconnect after 1s with a timeout error : ...
buildog's user avatar
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Pi 4 - How do I auto-connect to the bluetooth device with the strongest signal and send a file over bluetooth?

I am trying to connect to a bluetooth device with my Pi 4 via Bluetooth. Upon boot, I want the Pi 4 to automatically turn on its bluetooth and select the device with the strongest signal and then ...
snow's user avatar
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Running the Pi as a bluetooth host device rather than a client in python

I'm trying to find some example code for using the pi as a bluetooth device so that other devices can search for it and pair with it. Specifically I want to make it behave like a bicycle power meter ...
John Hunt's user avatar
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Share raspberry pi ethernet connection via bluetooth

So, basically I'm moving into a new flat for university and the only possibility to get internet access currently is through ethernet ports. I know you can do bluetooth tethering to get your ...
user124218's user avatar
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Connecting from an NRF52480 to a Raspberry Pi Zero

I too am trying to connect the NRF52840 (ItsyBitsy) to a Raspberry Pi Zero via bluetooth. As I am very new at this, I am having trouble where to start. What I do have running is the ItsyBitsy board ...
Brian Ross's user avatar
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I want to allow two instances of mPlayer to play music over a single bluetooth link to a speaker

I have an application which makes two uses of playing two files at the same time. The first is where it plays a white-noise file very quietly and continuously so that the sound-card does not go to ...
David Goddard's user avatar
2 votes
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How PowerOff Bluetooth on Pi4?

There's some information around disabling Bluetooth interface on boot for Raspberry Pi3 and previous, as described on this page: Disable power on Wifi and Bluetooth interfaces during boot? The same ...
Vinícius Valente's user avatar
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Pi Zero W Bluetooth Connection Getting Dropped

I have a Rpi Zero W with headless setup and I am trying to connect my bluetooth speaker into my Raspberry Pi W. I followed this Setup Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi I followed these steps to be exact 1. ...
Mark Estrada's user avatar
7 votes
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RPI 4B - Bluetooth unavailable on Ubuntu 20.04

I want to use Bluetooth on a Raspberry Pi 4B which has Bluetooth included. I used an Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit server image (using the Imager) mostly because I already know this OS. After a fresh install, ...
AymDev's user avatar
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What's the best solution to detect the coming of a person [closed]

I have a robot which should detect an approaching person and identify them in a range of about 1-3 meters. For that, the person should have something on their key ring, ideally without battery life ...
Dark Patate's user avatar
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Receive and send bluetooth audio to bluetooth device from Raspberry Pi 3

I have the Raspberry Pi 3 with the latest version of Raspbian Buster and I am looking for a way to have the RPi to receive Bluetooth Audio from a phone or laptop and output the audio to a bluetooth ...
Chris's user avatar
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Reading, converting Object Array

I am trying to compile : new_value = int(1500).to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') but it throws error in Python 3.5 and 3.8. I am new in python and couldn't find an explanation on this. And also how to ...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
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No audio from HDMI, Bluetooth, or Jack port (Raspberry Pi 4B)

new user here. Finally got around to using my raspberry pi 4B this week and I'm having troubles getting audio from all 3 methods mentioned in the title. I've researched here and there for hours about ...
wattawtashi's user avatar
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Trouble Connecting Raspberry Pi 4 to Android Phone Via Bluetooth

I've been trying to connect my Raspberry Pi 4 to an Android phone via Bluetooth by following these tutorials first tutorial, needs translation, second tutorial, and last tutorial. Since I currently ...
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