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Questions tagged [midi]

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard to interface electronic musical instruments and related devices. It includes protocol, physical interface description, and connectors.

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Problems reading MIDI via USB on Pico using CircuitPython

I want to connect a MIDI keyboard (oxygen) to a pico, to use the keys and knobs as controllers to other functions on the pico. Connected directly via USB using an OTG-adapter, i.e Oxygen - USB-B USB-A ...
wikmats's user avatar
-1 votes
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I need a multi channel cappable DAW for Raspberry pi

I invented a musical MIDI instrument, and I want to integrate it into a single portable unit for display purposes. I have tried some synth software, but haven't found anything that works with a PI, ...
j0h's user avatar
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Can't get to play MIDI with RPi5 and pygame

Here is a small test code that I had running on my RPi 3B+, that plays a sequence of notes, which worked with no issues: from music21 import midi, stream, converter s = stream.Stream() for i in range(...
XuUserAC's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi Pico -- Read USB Midi Input

I'm new to programming with Raspberry Pi's. I have a Yamaha p45 electric keyboard that outputs MIDI over a USB cable (not the 5-pin midi cable) and I need to read the midi input into my Raspberry Pi ...
deastmon's user avatar
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How do I connect a MIDI socket to the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi?

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 model B and a five pin MIDI connector (PRT-09536). The female MIDI jack is circular and has five holes on the front, and seven pins on the bottom. Five pins are staggered in ...
Justin Brunkow's user avatar
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.service or crontab for shell script calling python-CLI app and/or python script failing

This isn't necessarily a Pi-specific question, but might be applicable to general Linux. However, my hunch is that the Pi's uniqueness might have something to do with it. I'm trying to run two scripts ...
nikUoM's user avatar
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Audio DAC for raspberry pi with 2 outputs (build in sspeakers + TS audio out)

I'm working on a project for one of my band that runs on a raspberry pi with samplerbox. the raspberry pi is connected to a powered speaker and a midi keyboard, and I can play from a set of samples I ...
Thatkookooguy's user avatar
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Using Raspberry as a synthesizer for a USB MIDI keyboard

I have a Alesis V49 MIDI keyboard, it only has a USB type-A output. In order to use it as a synthesizer, I currently connect it to my PC via USB and use specific software to produce sound. I want to ...
kit's user avatar
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Suppress Midi CC Messages during midi merge on RPI USB Midi Host

I have followed the instructions here to create a RPI to act as a usb midi host: Its great and works nicely however I would like to suppress Midi CC message ...
Sammy J's user avatar
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Can't connect MIDI Keyboard to Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to connect my Midi Keyboard, which works perfectly fine in Windows, to my RPI 3B+ running Raspbian. I'm connecting using the USB output of the keyboard. When running dmesg I get this: [ +...
Anoyz's user avatar
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Using the PI to make a standalone synth with a midi keyboard

I have an unused midi keyboard collecting dust in my closed, and was thinking to connect on it a RPI 3B with a small LCD screen, to use it as standalone synth. Currently I am running a 2 GB setup, ...
rataplan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do I need x11 and desktop environment to have a UI?

I have a headless build; which has no x11 server nor any desktop manager. I would like to run some music applications; so I can use a small touch screen that I recently found; and I was wondering if ...
rataplan's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi as a MIDI device

Is it possible to configure RPi as a MIDI device? I'd like it to show up as a MIDI device on my computer when connected via USB OTG to my computer.
vaid's user avatar
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raspi MIDI in audio out

I have a MIDI controller keyboard, that I want to take with me to a vacation. For some reason I cannot bring a tablet/laptop with me. I still have a Raspberry Pi 2B lying around so I thought it might ...
Max's user avatar
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Python RTMidi misses Start MIDI message

New issue on my Rpi 3b+ :( I'm using the RTMidi Python lib to monitor incoming midi messages from a midi keyboard, plugged using USB. I can see all incoming messages (notes, stop, continue..). But not ...
Max Circle Fade's user avatar
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Sync RGB strip lights with MIDI clock pulse input

I would like to create a lightshow of sorts, for my Keyboard, that can output a midi clock. I have a strip of WS2801 and I am looking for a way to sync colour changes/fades/flashes etc to the beat of ...
that_raspberry_pi_guy's user avatar
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Roland midi controller not recognized

I was able to use the Pi as a Midi synthesizer for a Midiplus AKM320 controller using fluidsynth and aconnect. Then I got a larger Roland A49 midi keyboard, but am unable to get this to work. It shows ...
Roland's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi MIDI Looper

I would like to write a script that allows MIDI data to be recorded, then sent back out in a loop similar to how a drum machine works. Think drum machine without the audio data. Only MIDI data. I'm ...
UpTop's user avatar
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Is it possible to virtually trigger a GPIO Input pin when nothing is actually connected to it?

