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Questions tagged [midori]

Midori is a lightweight web browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine.

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1 answer

Midori won't open fullscreen no boot

Following this question I have modified /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart to read: @xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @midori -e Fullscreen -a http://localhost:8080 However, when it boots up ...
BobtheMagicMoose's user avatar
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Midori faces error granting trust (Raspbian Stretch)

I am trying to install Midori on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, and I am struggling to access some addresses that Midori recognises as untrusted websites. When I click "trust this website", the browser shows ...
SolarPilz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How refresh browser after lose Internet connection?

I am using a Raspberry Pi 2 to show a webpage, using Midori, that shows the information given after invoking a webservice each 12 seconds. For some reason, when Raspbian lose Internet connection the ...
Rodrick's user avatar
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4 answers

Disable "Black screen" on raspbian jessie lite [duplicate]

I set up a raspberry pi to run as a dash/infoboard. To do this, i used midori and uncutter(to remove the cursor) and start it up from the ~/.bashrc file, like so startx /usr/bin/midori http://google....
DaCh's user avatar
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boot luakit (or midori) on bare X11 desktop (kiosk app, PI3, jessie)

I'm developing a kiosk app using PI3 and the PI Touchscreen. The app is served on localhost. I'm looking for the bare minimum wm that will allow the browser (either luakit or midori) to run and ...
Mike Ellis's user avatar
2 votes
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Raspberry Pi B+; Problems with the autostart of browser

Having problems with autostarting a browser at the b+ I tried like every imagineable way listed on the web; Midori Browser Autostart Midori Browser Autostart -Ibex (over etc/xdg/...
Miyasashi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to install midori?

I see lots of posts on the internet on how to use or optimize Midori but everyone seems to assume that the Pi 2 B comes with Midori. I don't know about anyone else, but mine came with Epiphany. How ...
MetalPhoenix's user avatar
11 votes
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Autologin into a webpage via the default GNOME-Webbrowser

I'm trying to call an HTML page like this with the Raspbian's default web browser and it leads me just to the default login-page. Neither does it with Midori on the desktop. When calling the exact ...
alsternerd's user avatar
5 votes
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lxsession/LXDE/autostart is not running my script?

My custom script to start midori in fullscreen browser is not loading when the pi boots. I want it to run when the desktop loads. I call the script from /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart by using ...
mattz330's user avatar
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Touch gestures in Raspbian

I just got my official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen running. I opened up midori in fullscreen/kiosk mode and was a bit dissapointed. The browser (or raspbian in general) interprets touch movement (...
Markus's user avatar
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Midori Dashboard (autostart) - no JavaScript

I set up a small dashboard via /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart @xset -dpms @xset s off @xset s noblank @midori -e Fullscreen -a https://domain.tld But it seems that JavaScript pages will not ...
Sili's user avatar
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Midori keeps opening a faq

i have a setup with 3 pi's that all start in fullscreen in midori and all off that works but after some time midori opens a new window with the faq page on it and it blocks the fullscreen anybody ...
Andreas Hilton's user avatar
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10 second delay on Post Request from Midori with node backend server

I have a RaspberryPi that runs a small web-application on it. It is auto-loaded on boot in midori (kiosk mode) and a small timer runs on it (updated every second). This works all right. Now, the ...
SebasZil's user avatar
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Alternative methods for auto-refreshing midori web-browser

I was hoping to know if there are different ways of refreshing a website '' Midori is the most favoured as you can do the following from the terminal: midori -a http://www.mywebsite....
3kstc's user avatar
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Midori change URL without new tab

I am trying to change the url of the midori browser after predefined intervals. import os import subprocess import time cmdline = ["midori", "-e", "Fullscreen", "-a",""] p = ...
Rasika Perera Govinnage's user avatar
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Midori prevents Facebook Log Out

When using Midori I logged into my Facebook account once and am not unable to log out. This is because whenever I click the setting "cog" tab to access the "Sign Out" prompt Midori doesn't seem able ...
Will K's user avatar
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Can't open Midori

For my raspberry pi b+ I downloaded Midori (Debian, i386 ) from their webpage. Using sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i midori... I installed it. Now when I try to run it I get an error cannot ...
tehnuty's user avatar
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Hide navigation bar after page refresh in Midori

I've set up my Raspberry in that way, that it opens up Midori on start up. Midori then loads a html page in full screen mode. Everything works as expected. But I also specified a refresh interval ...
winklerrr's user avatar
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Autostart Midori with multiple tabs

I need Midori to autostart and open two tabs to different addresses when the RPi boots. The Pi im working on boots straight to the desktop. Im guessing it would be done in autostart, but I cant figure ...
Dracharon's user avatar
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Are there any faster browsers than midori or chromium?

I just got my first raspberry pi to play with and am working on switching between visible images with JavaScript. My problem is it takes between 6 to 10 seconds from when I click my button for the ...
user13987's user avatar
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Midori Keeps Crashing - Or How to Download a File from the Internet if Midori Keeps Crashing

[EDIT]: Here is how to do it: Find the download link and wget it. If your downloading from Oracle they make you accept the licence agreement, and then give you the link. If you get a certificate ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
2 votes
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Midori Segmentation Fault

Since a while (approx. 1 month) now midori is not starting anymore and gets a segmentation fault. Yesterday I updated the firmware and software to the latest versions, still no change. I also tried to ...
Matthias Tylkowski's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

How to printscreen on Raspberry Pi?

I would like to screenshot the Midori browser and i've tried the following methods as mentioned HERE. Using Imagemagick which is pre-installed in Raspberry Pi. I pressed the printscreen key on the ...
yvonnezoe's user avatar
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1 answer

webm video performance in Midori

I'm running the lastest wheezy image and am trying to run 236kb webm video on loop with the Midori browser (launched in kiosk mode from lxde on login) and gstreamer plugins. The page also has a 7kb ...
sinisterfrog's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Auto-refresh for Midori

I'm using Raspberry Pi to create a non-interactive web kiosk - a specific webpage (measurements from a remote monitoring station) to be displayed on a screen in full screen mode, content refreshed ...
SF.'s user avatar
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I am getting segmentation fault after running Midori with x-org

I am trying to start midori like a web kiosk with ArchLinux. I am getting an error after 1 minute: (EE) (EE) Backtrace: (EE) (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x30 Fatal server error: Caught ...
Burak's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cannot resolve in X

When I am in the terminal command-line, domain name resolution works fine. However, when I start X then Midori cannot resolve domain names, nor can I resolve them in a terminal emulator. Any ideas on ...
John Smith's user avatar
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138 votes
9 answers

How do I install Google Chrome?

When I go to download Google Chrome from in Midori on the Raspberry Pi , I am presented with a modal dialogue box, Please select your download package: 32 bit ....
Andrew Fogg's user avatar
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17 votes
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Can I speed up web browsing on the Raspberry Pi?

Browsing the web using Midori on the Raspberry Pi feels very slow. I appreciate that the speed at which a web page will load is determined by a number of factors including: the speed of the network ...
Andrew Fogg's user avatar
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