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Questions tagged [led]

An LED, a light emitting diode, is a light source often used as an indicator.

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Why does my Pico bult-in LED not flash?

I have reduced my RPi Pico config to the absolute simplest: No jumper wires, swapped the USB cable, swapped to an unused Pico re-installed Thonny (version 4.1.6), under Windows 11 flashed MicroPython ...
davesedar's user avatar
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Pi with LED Matrix not working properly

I've bought a 64x64 LED Matrix Display, an Adafruit bonnet and a Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb. I have set everything up and tested the Display and set all pixels to red. But only the first and the third quarter ...
Kelimon's user avatar
-1 votes
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I want to send a message using LoRa SX1278 using raspberry pi 4 as a receiver and LoRa SX1278 with raspberry pi 5 as its transmitter. we have downloaded git clone from the following link: https://...
tiara padma's user avatar
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How do I connect 12V WS2811 LED's to Raspberry Pi (I accidentally bought a 5V power source)

I realized later that I bought 12V LED's instead of 5V LED's. So I bought a 5V power source and a 74AHCT125 - Quad Level-Shifter (3V to 5V) so I could connect the LED's to the pi. My question is will ...
willem12's user avatar
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How to use rgbmatrix and rpi-rf repos

My project is a LED matrix scoreboard. I've got a Raspberry Pi Zero W and an Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet. I'd like to use an MX-RM-5V receiver and 2 radio buttons to change the home and away scores and ...
Szilárd Nagy's user avatar
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Video glitching and gpio pin problems. Faulty Pi or low voltage?

I have 12 externally powered neopixels connected to one of the gpio pins of my RPi3B+ which in turn is powered by a (supposedly) 2.5A power supply and hooked up to a small 1024x600 LCD display (...
Jkh2's user avatar
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2 answers

Have Pico turn lights on at sunset and turn off at 2am next morning

I am still new, but trying to learn. i have been piecing this together, and i'm not getting anywhere. i hope this can be done easier then what i have. the end goal is have the pico get the current ...
AmongTheShadows's user avatar
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New to Python and Raspberry pi's

So i have started to play with the pi pico w and using them to light up some of my lego sets. this is the first time doing this, so i'm very new to coding in Python. i have all a total of 11 lights ...
AmongTheShadows's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Turn Off Red Idle LED Light on Raspberry Pi 4 When Device is Turned Off

On a Raspberry Pi 4, and I've noticed that the red idle LED light remains on even when the device is turned off. While I understand this might be a default behavior, I'm looking for a way to turn off ...
user3607022's user avatar
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w2812b led strip flashing except when touching data line

I'm working on a led script with a w2812b strip and a pizero. I have a cap on between the data and ground and a resistor on the data line. When I run the script the strip flashes seemingly randomly, ...
pizzadog's user avatar
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raspberry pi red solid gren blink once

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB everytime when I power green light blinks once and the red solid light is on. I connected to the HDMI screen and there is no output on the screen. I tried restoring the ...
Mubashir's user avatar
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sysfs pwm: corresponding pins and LED driving

Using a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:21:37 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux I would like to drive an LED with pwm. There are two couples of GPIO pins which ...
BowPark's user avatar
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using logic level converter between my led ring and raspi 4 but it is not working

I am working on a small project where I am using a SparkFun Lumini LED Ring. The power supply for the ring is external, connected via its own cable and power adapter. The link of the datasheet of the ...
xcido's user avatar
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Control multiple addressable RGB LED Strips (ws2812) with Raspberry PI

I'm building a project where I would like to control multiple addressable RGB LED strips with Raspberry Pi Zero. Initially I've done everything using PWM0 (pins 12, 18) and PWM1 (13, 19), however now ...
Victor Buldakov's user avatar
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WS2812B LED strip problems

For starters, I'm using a generic 5 meter, 30 pixels/meter, 5V WS2812B LED strip. I've got a 5V/20A (100W) power supply as well. I'm using the adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel library, and my code I've ...
Devin Gardner's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Controlling and Powering 12v LEDs

Disclaimer: this is my first PI project, and at the moment I have only a basic knowledge of circuitry, so please be gentle. I'm looking to construct a device using a PI 3B+ that'll be housed outdoors ...
Pete's user avatar
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how do i run a script when the cpu gets too hot [duplicate]

i need to send commands to my hats that control fans and a little warning LED if the cpu goes above or below a specified state of temperature
Robert Cotterman's user avatar
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2 answers

Where to find LED values of the Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Learning Kit?