I am trying to use incoming MIDI data on my Raspberry Pi 3's USB port to virtually trigger an input GPIO pin. The reason for this is as follows: I'm using the MIDI out port on a Behringer X-32 audio ...
nathanoday's user avatar
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Play piano keys through Bluetooth LE and Midi

On the desktop Using my desktop Macbook I can successfully "remote-play" notes on my piano through the USB-Midi to Bluetooth adapter (Yamaha UD-BT01). First I pair the device through the Audio Midi ...
Besi's user avatar
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MIDI out over USB

I'm trying to build a MIDI controller using a Raspberry Pi Zero. I have all the hardware and code to process the (analog) input signals, but I can't figure out how to send the MIDI data over USB. I ...
user8577930's user avatar
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Drivers for USB/MIDI device

I am new to Raspbian. I managed to get Pure Data to run, but now I am trying to get this MIDI device running: Does anyone have any advice for how to install ...
Buddadweet's user avatar
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Which hardware to connect a MIDI keyboard to the RPi?

As I can see from questions like MIDI keyboard latency with fluidsynth Play MIDI from Raspi using external controller and external blog posts like Jacques Pi Synthesizer I see that it is possible ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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Receiving and sending DMX signals

I've got a Showtec Showmaster 24 in school. Because this device is limited to control only 12 channels over DMX (without using scenes 24), I want to expand this limit with a Raspberry Pi. I found this ...
Felix Schütz's user avatar
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Act like a bluetooth midi module

Basically I would like to investigate if it is possible to connect a digital stage piano (Yamaha P45 - if that matters) via usb to the pi and make it (the pi) act like a bluetooth 'bridge' (for lack ...
Alladinian's user avatar
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WebMIDI on Chromium?

I'm doing some WebMIDI programming for fun, and I'd like to get it running on a RPi. As I understand it, the WebMIDI API should be implemented on recent versions of Chromium, but could any of you ...
Grav's user avatar
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No audio output using raspberry pi and pygame.midi

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 and a set of speakers connected to the 3.5mm headphone jack. I've got most audio coming out of my speakers by running amixer set name='PCM Playback Route' 1. pygame.mixer ...
Luke Taylor's user avatar
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The number of maximum inputs I can get on a Raspberry Pi

I'm relatively new to the Raspberry Pi but not so to Python programming. So I'm mostly new to the electronics side of the story. I'm looking to build a bass midi controller. My idea was to have one ...
Scottyers's user avatar
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Output text over MIDI to DX7

I am building a raspi device for my dad to send files to a Yamaha DX7 keyboard. The way it was explained to me, It uses regular text files to tell the synth how to play the notes (as in, how it sounds)...
Schwunackle's user avatar
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Use a USB MIDI controller as an input

I want to build a kind of a synthesizer, with a set of potentiometers connected to Pi via ADC, a set of momentary buttons that would toggle the modes and so on. I could create a row of buttons as ...
Sergei Basharov's user avatar
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OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i'm a newbie with Raspberry PI (my model is B+). I'm tryng to write a script in python that read a midi file and switch on/off leds... My code for reading midi file is this one: import mido output = ...
ntrax's user avatar
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While loop used to work, now returns empty string

I am following along a tutorial ( on using the Rpi as a midi piano sampler, but the script is old and a while loop that used to work, ...
Larsss's user avatar
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raspbian MIDI connection script at autostart

I try to use raspberry together with USB MIDI keyboard and qsynth. I use the following script at autostart that starts qsynth and connects MIDI keyboard to qsynth. #!/bin/sh qsynth -a=alsa & ...
fog's user avatar
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Play MIDI from Raspi using external controller

I want to output MIDI fonts from the Raspberry Pi, hopefully able to control it with external sensors. I have timidity installed but get no sound playing the file python_games/tetrisc.mid . Is there ...
Jon Mitten's user avatar
4 votes
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Off-the-shelf synthetiser solution for MIDI piano

I am thinking about using one of my Raspberry PIs to turn USB midi keyboard into a standalone piano. Is there a piece of software I can use? Ideally a single-purpose image akin to the RaspBMC etc. ...
petr's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can Sonic-Pi play a continuous MIDI tone/note?

I've been messing around with Sonic-Pi lately, trying to figure out various things. One thing I'm finding I want to be able to do is play a continuous MIDI tone/note. However, the closest thing I can ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
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MIDI keyboard latency with fluidsynth

I set up my MIDI keyboard with fluidsynth on raspbian, mostly according to this how to. It all works fine, but I've got a ~1 second latency. Does anybody know how to fix this issue? RPi model: B ...
strudelkopf's user avatar