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Is there a way to control presets in Dante Controller using Raspberry Pi?

I'm looking to design a rail in my audio booth for my operators to hit for different presets in Dante Controller without actually having to open up the program to change settings. I am new with ...
Zack McDougall's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Model B shuts down when HAT is connected

I have been using the Raspberry Pi for a robotics project, and I'm using the Pimoroni Inventor HAT Mini ( as a way to power ...
MathCoder's user avatar
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Reuse old kindle display [duplicate]

Is it possible to reuse the e-ink display of some kindle models with the raspberry pi? I want to buy an used kindle from eBay, dismount the screen and use it with my raspberry pi. Are there HATs or ...
wahok's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1.1 missing piece

I recently posted asking for help troubleshooting my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1.1, which appears to be "bricked." After some investigation, I believe I may have found the issue, but I need ...
cascavelho's user avatar
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ARM SBC with Type-C with DP RX 1.4A for real-time video streaming

Is there even a single ARM SBC \ SoC that can be programmed and then, being connected via Type-C (like USB Hubs do) to a host, present itself like Headphones, Mic, LAN card, and the hardest thing - an ...
ieXcept's user avatar
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Debugging Coral Acclerator not found in `lspci` output

I have a mini PCIe Coral Accelerator. I've plugged it in to my Pi using a Pineboards Hat AI! with the FPC connector. Having installed the drivers following the Getting Started guide, I can't find the ...
moo's user avatar
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Raspberry Shake and Boom Down: What I tried. What else I can try?

I noticed on October 25 that my Raspberry Shake (AM.R3635) is down. It has been working fine for last several years and nothing changed in terms of internet connectivity. All the lights are glowing as ...
JessM's user avatar
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Going from Raspberry Pi to embedded / real products with SoC?

Imagine having built something like Amazon's Alexa yourself. You've used all that nice HTTP / network libraries for Python and other developer-friendly things. Maybe you are also using a Python ...'s user avatar
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USB to RS485 Module with MODBUS-RTU RS485 Soil Sensor on Raspberry Pi 4B

If I purchase 2 of the USB to RS485 Module from DFRobot ( and 2 types of soil sensors which require that USB converter (
User239847234984's user avatar
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Connect Rotary Encoder (5V) to Raspberry PI

I am trying to connect my Rotary Encoder to my Raspberry Pi. My Rotary Encoder has 4 Cables:A++,B++,VCC and 0V. Here is my Logical Converter:!Logical Converter](
Tony Macarony's user avatar
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Acceleration and Gyroscope read 0 on the ICM 20468

I'm trying to read from the ICM 20948 using a Pico W, however, whenever I read from the acceleration and gyroscope addresses I get 0. What could be the problem? imu.c void init_imu(IMU* imu) { ...
Noah Lott's user avatar
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How to turn off the display from the Raspberry Pi OS

I searched the web on information about turning off the display and controlling its brightness from within the raspberry pi OS, what I gathered is that it works on some displays and not in others. I'm ...
Movianlost's user avatar
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PI 4B stopped working after I possibly shorted 5V from USB PSU to USB ground casing. Any fixes?

I had the Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet using the GPIO pins on my Raspberry Pi 4B connecting to a 64x64 LED matrix. Everything was working well. Then I decided to try and add a little fan from an old PI ...
c1uq92's user avatar
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Pi Camera Breaking

I have a raspberry pi 4 and I am trying to connect a Camera Module 3 to the board. The Camera will work for a while, and then will stop working and will be bricked. The only time that I can see it ...
Tenat's user avatar
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Square signal generated by Pico has unexpected waveform

I developed a small program for the Raspberry Pico using the Wokwi online simulator but when I tried to use the actual device it didn't work. I started by debugging the signal generated with a logical ...
EliaB's user avatar
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PoE hat for PI 5

I have a poe hat (b) made by waveshare for my rpi 3/4. I really like it because of the oled display that outputs the IP adreess,cpu temps and things like that. My question is, is it compatible with ...
TheXed's user avatar
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Pi4J support of 16 channel PWM / Servo Hat

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 and am programming it with the brilliant Pi4J library To implement my table tennis robot project I need: 3 brushless dc motoros for the ball firing motors. 2 servos for up / ...
Simon B's user avatar
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2 answers

20mhz GPIO signal: possible on Raspberry Pi models?

