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Questions tagged [lxterminal]

the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) terminal emulator.

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How to open LXterminal and running a command at desktop login

I am ready to rip my hair out. I've found several tutorials including a nice flowchart that confirms I should be using one of the many autostart functions yet not enough documentation on how to run ...
gpalacios42069's user avatar
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Create desktop shortcut to MagicMirror

I'm relatively new to Raspberry Pi but I have set up MagicMirror2 and got it running as it should. However, as this physical mirror is going to also be used as a streaming video screen I do not want ...
TechMonkie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Terminal not working, while everything else does

I recently booted up my Raspberry Pi after a few months. Everything seems to work (I'm posting this question from it!), except for the terminal: it doesn't work at all. I open LXTerminal, and it ...
Missing Terminal's user avatar
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Error in autorun script, RASP 3

I need to run a script in lxterminal in boot. The unit is headless, just have a digital button to start the process in the code. I already have a automatic pi user loggin and a .desktop created in ...
Leonardo Muller's user avatar
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Tell Terminal application to use Windows key instead of Control-Shift e.g. for cut/paste?

Is there a way to set up custom key mappings for any of the Terminal programs so that I can do things like this: Windows-C for copy Windows-v for paste Windows-x for cut Windows-t for new tab I am ...
wudude's user avatar
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How to command the raspberry pi to mute and unmute its microphone

I'm using a raspberry pi for a custom voice assistant I'm building. I need to mute and unmute the microphone for certain parts of the program I'm running. Is there a simple lx terminal command to do ...
UNKNOWN's user avatar
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Raspbian Buster VNC Viewer LXTerminal prompt is basic

I use VNC to connect from my Windows 10 laptop to my Raspberry Pi 3 running Rasbian Buster. It all works fine as expected except for the LXTerminal window not displaying the full command prompt. When ...
trlaing's user avatar
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I can't open any files from a terminal window since hitting the return key just launches a new terminal window

When I start a new terminal window (raspberrypi os, raspberry pi 4) it seems to launch correctly (it's the correct size, menus are ok, the text area is empty, etc). I can then type text until I type a ...
David Herr's user avatar
-2 votes
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.bashrc is executed once on boot and another time when terminal autostart via @lxterminal [duplicate]

I am using .bashrc to execute a python script on system boot: sudo -u pi python3 /path/to/ and then I add @lxterminal to file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart to make sure a terminal ...
MIchael's user avatar
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How to quit an automatically run script on startup in Python Kivy?

I run a script at startup with the command line @lxterminal -e /home/pi/Desktop/Python3/ in the file /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart which I created with nano, not with sudo nano ...
parovelb's user avatar
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Installing Python Modules globally using pip

I'm doing a Udemy course using Python, and I recently created a fresh copy of Raspian for my Raspbery Pi 3B+. I have attempted to install the module pyfiglet, and used the terminal command sudo pip ...
mgmc2's user avatar
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Usb drive not showing in autorun lxterminal but is shown in gui windows?

First of all Thanks a lot for answering my question. When Raspberry pi boots up normally, and in terminal I give the command ->cd /media/pi ->dir I can see my Pendrive name Here and files inside. ...
Himanshu Gullaiya's user avatar
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I don't get a system bell in LXTerminal on Raspberry Pi 4b / Raspbian

I don't get the customary system "bell" at the command prompt when I type ctl-g or when editing a file with vim. I do get sound when playing an audio file (through HDMI to my monitor). As I was ...
Edward Hetherington's user avatar
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Can not resize or move terminal window or browser windows

Having an issue I am using as raspberry pi 3. I switch to the desktop open up a terminal window and I do not get the entire window. So I can not drag the terminal window nor resize the window. It is ...
newdeveloper's user avatar
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Raspberry PI @reboot open xterm windows

Hello i am trying to open two shell scripts on reboot. Crontab My crontab is the following @reboot sh /home/pi/Desktop/ in this shell script is the following #!/bin/sh cd /...
user avatar
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The service error for startup app in a terminal

