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Windows Ping Problem

I seem to be having a strange problem with my Raspberry Pi - I can ssh to the Pi, but the Pi cannot ping the computer I am ssh'ing from (Windows firewall allows ICMP packets). I have the Pi configured ...
Billy Kalfus's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Tor router without WLAN

I have Raspberry Pi 1 model B+ with Raspbian Wheezy. I bought a USB2-Ethernet adapter and decided to create hardware Tor routing. What I mean by hardware routing: The Raspberry Pi will be in middle ...
Avaruuskadetti's user avatar
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RPi B+ with WiFi clients

I have my RPi B+ "working" as a Wireless Router, except for the routing part. I can associate to the WLAN0 side of the RPi but traffic doesn't go through to the eth0 side. Routing Table: Kernel ...
Onyxdragun's user avatar
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After I remove swapfile, I can't do anything! How can I revert this problem?

How can I extend the life of my SD card? I run 2 commands in sudo su mode, and restart my pi. What I run: # swapoff --all # apt-get remove dphys-swapfile # reboot After that, I notice that I can't ...
Jerry's user avatar
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