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Network routing between wlan0 (access point) and wlan1 (internet connection) not working

for the past three days I have been trying to create a WiFi relay with my PiZero to then make into a Tor Router following a variety of guides online. I am using the built-in wlan0 as the access point ...
underAlex's user avatar
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How does 'iptables rules table' work with hotspot?

I'm using iptables rule for censorship. I created hotspot.When I try to connect website on raspberry with mother network, It's working. But I try on pc with hotspot my iptable rules isn't working. ...
a.gulcan's user avatar
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Raspbian Stretch iptables: Can't redirect all requests to localhost on pi

I have a private hotspot running on the raspberry based on RASPAP, which is working perfectly. Now I wish to automatically direct all the users who connect to this wifi towards a locally hosted ...
Mohsin Anees's user avatar
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cannot forward from wlan interface to another wlan interface

I have two wlan interfaces: wlan0 wlan1. wlan0 is an AP managed by hostapd, where as wlan1 is a normal wifi interface, which is connected to my home router via wpa_supplicant. Additionally I have my ...
Scrumplex's user avatar
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Open Splash Page After Connecting to Wifi Hotspot

I'm using my pi3 to display a local "website" as described here Making a Raspberry Pi 3 accessible w/o configuration via WiFi and static IP/URL. Therefore, I'm creating a hotspot with the pi. This ...
Andi Giga's user avatar
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forwarding ports from eth0 to wlan0

I have a raspberry pi 3 which is set up as a wifi ap using hostapd and dnsmasq sharing the eth0 which is connected to an ADSL modem. My laptop is connected to this wifi ap. I have set up vnc servers ...
Jonathan Smith's user avatar