My Python application needs to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 at startup and in a terminal. What I did: I created a service screenscript.service in /etc/systemd/system a bash file in /home/pi/mydir/screen....
Louise's user avatar
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Use a bash file to open a lxterminal and run commands into it automatically

I have made a python application for raspberry and it needs to run into a terminal. That's totally necessary. To do that I wrote two bash files, and execute the python ...
marlon valerio's user avatar
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Launch a python script in a lxterminal window using supervisord

I'm trying to launch a python script in a lxterminal window using supervisord. I'm stuck on using supervisord than a .desktop file. I'd like to keep the process running on loop Below is my config: [...
fixxxer's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi always boots into terminal after changes in autostart

Recently I changed the LXDE autostart setup to automatically open the terminal after booting. I used the following two lines of code: nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and @lxterminal ...
Raspberryfan's user avatar
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LXTerminal missing

I have Stretch on my Raspberry runnig via VNC-Viewer and everything works fine. But there is no LXTerminal available. In the System Tools menu there is only Termit listed, in the Accessories I see ...
heimi's user avatar
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Odd characters in LXTerminal with RealVNC viewer

Image below shows the output from service cron status, via ssh on the left, LXTerminal via RealVNC on the right. Linux raspberrypi 4.14.98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux ...
Nighty's user avatar
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Error while opening LXTerminal in Raspberry Pi

I have got a problem. I am giving power to RPI 3 B+ and waiting for starting OS. Then when I open LXTerminal there are symbols with error of /etc/inputrc(see screenshot in down). Please help me, and ...
TheFnafException's user avatar
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Stop Linux terminal running as root

I was trying to set my GUI working on autorun boot through several methods (system, LXDE etc) but I think I screwed it up as none of them worked really. I must have mixed some commands up. Right now,...
Staflik's user avatar
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Reading Real-Time Temperature of Raspberry Pi in Guizero

Is there an option to display Raspberry Pi's internal temperature value to be able to display it into Guizero UI? I saw this source code on GitHub, but this only displays random float numbers in the ...
Bay's user avatar
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Turning off lxpanel on raspberry pi says “Can't connect to display”

Basically i want to know if i can kill lxpanel on raspberry pi zero to reduce ram usage. (i access it via ssh, not the display) or if it has something required by os. I can't shut it via lxpanelctl ...
Mike's user avatar
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Why is my Raspbian command prompt grey?

I was messing around in settings and updating a few things today and rebooted my Raspberry Pi running Stretch and went to open the CLI again and the prompt has turned gray and some commands like ll ...
ConstantFun's user avatar
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LXDE autostart is not working

I am trying to execute a simple script lxterminal -e "/home/pi/" in a normal terminal it works perfectly. But if i try putting it in to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart witch looks ...
Coder_fox's user avatar
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open a terminal on boot and auto-run a looping python script

When my RPI3 is booted, I would like it to automatically have the terminal open with my python script already running. Note that it loops endlessly. I want to open the terminal so I check the output ...
wiggleypops's user avatar
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Running a script at bootup : Good practices?, rc.local falling, Other options?

I want to run some script at bootup, right now I'm trying to see if can achieve this using rc.local is this even a good practice?? To try out this script that it's supposed to run at bootup I'm am ...
Carlos Echeverria St's user avatar
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Open one LXTerminal at a time

I am using .bashrc file to launch python scripts when lxterminal is launched. The problem is that i don't want the user to be able to start another lxterminal and therefore retrigger the same scripts ...
Hbib's user avatar
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Default LXTerrminal Vim Toggle Paste problem

I have my .vimrc config with toggle paste lines included: set pastetoggle=<F3> But when I try to press F3 it types <F3> into file and nothing happens (I expect it to switch mode to ...
pavjel's user avatar
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Start Terminal and Run python script on boot

I have been struggling with this all day. My set up is a RPi 3 B, running Raspbian. I need to simply fulfil the following: Once booted automatically open Terminal cd to/my/directory run_my_script....
Infernez's user avatar
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how to open a new tab in Jessie Light terminal (CTL+SHIFT+T has no effect)?

