Questions tagged [ada]

"A structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages." (Wikipedia)

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Is there a toolchain to the Pico 20240 available for Ada?

For nostalgia's sake I was just unearthing some of my Ada texts from the 80's when I came upon this site Ada on the Raspberry Pi Pico. GNAT Ada is available easy enough for RaspberryOS though having a ...
Nick's user avatar
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Developing in Ada 2012 in Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi

I would like to develop in Ada 2012 in Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi. I would prefer not to install the GPS on the Raspberry Pi, at least , not at first; not least because I want a headless Pi and to ...
Mawg's user avatar
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2 answers

How can we make interesting projects with the Ada and the Raspberry pi 3? [closed]

I am working with the raspberry pi3 around 4 months and it is working fine.Now i need to use Ada programming language with the Raspberry pi 3 for making interesting projects.Can any one push me to the ...
Nekhil's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi and Ada Compiler (gnat on Raspbian) - GPIO

I am looking for programming examples written in Ada (gnat) to access GPIO. I just started using a RPi3 with Raspbian, works fine. Then installed the gnat compiler and my first programs (simple tests ...
jmlietaer's user avatar