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Questions tagged [keyboard]

A keyboard allows a user to send characters to the Raspberry Pi, a common input device.

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Stream Studio Controller that has LCD keys with Raspberry Pi+Python

I want to use a studio keypad that has LCD keys (like this) as a keyboard raspberry pi. There are 2 parts to this: being able to have each key display a certain image, and being able to recognize ...
Kovy Jacob's user avatar
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How to make CAPSLOCK into a CONTROL (CTRL) key in Raspberry Pi 5 OS running Wayland and labwc

Running Raspberry Pi-5 with Wayland (and labwc). Would like to use CAPSLOCK key as a control key. The suggested techniques below do not appear to work. They are all pretty old. Is there a way that ...
Art Swri's user avatar
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Raspberry 5 won't boot without a keyboard (but with a display connected) [closed]

I'm running a half headless set-up where I have a screen attached to a Raspberry Pi, but no keyboard. It runs Kodi (installed just as a regular Debian package from the repo) and is controlled using a ...
Petr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to connect Bluetooth Keyboard through SSH on a Raspberry Zero 2 W? [closed]

I have the situation: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W setup with WIFI connection but no keyboard attached as no micro USB hub avaiable I can SSH into my Raspberry PI Zero from another machine I have a ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
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Can you transfer data through a raspberry to a PC?

I want to plug my mouse into a Raspberry 4 / 5, and plug the Raspberry into my PC via USB, is it possible to transfer my mouse data trough the Raspberry to my PC, while the Raspberry corrects my mouse ...
smith's user avatar
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Keyboard keys still messed up after changing locale

Some keys on the keyboard output the wrong characters even after going to Prefs > Raspberry Pi Configuration > Localisation and setting the locale to US, timezone to NY, keyboard to Generic 105 ...
A__'s user avatar
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Use a Raspberry Pi 400 to emulate keystrokes on a Mac, based on video input

I am looking to do an ambitious project using RP 400. I want to be able to “press” left and right key on my Mac based on a video input. For example press left everytime a light is red and right if it ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Rpi4 as a mouse and keyboard hid with circuit python to a win10 pc

0 I am looking to control a windows 10 computer with a raspberry pi4, as a mouse and keyboard. I already have the power thing handled, with a usb power blocking but data through connector. I am just ...
partyexpress's user avatar
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Remapping Keyboard xmodmap

I am trying to remap some keys on this keyboard. It is missing the control key, and I have attempted to use xmodmap, but without success. For example, when I check the button settings using xev, it ...
bran's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Keyboard and Mouse with KVM switch not working

I want to connect multiple Raspberry Pis with a single display, mouse and keyboard through a KVM switch and have the following equipment: Raspberry Pi x 2 RP Keyboard and mouse x 1 Display x 1 KVM ...
Tabz's user avatar
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Can I use this keyboard with a Raspberry Pi?

I am wondering if it is possible to use this keyboard with a raspberry pi b+, I soldered the USB cable to the receiver but is not detected on a windows computer, thank you in advance.
bran's user avatar
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Use Raspberry Pi Zero WH as keyboard HID driver at boot

Background My keyboard, a Majestouch Convertible 2, has Bluetooth capabilities such that it can connect up to 4 devices. My primary driver and the 1st device the keyboard is connected to is my desktop,...
twelfth's user avatar
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How do I run a python script that polls for user input on boot?

I'm reasonably familiar with software, and wanted to help my friend with their cosplay project, which was using this RGB matrix and toggling between different images using this mini three-key keyboard....
Calvin Godfrey's user avatar
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python script for 4x4 keypad, some buttons not working

I'm trying to use a python script to make a connection with my 4x4 keypad on Raspberry (RPi.GPIO). The code does not work correctly, because the first and second rows do not respond. I'm trying to use ...
Jorge Augusto Wilchen's user avatar
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RPI4 fails to transmit nor receive data within the Keyboard&Mouse

I am facing a critical problem with my Raspberry Pi 4 B(8GB) after using rpi-update (which installed a bugged kernel and kept on overloading the processor and the Green LED kept on lighting ...
Zorono's user avatar
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Pi 400 key cap replacements [closed]