In Jessie light (at least the one I've installed), I can open a terminal window with CTL+ALT+t but how to open a new tab in the terminal (CTL+SHIFT+T has no effect)? The terminal has no menu. I can't ...
calocedrus's user avatar
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Why is my username in the terminal not green [closed]

My username in the terminal usually green. It is no longer green. How can I fix this?
cobra12's user avatar
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Cron not finding necessary files to run .py file

I hope this is not a duplicate post however I have spent about 16 hours researching a solution for my problem and have not found it yet. I am attempting to run a python GUI that acts as an interface ...
J.kors's user avatar
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Remove unwanted texting in Terminal

I have accessed Temperature and Analog Pressure sensor to the RPI. But for some reason There are text display before Temperature sensor start to give values. Also since I'm using Picocom to take ...
Carach_Shinra's user avatar
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Can't start picamera at Raspbian startup

I want to run an opencv-python program at Raspbian startup. The program is to capture images continuously from picamera and do some image processing using opencv and display it in full-screen mode. ...
Mebin's user avatar
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How to solarize LXTerminal and nano

I just got Raspberry pi and I'm new to linux overall. Enjoying so far, except default color schemes are tiring my eyes. I found nice color scheme Solarized, but I can't figure it out how to apply it ...
SoulJam's user avatar
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No menu on terminal window, open new tab?

On my fresh install of Jessie lite on a Pi 3 my terminal window has no menu, and the classical way to open a new tab CTRL + SHFT + t has no effect. But on my pi zero W, with what seemed to me the same ...
calocedrus's user avatar
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cannot execute any command using sudo

I cannot execute any command using sudo. I get this error: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to ...
br0kenpixel's user avatar
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How to run a shell script on rpi3 that required GUI on boot?

I used this page to try to run a shell script when the raspberry pi first turns on. This is the line I added at the bottom of the file(before exit 0): sh /home/pi/ & I added the ...
shurup's user avatar
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How to make terminal open another terminal window that runs a command

I'm working a raspberry pi project including Alexa Builtin ( Everything is working but the startup script I'm working on #! /bin/bash ...
Biba Baba's user avatar
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Can't login after installing a line in terminal to start iceweasel browser on startup

TLDR: I added a line in the terminal for which applications to open on startup, and now I can't get past the login. Is there a better way to fix this than reinstalling my OS? I installed Iceweasel on ...
cryptograthor's user avatar
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How to set the lxterminal to stay when running a command

If I enter lxterminal in a terminal window, a new terminal window pops up and it stays there. But if I enter lxterminal -e "dir", the window just flashes and disappears. How can I set it to stay there?...
Osprey's user avatar
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Terminal App that Auto-Updates weather?

Looking for a terminal app that auto-updates weather readings. Something similar to top would be amazing. Any knowledge of such an app or a way to configure something existing to
MarkII's user avatar
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Shutdown the Pi at the end of my python script using cron?

I have created a python script that lights up some leds on a bit of breadboard then it's supposed to shut down the pi, the script works fine if I run it in python and the pi shuts down as intended. ...
Jon Wilmot's user avatar
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Control signal strength of Raspberry Pi 3 WiFi signal down to minimum

With the Raspberry Pi (latest Raspbian OS) configured as a WiFi Access Point that gives internet access through ethernet interface, I'm doing some WiFi Signal Strength testing. In reduced space to ...
jon's user avatar
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Keep terminal window on top

I have 2 scripts running once desktop loads both running a python script call them A & B script B looks for keypress so has to remain on top always. How can I boot both A & B but make ...
shaggs's user avatar
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How open a pygame console terminal through SSH (JuiceSSH)?

I have made a piece of code with pygame on the Raspberry Pi and I want to run it through the Android app JuiceSSH so I can use it on my Android phone. But whenever I run it on my phone, even with '...
jjislam's user avatar
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How can I run KazMan?

I have downloaded a screen recorder called Kazman. I can't find a way to run it or start the program. I have tried typing in kazman in LXTerminal and got this response: bash: kazman: command not ...
Kyle's user avatar
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