Questions tagged [cvlc]

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Help! cec-ctl and vlc fullscreen seems to be mutually exclusive

Is it possible for cec-ctl (NOT cec-client) to work with VLC fullscreen (vlc --fullscreen) from the CLI? NOTE: I am not interested in running VLC from the Desktop. In my case, VLC is started by ...
Thuddwin Smith's user avatar
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Looping video on startup

I have keyboard and screen connected to my raspberry pi. I want to try running a video on a loop on startup (I do not want to install desktop environment to do so). In the past I have successfully ...
Quillion's user avatar
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Problem using vlc without X

After having used OMXPlayer for many years, I am now trying to install vlc for command line on a Raspberry Pi B+ (Buster Lite) without X: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install ...
Eddy Sorngard's user avatar
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Creating a "video black" gap between videos

Is it possible to play a series of video files without showing the desktop or console between each video? I would be fine with simply displaying a black screen for a split second. I do see that there ...
moorej's user avatar
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How to wrap a H264 stream to a MP4 container

I have successfully streamed an h264 video over the local network with this command. raspivid -o - -t 0 -n -w 1280 -h 720 -vf -vs -fps 30 -b 3500000 | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{...
Rex Low's user avatar
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RTSP Webcam stream video+audio

Im trying to stream audio and video using cvlc from a Logitech C920 using RTSP, I have got video to work but not audio. cvlc --sout=#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/} 'v4l2:///dev/video0:chroma=H264:width=1280:...
rtm516's user avatar
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VLC - Unable to open MRL 'v4l2:///dev/video0'

I have been trying to stream live webcam footage from my PS3 eye toy (connected to RPI through USB). I downloaded VLC and ran: vlc 4l2:///dev/video0 But I keep running into the error VLC is ...
Vedant's user avatar
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Get h264 from Webcam Logitech C922

I've read multiple threads about streaming a Logitech C920 Webcam via raspberry pi with cvlc using basically this command: cvlc v4l2:///dev/video1:chroma=h264:width=800:height=600 --sout '#standard{...
Gotschi's user avatar
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VLC Python bindings don't work on PiZero with Justboom DAC Zero

I am trying to setup an audio player in Python using bindings, but the simplest of code seems to throw an error. I want it running headless so I am trying all my experiments over SSH. Code ...
sumitkm's user avatar
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VLC player streaming doesn't starts when shell script executed from php file

My project is to start RASPI camera streaming from Android APP. When android app clicks a button, HTTP POST method accesses a PHP page on RASPI. This PHP page executes shell script which opens VLC to ...
Faiz's user avatar
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Directing mjpeg video to file w/ cvlc

I'm trying to capture full field of view video from my Raspberry Pi camera (by full field-of-view I mean video that uses the full 2592x1944 set of pixels on the image sensor but that is downsampled to ...
gboy's user avatar
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Jessie: v4l2 streaming works with RPi 1B+, but not with 2B or 3B

I just recently upgraded my series of Pi's (1B+, 2B, 3B) to Raspbian Jessie Lite. Now, when I try to setup a stream with my Pi NoIR Camera as I did in Wheezy, sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 cvlc v4l2:///...
Christian's user avatar
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Stream using VLC and fifo file

I have a Rapberry Pi (model B), wired connected on network. I want to stream using raspistill and save loop jpeg picture into a fifo file. In the other side I want to read this fifo file with VLC, ...
Jérémy's user avatar
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Working cvlc A/V stream

I am able to get audio or video, but not both (I am relatively unfamiliar with the 5k lines of VLC options). /usr/bin/nohup /opt/vc/bin/raspivid -mm matrix -br 60 -co 10 --nopreview -qp 30 -b 200000 -...
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