I am wondering whether any model of the Raspberry Pi can reliably output an 8-bit 20mhz signal into 8 GPIO pins at the same time. Basically I am trying to read 8-bits from a file at a time out to 8 ...
Patrick Hennessey's user avatar
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Problem when testing module DAC MCP4922 with Raspberry Pi

I'm encountering an issue while testing a custom-designed DAC module that utilizes an MCP4922 chip as its primary processor. The vendor provided C language test code for ESP32-S3, but I intend to test ...
Hien_lee's user avatar
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Powering a RPi 4 a 6V Peristaltic motor (~4mA) and 2 12V Peristaltic motors wired to 8 Relay module from 12V variable power supply

I am creating a smart garden panel basically which is incorporating a RPi 4 as the brains and has 3 peristaltic motors. 2 of which are 12V and 1 is 6V which draws about 4mA of current to run, this is ...
J Dubb's user avatar
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Alternative Power Supply for Raspberry Pi 5 with 67 watt

I don't know why, but my original Raspberry power supply doesn't work anymore. I found a power supply at home, but it provides 67 watt instead of the original 27 watt. Is this a problem or could using ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Is the Raspberry Pi 5 Power Supply Compatible to the Pi 4

I need a new power supply for my Pi 4. Somewhen I will use a Raspberry Pi 5, but it needs the quite special Raspberry Pi 5 power supply. Is the Raspberry Pi 5 PSU (officially) compatible to the ...
Cellcon's user avatar
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Will a L298N Control a Maxxair RV Fan with a Raspberry Pi?

MaxxAir RV Exhaust fans are 12v DC motors with a 5 amp max draw. People have replaced the boards with these: ...
Matt Ralston's user avatar
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How do I put more than one pi on my network

as you can probably tell from my stupid question I am a rank beginner with the raspberry pi. I am very keen however as I am the proud owner of 5 raspberry pi 4's and 4 Rapsberry pi 5's (I am yet to ...
ozjohnno's user avatar
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Freezing in Raspberry Pi 3B+

I would like to inquire about the circumstances under which the Raspberry Pi 3B+ may experience freeze when connected to multiple devices via an Ethernet gateway (each of these devices having ...
Hien_lee's user avatar
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RasPi3B+ won't read SD cards

As stated the old rpi 3B+ worked fine until 1 boot where it no longer read the SD cards. (ACT light not lighting up at all, PWR light constantly on.) Happened after I tried swapping from dynamic IP to ...
Corran O's user avatar
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What sort of cap should I use for antenna connector?

I plan to use CM4 with a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth antenna. The antenna will be detachable from housing of the designed product. What sort of a cap should I use? Options are shorting and non-shorting. Edit: CM4 ...
maciek's user avatar
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Using Raspberry Pi to control light dimmer switch

In my house I have my lights hooked up to an ELKO 400GLI. I've not found good spec sheets for it online, but what it seems to do is control the brightness of the lights using a copper coil. What I ...
SirAchesis's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi hardware ( water Pump + soil moisture)

I have a water pump for Raspberry Pi ( that I want to use. Do I need a relay module for this water pump to make it work with ...
Huzzy's user avatar
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Hooking up a rotary encoder to raspberry pi 4

There are a ton of questions on this, and I'm pretty new at working with rotary encoders. I purchased this one Taiss E38S6-600-24G, thinking (incorrectly I might add) that it would be a simple thing ...
Greg W's user avatar
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Is there any way to give the Pi hardware HEVC or AV1 real-time encode support?

I’ve been working on a project for a while that requires streaming video off of the Pi over cell data with as little latency as possible. In my case the Pi4/CM4 does not have fast enough H.264 ...
OldAmmo's user avatar
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Slow pigpio, much slower than RPi.GPIO

I'm developing a system based on Raspberry pi 4B, with a 32-bit Bullseye OS. I'm using pigpio for SPI and GPIO, and I have observed that the delay between command executions is huge. I have run a ...
kubajed's user avatar
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How can I run a Raspberry Pi for a long time without disk failures?

I tried running Pis on SD cards. Those failed after days. Then, I switched to USB thumb drives. I tested two models only so far (Store 'n' Stay NANO and SanDisk Ultra Fit, 32 GB). They fail within ...
LiterallyCode's user avatar
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What is the board to board connector of CM4 to IO board?

