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Raspberry Pi 2 NEON instruction set, vector report generation?

Lately I have been trying to generate a vector report of an OpenCV project implemented on the raspberry pi 2 model B, but for some reason there is no output. The same algorithm produces vector report ...
Ragesam's user avatar
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Error compiling kernel using guide provided on Raspberry Pi website

I'm encountering errors while trying to compile the kernel from source. I've looked around but I'm not finding anything that deals with the error I'm seeing specifically. I am using the guide on the ...
nerdenator's user avatar
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trying to build file with gcc getting several errors [closed]

I have the code below I am trying to build #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include signal.h #include wiringPi.h #include softPwm.h void control_event(int sig); int HARD_PWM_PIN=1; Hardware PWM ...
Yamaha32088's user avatar
3 votes
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Compiling for CPAN not possible on raspbian?

I'm trying to install the Perl module Linux::Inotify2. The installation requires some C compiling. Which compiler CPAN uses is the same one Perl was compiled with. Which one that is can be seen with: ...
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