Questions tagged [database]

an organized collection of data. The term is usually also used for a database management system (DBMS), the software application that allows the user to interact with the database, including definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases.

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11 votes
5 answers

locale settings Issues

I'm trying to connect to psql using the below command but receiving message about unset local setting how could one solve it. pi@raspberrypi ~/develop/radar $ psql -U postgres perl: warning: ...
Jorge Vidinha's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to configure a Web Server that can display data from my Raspberry PI?

I would like to know how to configure a web server that can display data. The data would come from the Raspberry Pi and Windows Azure.
user3127380's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should I avoid using WP with some sort of visual composer when hosting on my Rapberry Pi 4? Is there a better and equally easy approach?

I've been told a WP-install can easily consume 2 Gigs of memory when editing in visual composers in WP. When my Pi only has 4 GB available and on top on that I'm running MariaDB (NOT Nginx), then ...
IT Blacksmith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to connect a geophone to RaspberryPi?

I'm a seismic geophysicist and would like to attach a geophone - which is basically a transducer - to any type of RP. The types and costs of geophones are both variable and extensive (in some cases). ...
nate's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can Rpi3B+ read the output of the 801s vibration sensor module?

Currently I'm trying to do a project using rpi 3b+ with 801s vibration sensor using this tutorial I'm beginner with rpi and ...
QQila's user avatar
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