I'm trying to draw a new board for hobby project that utilize the CM4 (Compute Module 4). However, I didn't found any footprint for the connector module of the board to board connector between CM4 and ...
Weishan Yang's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 8GB not booting Rasbian (green led blinking 3 long, 3 short; 3lL/3S - "I2C error - Pi 4")

For starters, this is the exact product I purchased. I'm not from the US and I have little access to RPis, so I bought it during my vacation (around Dez 20). It's a RPi model 4B, 8GB and what seemed a ...
Fabio Freitas's user avatar
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Controlling multiple electromagnets from one Raspberry Pi

I have a need to build a spring mounted table, 12" square solid top in red, springs in blue and bottom in green, as in the diagram I need to place a solid ball on the top board so it rolls ...
Nicholas Walton's user avatar
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Did the Raspberry Pi 5 drop hardware encoding support?

Does the upcoming Raspberry Pi 5 have any hardware acceleration for video encoding? The technical specifications only list HEVC decoding, but there's no mention of hardware encoders. The reviews I've ...
zorleone's user avatar
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Video decoding HW acceleration broken in Kodi on Raspberry Pi 4 after upgrading to Raspberry Pi OS 12 (Bookworm)

Hardware video decoding worked fine on Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye with its Kodi 19.1. Now that I upgraded it to Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (Kodi 20.1) (which, as I realized, hasn't been released yet) it ...
Petr's user avatar
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Capacitive Touch Controller Help

hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. I've done some research but feel a bit stuck. My intention is to use an Android Tablet I found on Ebay as a Homeassitant dashboard, bought it with ...
Christopher Adkins's user avatar
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How to physically remove WiFi from 4B?

I am closely following Scott Young's training on working with deep focus. I have a new 8GB Raspberry Pi 4B along with an Samsung 870 SSD and NVMe to USB 3 converter - I am working just right. But as ...
R J.'s user avatar
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Are BCM2711's CPUs always running in 'secure' world?

If SoC's don't use TrustZone, according to this answer it means that the CPU starts in the 'secure' world but does not change to the 'normal' one. Is this the case with the Raspberry Pi 4's BCM2711? ...
Misalis's user avatar
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I2C Device is not detected

Another issue arises since my last question which I have not solved yet. I am trying to use SGP40 sensor on Raspi4 the sensor has built-in pull up 10k resistors in both SCL and SDA, the sensor VLogic ...
Zak's user avatar
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How to interface 6 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors rasberry pi

I am a beginner to Rasberry Pi and working on a parking warning system for a go-kart. The plan is to use 6 ultrasonic sensors (3 at the front of the kart and 3 at the back) to achieve distance ...
Pasindu Danthanarayana's user avatar
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Avrdude with Pi3B problem with dependencies

I've installed the newest version OS, but now I have to fix connection with my additional components. I have to install avrdude_5.10-4_armhf.deb. I always used this tutorial. However when I try ...
Dafik's user avatar
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SOLVED OSError: [Errno 5] EIO wit a raspberry pi pico

I am using the Raspberry Pi Pico with this code: #Pico Invaders! # # TODO : Implement alien shots, Shields, Sound from machine import Pin, I2C, ADC, PWM from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C import time ...
Hogarth's user avatar
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HDMI port on old raspberry pi physically hot when ran on batteries?

I have a pi with a step-down and some batteries and for some reason the hdmi is the hottest part, even when I don't have a hdmi plugged in? Could somebody explain
Desmond's user avatar
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JamHat Button latching & timing

replacement question posted for clarity. I am trying to use JamHat buttons to direct my Python 3 Robot program. A typical code snippet demonstrates the problem. Run the snippet with the indicated ...
Roger Mckee's user avatar
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CamJam LED HAT buttons do not latch

I'm using the CamJam Jam Hat, 6 LED, 2 Button, 1 Buzzer HAT. Research found simple scripts which run and easily find Button presses. Inserting the same code in a larger program and checking the same ...
Roger Mckee's user avatar
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Dead Raspberry Pi, Rev 1.4, please help me identify model of the chip [duplicate]

Hi! I am trying to fix shorted out Raspberry Pi 4B and I identified this chip as bad (Running extremely hot while Raspberry looks dead). The chip itself is scratched and protected from reading model ...
TekuSP's user avatar
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Powering Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Multiple Attachments: Recommendations for Portability

Ok so I'll try and keep this short and sweet. Basically, I have all these attachments for my Raspberry Pi 3B+ Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen Case for Touchscreen w/ Cooling Fan Raspberry Pi Camera ...
Liebmann5's user avatar

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