I am getting started with a pico and I got the Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Learning Kit from waveshare ( It ...
Another_coder's user avatar
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WS2812B addressable led does not turn on after a certain point

I control thousands of leds using WS2812B led with Raspberry Pi 3. But since I have two different led types (both ws2212b), I use two different pins. Logically, I connected a 5V 10A power supply to ...
python_student's user avatar
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Missing /sys/class/leds/led0 and /sys/class/leds/led1 directories on Pi3 Model B Rev 1.2?

I have two RPis one 3B Model 1.2 one 4B. I set up both as subnet routers for Tailscale and wanted to turn off both the Power/Activity and Ethernet LEDs (all the LEDs). I put PiOS 64 Lite (Bullseye) on ...
jksmurf's user avatar
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Using MAX7219 Dot Matrix module with Luma.Led on different GPIOs

I have a MAX7219 dot matrix module (this one) that I'm trying to run on my Raspberry Pi 4 with the Luma.LED library. Its documentation suggests the following GPIOs/pins be used: Board Pin Name ...
Vroni's user avatar
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ACT LED stops blinking, Raspberry Pi booting and reading from card as always

I couldn't find a similar situation. I noticed that the ACT LED on the motherboard of my Raspberry Pi 4 stopped working. I used to see it blinking while restarting the Pi, now it's gone. It is ...
andrewt's user avatar
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RPi 3B not booting, only a stable red light

As I said in the title, my RPi 3B just wont boot and has a stable red light. I have tried the following: Re-flashing using balena etcher and raspberry pi OS flasher Using multiple different power ...
ExploitedPizza's user avatar
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Problems addressing WS2812B LED Strip with Raspberry Pi 3 A+

Hello! I am currently having issues addressing my WS2812B LED-strip correctly with my RPi 3 A+. I have followed the following video guide:
Mads Rasmussen's user avatar
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I2C 1 light at a time`

i am currently using the NCP5623 (I2C LED Driver) to light up my 5V 1A (as written on the box) RGB LED strip. i followed the sample connection as shown on the datasheet of the NCP5623 and when i ran ...
seonghwife's user avatar
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Led matrix with hole cut out

I'm a student artist with a decent background in robotics/cs working on a sculpture and was hoping to use a raspberry pi and a led matrix. I was hoping to cut out a section in the middle of the matrix ...
emp's user avatar
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WS2811 LEd strip RPI3B+ flashing cloud

I want to build similar project like this but with use of RPI 3B+ I only need to code 20LEDs (one strip) to flash randomly in various intensity and colours from (80,0,150) ...
Ereen's user avatar
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Pico W Grounding Problem

So im pretty new to hardware stuff and bought a Pico W. I followed this tutorial and it kind of worked. The blue cable goes from Pin 2 to the LED, the led to the resistor and the resistor over the ...
Sheyteo's user avatar
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Controlling leds with potentiometer and a button on a raspberry pi pico

I am trying to control Leds with a button to change if one is on or off and a potentiometer to control the brightness of the Leds. I am using a Raspberry Pi Pico. Is there a way to do this.
The Amazing Banana Guy's user avatar
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LED In series with input pin

I was wondering if anyone here may be able to help me. I currently have a C# program running on a raspberry pi, that detects the state of a toggle switch connected to pin 13, and ground. I have an LED ...
John Reid's user avatar
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How can I get my python program that uses the requests library to run on boot via the crontab

I am working on creating a python script to retrieve data from a server using the requests library, and then display it on an adafruit led matrix using a raspberry pi. I have a program that functions ...
ho88it's user avatar
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signaling Raspberry Pi with PLC

I want to give signal via PLC to Raspberry Pi and when the raspberry pi gets that signal, it should run the python script and when the python script execute properly and cycle is completed, it should ...
dsp's user avatar
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Connecting LEDs via Joy-IT ProtoShield+ GPIO

I am starting my first Raspberry Pi project and want to start with controlling some LEDs. I bought a Joy-IT ProtoShield+ ( for prototyping but I do not ...
derfred's user avatar
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Turn on LED using pi4j and Raspberry pi 4

