Questions tagged [gstreamer]

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7 votes
2 answers

How to install and use GStreamer on latest Raspbian?

I have downloaded the latest version of Raspbian today, in the hope of being able to download and use GStreamer. I need to use GStreamer to stream video across to another computer with minimal delay,...
Arun's user avatar
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1 answer

Take 5 images a second, triggered by motion sensor, switching between 2 cameras depending on time

I'm working on a project similar to a security camera with a Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module v2 and a FLIR Lepton 3.5 on a purethermal 2. I am somewhat new to this and am not sure how to proceed. ...
Ben0547's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
2 answers

Webcam input / display using gstreamer

I have connected Logitech C170 webcam to one of the USB port of raspi and I can confirm it is working using the motion utility. I have also installed gstreamer (sudo apt-get install -y gstreamer1.0-...
Urmil Parikh's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Gstreamer doesn't work (shows the same image everytime)

I'm trying to connect an IP Camera to my gtk+ application. In order to accomplish this I'm using gstreamer with videooverlay like in this tutorial. The problem I have is the video doesn't run and ...
R. Rodrigues's user avatar