I ordered 6 raspberry pi400s for my class of elementary school students a couple of months ago. Already some of the key caps have broken off and I’m sure this is going to continue. I’m looking for the ...
OsakaStarbux's user avatar
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My mouse and keyboard have no effect on Raspberry Pi 4b

I bought an SD card from PiHut, I formatted it, I then installed raspbian, then I plugged it into raspberry pi 4b and plugged mouse and keyboard in, powered up monitor and pi, it gets to the starter ...
TV47's user avatar
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QR-Code scanner connected to raspberry pi 4 does not execute command

I have set up a raspberry pi and connected a QR-Code scanner via a dongle to it so the QR-Code scanner acts as keyboard. The scanner is set up to send my-command as prefix and then whatever is coded ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Does Raspberry Pi required official keyboard for wired ones? [closed]

I am having a kernel error but even though I have tried many regular wired keyboards, raspberry couldn’t either recognize or power the keyboards. I wonder whether raspberry requires its official wired ...
Nihat's user avatar
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Cannot install florence

I'm no expert on this at all but I was trying to set up a pop up keyboard and have tried the matchbox keyboard which is fine, but I'm told florence keyboard pops up automatically. I'm using a ...
styleruk's user avatar
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Bluetooth keyboard and mouse not responding properly Pi4

I got Pi4 for about a year now. I have a keyboard+mouse combo with one bluetooth dongle. It had been working perfectly fine but now there are problems. If I take the keyboard and mouse closer to the ...
Zakk Mathias's user avatar
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Scrolling the Raspberry Pi 400 console

In console mode (without any GUI running), the usual key combination for scrolling is Shift+Page Up/Down. However, on the Raspberry Pi 400, this combination, which should map to Shift+Fn+Up/Down, ...
finitud's user avatar
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OSMC media center responding to volume buttons on TV in unknown fashion

I have an OSMC/Kodi media center set up with a raspberry pi 3, and I discovered to my surprise that pressing the volume buttons on the LG TV actually causes the raspberry pi to respond, but not with ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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Can I access the keyboard in a virtual environment that was not created with sudo?

I have a script which uses the arrows on the keyboard to provide user input. The script required the keyboard package to be installed with pip install keyboard. The script works fine outside the ...
kimv's user avatar
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Virtual keyboard with auto show feature

I want a virtual keyboard that opens up automaticly when editing a textbox or similar. (Just like on the phone) and closes again when something outside of a textbox is in focus. First I found that '...
sirzento's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I set Raspberry Pi keyboard layout with a one line command?

During installation I just want to run a set of commands and not do all the settings with raspi-config. How can I set the keyboard layout just with the command line without any further interaction / ...
Kai Walter's user avatar
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Wireless mouse only works in one USB port

I´m trying to use one of those cheap wireless mini keyboard/trackpad units with my Raspberry Pi 3B. The device works well if plugged in any PC port and - if I plug the receiver in the right USB port (...
OttoCarv's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4b choppy mouse and keyboard input

I just purchased a Raspberry Pi 4b with 4 GB of RAM. It came with a power supply and a 16 GB microSD card with Pi OS (Raspbian) pre-installed. I started it up and ran through the initial ...
dougp's user avatar
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Keylogger in raspy?

Is there any way I could use my Raspberry Pi as a keylogger of a PC? Like getting the input of the PC's keyboard to a raspy plugged to the computer via usb. Thanks!
PepitoGrillo's user avatar
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Keyboard input in Raspberry Pi

I would like to get a keyboard input in my Raspi, but i wouldn't like to plug a keyboard to it. If I've connected my Raspberry pi 3 to a PC, is there any possibility to use PC's keyboard both in the ...
PepitoGrillo's user avatar
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3 answers

How to disable F1 for Chromium Help?

I am trying to run my Raspberry Pi as a kiosk and users keep hitting F1 which opens Google Help. How do I disable this? For reference I am running the following on boot chromium-browser --kiosk --app=...
cubecubed's user avatar
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How to install .deb of virtual keyboard on rpi zero (no internet)

I'm following this answer: on how to install a virtual keyboard on rpi zero without internet access. cd /boot sudo dpkg -i matchbox* <- don't ...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
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Wireless keyboard & mouse receiver only recognized as a mouse receiver (Rpi 4 ubuntu 21.04)

I have a USB receiver that's for both a keyboard and a mouse. When I plug it in to a computer, it works perfectly. But when I plug it in to my raspberry pi 4, the wireless keyboard doesn't work while ...
Παναγιώτης Θ's user avatar
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Simulating a Keypad with Raspberry PI

I have an electronic Lock I want to open with my Raspberry PI 3B+. Therefore I measured the Voltage that is sent from the Keypad to the Lock. Each Number has its own Voltage. (0 = 0.00V, 1 = 0.06V... ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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What is the Raspberry Pi key for on the PI 400?

