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Help in setup for RPi3 for internet connection sharing to eth0 and wlan0 (from eth1)

I have already setup the RPi3 for share my internet connection (from eth1 usb ethernet dongle) to my eth0 (Rpi3 internal ethernet port). The "ASCII diagram" is this: Internet -> Fiber Router (192....
user105815's user avatar
4 votes
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VPN Passthrough two ethernet interface

I'm a quite new in the network my internet acces have a proxy so to by-pass it I use a VPN hosted on my VPS. I use the OpenVPN Client software for all my devices. (Windows, Android, Linux) I got a ...
Misteralex007's user avatar
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Faking an internet connection on an access point

I'm working on a project where a Raspberry Pi creates its own access point running a Flask server, but will not have an internet connection. I set up the iptables so that when the user tries to ...
Andrew Langley's user avatar
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2 answers

Give fix bandwidth to all ip address for internet, but exclude local apache server

I have installed chilli, apache2, hostapd in raspberry pi. User can connect hostspot created by hostapd. Captive portal will open asking id password(because of chilli). Once user sign in, user ...
hardik sharma's user avatar
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How to configure RPI as access point?

All my life, I've been using Adafruit tutorial on How to set PRI as access point, but in the latest release the /etc/network/interfaces file looks diffrent. After following tutorial and reboot, RPI ...
ktototaki's user avatar
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Raspberry pi has ip address, not connecting to internet

I have my raspberry pi running on raspbian jessie lite. I have created a hotspot on my windows machine and connected my raspberry pi to the hotspot. The pi has got an ip address assigned to it, but ...
seetharaman's user avatar
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forwarding ports from eth0 to wlan0

I have a raspberry pi 3 which is set up as a wifi ap using hostapd and dnsmasq sharing the eth0 which is connected to an ADSL modem. My laptop is connected to this wifi ap. I have set up vnc servers ...
Jonathan Smith's user avatar
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Preventing my rasberry pi 2 from routing traffic over the internet

I have my raspberry pi 2 connected via Ethernet to our router which is connected to the internet. The Pi 2 is used as a media server but I would like to be able to ssh to the pi 2 and disable and ...
Rick T's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

RPi as Internet Gateway/Bridge

Can I use RPi as Internet Gateway/Bridge, with the possibility to control the network bandwidth depending upon local IP? I would like to setup as follows, and I tried the tutorial at http://...
Snazzy Sanoj's user avatar