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Error in autorun script, RASP 3

I need to run a script in lxterminal in boot. The unit is headless, just have a digital button to start the process in the code. I already have a automatic pi user loggin and a .desktop created in ...
Leonardo Muller's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspbian Buster VNC Viewer LXTerminal prompt is basic

I use VNC to connect from my Windows 10 laptop to my Raspberry Pi 3 running Rasbian Buster. It all works fine as expected except for the LXTerminal window not displaying the full command prompt. When ...
trlaing's user avatar
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Usb drive not showing in autorun lxterminal but is shown in gui windows?

First of all Thanks a lot for answering my question. When Raspberry pi boots up normally, and in terminal I give the command ->cd /media/pi ->dir I can see my Pendrive name Here and files inside. ...
Himanshu Gullaiya's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Raspberry PI @reboot open xterm windows

Hello i am trying to open two shell scripts on reboot. Crontab My crontab is the following @reboot sh /home/pi/Desktop/ in this shell script is the following #!/bin/sh cd /...
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The service error for startup app in a terminal

My Python application needs to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 at startup and in a terminal. What I did: I created a service screenscript.service in /etc/systemd/system a bash file in /home/pi/mydir/screen....
Louise's user avatar
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Use a bash file to open a lxterminal and run commands into it automatically

I have made a python application for raspberry and it needs to run into a terminal. That's totally necessary. To do that I wrote two bash files, and execute the python ...
marlon valerio's user avatar
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Default LXTerrminal Vim Toggle Paste problem

I have my .vimrc config with toggle paste lines included: set pastetoggle=<F3> But when I try to press F3 it types <F3> into file and nothing happens (I expect it to switch mode to ...
pavjel's user avatar
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Can't start picamera at Raspbian startup

I want to run an opencv-python program at Raspbian startup. The program is to capture images continuously from picamera and do some image processing using opencv and display it in full-screen mode. ...
Mebin's user avatar
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cannot execute any command using sudo

I cannot execute any command using sudo. I get this error: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to ...
br0kenpixel's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make terminal open another terminal window that runs a command

I'm working a raspberry pi project including Alexa Builtin ( Everything is working but the startup script I'm working on #! /bin/bash ...
Biba Baba's user avatar
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Terminal App that Auto-Updates weather?

Looking for a terminal app that auto-updates weather readings. Something similar to top would be amazing. Any knowledge of such an app or a way to configure something existing to
MarkII's user avatar
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Keep terminal window on top

I have 2 scripts running once desktop loads both running a python script call them A & B script B looks for keypress so has to remain on top always. How can I boot both A & B but make ...
shaggs's user avatar
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How open a pygame console terminal through SSH (JuiceSSH)?

I have made a piece of code with pygame on the Raspberry Pi and I want to run it through the Android app JuiceSSH so I can use it on my Android phone. But whenever I run it on my phone, even with '...
jjislam's user avatar
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Running python scripts using autostart

How can I make my python scripts load and run one time once the desktop loads? I've put the python scripts into .sh files Ive edited autostart and called them using @lxterminal -e "./" @...
shaggs's user avatar
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Can I use an RPi to make another Raspbian SD?

OK so I have no 'real' computers in my place at the moment, other than the Nexus 5 I'm typing on, and an iPad mini 2. I have a Raspberry Pi 2 up and running, and I'd like to use it to create another ...
user54325's user avatar
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How do I start RetroPie

Hei Now I have installed RetroPie from the terminal in Raspbian, but how do I start it? I have written emulationstation but then it says: X is running. Please shut down X in order to mitigate ...
Martn's user avatar
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Play video on BOOT, not logon

I have tried many tutorials but can't get this to work. I simply want to play a video when my Pi turns on. This is not when I LOG IN, or when the desktop starts, but a second or two after I plug in ...
tycrek's user avatar
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5 votes
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How dow I install adobe flash player

I have the latest version of the RPI . I have tried wget but that gave me a error which means the website could not be found. ...
Kyle's user avatar
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-2 votes
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detailed instructions on how to change the dns of the Ethernet i am using

I am very new to raspberry and I am trying to change the dns of the ethernet to get around dns blocks. I have tried the codes listed in other answers for a question like this but I must be doing ...
carson langfield's user avatar
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Unable to switch to normal user in command line

I am using Raspberry Pi 2 with Jessie raspbian release. I ran into a problem when i was trying to make vncserver start at boot. I followed the instructions present in raspberry pi's website to start ...
giri-sh's user avatar
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How do I install/run kodi on raspbian?

I have tried to install kodi by typing sudo apt-get install open-elec but it says there is no such thing. Please help! How do I install it by terminal?
jimbob88's user avatar
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How to run a Python script on a raspberry pi via webserver?

Hi everyone I am trying to run a python script on my raspberry pi 2 via web server running apache2, php, and raspbian jessie. What my plan is to do is have a timelapse camera using python (code below) ...
Austinthemighty's user avatar
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How to ensure that Terminal runs when I start X?

My ~/.xinitrc file is seemingly being ignored. Has X changed fundamentally in recent years?
Deign's user avatar
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Why can't I extract a tar.gz file?

I have been trying to extract a tar.gz file on my Raspberry Pi Model B+ running Raspbian. I downloaded the file in /home/Pi/downloads, but in the terminal I use the code cd /home to go to /home/Pi/...
lucs100's user avatar
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Auto Start a .py file with LXTerminal [duplicate]

I want to start a .py file after booting with LXTerminal. I'm using raspbian OS I try these steps: I edited sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart with @lxterminal and this is open ...
Muhammed Ali HAŞILOĞLU's user avatar
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Permission denied, logged in with root user [closed]

I used root user to change a something in my directory and I typed in sudo -i followed by /etc/hostname and it says -bash: /etc/hostname: Permission denied
Manvir Speedy Singh Dhinse's user avatar