I have a new Raspberry PI 400. What is the 'Raspberry Pi key' for? - between 'Fn and 'Alt' -. I cannot find it anywhere on the web.
Chris Dart's user avatar
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Mapping Mac CMD key to Ctrl on Raspberry Pi

I frequently go between a Macbook and a Raspberry Pi and trying to switch between CMD+C and Ctrl+C is a constant source of frustration. The Raspberry Pi is running Raspbian and I am guessing there is ...
Tom Pinchen's user avatar
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Why with Raspian 10 buster my locale keeps changing to POSIX on reboot?

I have been trying hard to set my locale on my Raspberry Pi4 with Raspian 10 buster with these steps: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export ...
Ben Muircroft's user avatar
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Remote keyboard emulator over mobile web page?

Is there (preferably open source) solution to emulate keyboard and mouse using web page - preferably working on the smartphone. The main goal is not to have to install anything on smartphone. I would ...
mazurnification's user avatar
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Pi Zero W: Connect keyboard AND act as hidg0 keyboard?

I have my Pi Zero W acting as a keyboard via the /dev/hidg0 method. That works fine. However, I'd also like to connect a keyboard to the Pi at the same time to control the Pi without using SSH. What ...
John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Usb not working on RPI4B [closed]

Keyboard and mouse and hub not working. I have acess via SSH and VNC though my laptop. The pi cannot see all that. I tried lsusb but nothing shows up except Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux ...
lensys's user avatar
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japanese input on pi 400

i'd like to type in japanese on my pi 400, but i can't seem to get it to work. i do have japanese fonts; if i load a japanese website or text file, they display properly, but i can't seem to type in ...
Meredeth B's user avatar
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RaspberryPI 400: Where is the @ and the € symbol on the German version?

On a German RaspberryPI 400 with Raspbian OS also set to German: What are the keyboard shortcuts for the @ and the € characters?
SePröbläm's user avatar
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How to remap a keypress to one with a modifier?

I am trying to remap my backspace key to control backspace. I remap the rest of my keyboard using xmodmap and I'm not sure how to remap one key to a key combination (ctrl + backspace). Please let me ...
Jack N's user avatar
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How to remap keys on Raspberry Pi 4

I type using a Norman keyboard layout instead of the typical QWERTY one, so for example, where one would normally press the J key, I press the N key. How can I remap the keyboard in the Raspberry Pi ...
Jack N's user avatar
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Console login when password contains British Pound Sterling (£) character

When setting up my Pi, I set my password before changing the keyboard type and layout and rebooting. My password now contains a British Pound Sterling (£) symbol where I had intended to type an ...
screwtop's user avatar
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No tilde on apple wireless keyboard

Keyboard model Works fine except that I cannot generate a tilde. The ~ key gives me a >
forestDM's user avatar
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How do I make Barrier run on startup?

So every time I start up my Raspberry Pi I have to unplug my mouse from my main PC into my Raspberry Pi 4 and manually open up barrier so that I don't have to use 2 set of KB&M but I want to cut ...
crypto rick's user avatar
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mplayer does not recognize input.conf

I am trying to control mplayer 1.3.0 (Debian) with the mouse. After installing, the input.conf file at ~/.mplayer was missing, so I created one. However, mplayer still does not react to the ...
marsman's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 400 as external keyboard via USB [duplicate]

Is it possible to use the raspberry pi 400 as an external keyboard on another PC or tablet using the USB-C (OTG) feature?
MisterGin's user avatar
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Changed my keyboard layout and now I can't type my password

Beginner here. I noticed my keyboard was using different characters and went through a guide indicating how to change keyboard layouts. I thought I chose US correctly. In any case, I rebooted and ...
kailoon's user avatar
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