I am so new to Raspberry Pi. I want to use pi4j 2 to flash a led that is connected to a raspberry pi. This is my code but the led does not turn on at all: import com.pi4j.Pi4J; import
Reza Gholipour's user avatar
-2 votes
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hi i have a problem with dht11 and LED

I want to record data from dht11 and turn on the LED in the same code the dht11 work good by separate code the led also work well by separate code the problem is when I make it one py code problem ...
Asaad's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4: exchange power LED with activity LED

the default situation with the two LEDs on my Raspberry Pi 4 is as such: [situation now] Green LED: read and write activity of my SD card Red LED: Power I would like to change the the LEDs to: [...
wechsler's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I diagnose GPIO issues?

I was soldering LEDs in an extended line the other day when I accidentally forgot to shut my Raspberry Pi 4 off. I continued to solder and soon enough shorted my Pi out. It rebooted quickly and all ...
Hopper964's user avatar
-2 votes
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12V LED/switch - where to insert resistor to connect to PI GPIO

Hoping someone can help me with connecting my 12V push button LED circuit to a PI GPIO. I want to be able to sense when the button is pressed and the LED lights up using python. From what I've read I ...
dbmitch's user avatar
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Bare metal LED access on RPi 4

I've been playing with the Baking Pi tutorials, getting assembly code to work on the [bare metal] Pi 1 (BCM2835). I'm now interested in adapting the code to work on the Pi 4 BCM2711 but I'm struggling ...
moo's user avatar
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Connecting LEDs with least pins and wiring

I want to connect 5 leds (red, blue, green, yellow and white) to my raspberry Pi. Only 1 led will be lit at a given point in time. Is it possible to connect them all to a single GPIO port and using 1 ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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What mosfet should i use for controlling a 24V 48W RGB ledstrip with a Raspberry Pi?

I am trying to control multiple 24V RGBWW (6-vein) ledstrips with my raspberry pi 3b+. The ledstrip is 2 meter (24W p/m) long, and will be cut into 3 pieces. I want to control each piece (~67cm) ...
vlreinier's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Replace a red Led activation on RPI 4

I have a PI 4 and accidentally broke the red led. I don know how to identify it in order to get a replace piece and soldering Any idea or help, please?
Luis Enrique Acuña Santaella's user avatar
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How to power this LED array

I have this infra-red LED array that I took from an old game camera. I would like to be able to incorporate this into a Raspberry Pi project (home security camera). Specifically I would like to turn ...
GBG's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Python Script stops after some hours [closed]

i've read that it is a common issue, that some python scripts stops after about 3 hours. i have the same problem with mine. it is a script, that ligths up a LED strip like a fire. Unfortunately i'm ...
Vanessa Rüegg's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect multiple WS2812 LED Strips to a Raspberry Pi 3?

im new to the Raspberry Pi in general and followed this tutorial to control a single LED Strip. I was wondering if it was possible two control a second ...
Jens Lehmann's user avatar
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Control LED strip with voice

I have a Raspberry Pi, an ADC microphone, and an LED strip. I would like to control the LED color by voice, e.g. say "red" and change the lights to red. I imagine it's possible because ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Raspberry PI connection to Matrix LED panel display issue

I have a Raspberry PI 4B 4GB, we have a Led Panel display (almost like a Matrix panel display), we use to have a Odroid XU4 with Ubuntu running our video display software but it broke, so we want to ...
Enrico Pretorius's user avatar
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Should indicator LED's be wired in Series with active GPIO driving pins or on their own GPIO pins

I'm building a fairly complex Raspberry Pi project that includes several sensors and driver motors for a garden automation system. Ideally, I'd like to have LED's that indicate the status of sensors/...
GlennB's user avatar
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Controlling WS2812b LED strip produces inconsistent and uncontrollable output

Background I'm trying to control a single WS2812b LED strip from a Raspberry Pi. I've followed this tutorial from (with the exception of Prep & Installation step 4, because I ...
kviLL's user avatar
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2 answers

Do I need a base resistor for a transistor? [closed]

All I plan to drive a 51 ohm LED using the pi's 5v pin using a 2n2222 transistor connected to the GPIO. Do I need a resistor on the base pin of the transistor or can I connect it directly to a GPIO ...
Nujra's user avatar
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