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Questions tagged [mysql]

an open source relational database management system using Structured Query Language (SQL).

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Remote connection to RPi Bookworm server not connecting

I have Mysql Workbench on both Mac M4 and Win11 but unable to connect to RPi5 on Bookworm 12.8. Connections work to both RPi4 and Rpi3 (Buster) but I try got connect to Rpi5 I get 'Cannot Connect to ...
Brian Evans's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to run MySQL on a Pi model 3A+?

Based on the output of lscpu, I see my Pi architecture is arm. Based on the output of lsblk, I see my OS version is Raspbian (bullseye). I attempt to download and run a MySQL version listed under ...
BrownianBridge's user avatar
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LAMP stack on a Model 1 B+ Pi

I have just dusted down my Model 1 B+ RPi and installed the latest Raspbian version from the RPi website. I was following the instructions in Eben Upton's "Raspberry Pi User Guide (3rd edition)&...
PetGriffin's user avatar
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What communication method is best for connecting multiple Raspberry Pi's and ESP32's in an electronic challenge game with app integration?

I am working on a project where I am utilizing multiple Raspberry Pi's and ESP32's to create an electronic challenge game for my friends. The game involves competing in challenges to earn points. I am ...
Chris James's user avatar
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How to pick the correct R-Pi

I have a requirement to build a monitoring device with a display. The main conditions are: Need a MySQL database Need Internet connectivity via WiFi Capable of reading MODBUS slave device, and other ...
Lakmal Premaratne's user avatar
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Trouble installing MySQL

I am following this guide, How to set up a web server on the Raspberry Pi. I am using a Pi 400 so I skipped step 1. Step 2 involved running: sudo apt install nginx which was successful. Now if I re-...
Stan's user avatar
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will rpi4 be powerful enough to handle my db queries

Hello I’m thinking of buying the rpi4 with 8gb ram. I’m primarily going to be using it as a database for personal queries. I’m new to databases and I’m currently researching many options. I would have ...
tyler's user avatar
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MySQL service is missing

In my raspberry pi 400, I'm trying to install phpMyAdmin. I don't know why but I think mysql service is missing. If I try to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I get the following error: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ...
Adrian Hernando Solanas's user avatar
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Raspberry PI 4 SQL Database receiving old data

Im having a strange issue. I have always connected to a DB at the start, then querried as needed. However for some reason if I have my database connection outside my loop I am not reading in the ...
Kevin Lay's user avatar
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Crontab not running python file to MySQL

I have a python script that takes sensor data from a DHT11 and inputs the data into MySQL. This file when ran in the terminal on my Raspberry Pi returns the right results: python3 ./Data In which will ...
Arch1234's user avatar
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where did the pma__ tables come from when I migrated to new server [closed]

A few months ago, I migrated a PHP application to a new pi. I moved all the scripts and dumped the tables using phpmyadmin export. I then imported the tables in the new server. There were a few ...
George F's user avatar
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3 answers

MySql backup database every night

I have service and MySql database on my Raspberry Pi 2B. Yesterday, my SD card in my phone died. I started thinking about database backup on my Raspberry Pi. Anybody have any experience with this? I ...
ParanoidPanda's user avatar
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Can't connect to a remote MySQL Database

I am running 2 Raspberry Pi3 (STRETCH, JESSIE) and a web server (PHP5, MySQL, PHPMyadmin, Apache2) on stretch. I have everything working as expected. However, I need to be able to connect to my MySQL ...
ThN's user avatar
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Wordpress error: "PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress."

I tried to created a LAMP web-server with Wordpress following that guide: But when I used this command to install MySQL: ...
Amphyx's user avatar
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Wordpress not working after PHP update

I recently upgraded PHP5.X to PHP7.3 on my Pi 3 and also moved to Raspbian Buster from Jessie. Now I get this message when I try to open the port 80 where I could earlier see my Wordpress site. Your ...
Kangkan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Trying to install MySQL: Package 'mysql-server' has no installation candidate

I'm trying to install MySQL; my command is: sudo apt-get install mysql-server php-mysql -y and what I'm getting is an error stating E: Package 'mysql-server' has no installation candidate
Demetrius McCallister's user avatar
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My page doesn't record Data with Mysql and apache or(website probably don't work) You can look here for the actual working page that did not record anything it just asks again & again for ...
  Yantra tantra's user avatar
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Linux programming concept approach [closed]

I am working on an IoT project using a Raspberry That connects to a couple of sensors gathers data, saves into a local database then at the end of the day sends all the data to a remote server. ...
user avatar
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Is raspberry pi zero w powerful enough for Mysql? [closed]

Is raspberry pi zero w powerful enough for hosting a Mysql database?
Gido Selten's user avatar
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MySQL root account unable to create database

I have tried 6 different forum rooms with a similar issue none of the solutions are working out for me. Install MariaDB on my Raspberry Pi, which I am logging in via putty from my windows machine. ...
Waheed Rafiq's user avatar
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Is there a way to loop through GPIO pins and a database in python

I have built a set of musical stairs using raspberry pi, motion sensors and python, and a web app to change the instrument using PHP. The python connects to a mysql database storing the instrument ...
Katie Armstrong's user avatar
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mysql-server: Setting bind-address not working without launching manually as root

I haven't been able to get my mysql-server on my raspberry pi to communicate with other network devices with networking enabled unless I manually start the server myself with sudo mysqld --bind-...
Yiays's user avatar
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Use actual MySQL on Raspbian Stretch instead of MariaDB

I have a web based project which I wrote with NodeJS. I moved the project to my Raspberry Pi which runs on Raspbian Stretch. The project has a lot of lines of code which deal with MySQL connections. ...
RishiC's user avatar
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How do I build Qt's mysql-plugin on Raspbian Buster

I try to build the MySQL plugin on a Raspbian Buster with C++ and Qt 5.12.4. Building Qt itself worked fine by following this tutorial: ...
elnacho's user avatar
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I cannot install a very popular component, libmysqlclient-dev. What's wrong?

On an up to date stretch, I want to install libmysqlclient-dev libmysqld-dev, but apt tells me it was not available in my sources. /etc/opt/sources.list looks like this: deb http://raspbian....
Jan's user avatar
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Installing Mysql 8 on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+

Has anyone had success installing Mysql 8 on a RPI? Mysql 8 has json_table function and I would love to use that to insert records in bulk. I have looked around but cannot find a mysql 8 installer ...
Steve Lloyd's user avatar
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mysqldump command not found when Backing up MYSQL Database

So I'm trying to turn my Raspberry pi into an automated MYSQL backup server but I'm struggling to find a working shell script to archive what I'm looking for. Until I came across this Git Repo but ...
Charlie Simon's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to upload data from raspberry pi to MySQL, geting errors [closed]

Basically I am trying to upload the data collected from my raspberry pi to MySQL, I have a table called DHT_data with columns 'datetime' using data type timestamp, 'temp' using data type numeric, 'hum'...
Jason's user avatar
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Sending Rpi local data to an online Server (MySQL

I'm using a raspberry Pi zero w with temperature sensor, i don't have a continuous connection that's why i'm saving the temperature data on a local MySQL database using the following command <?...
Salar Yunis's user avatar
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How do I use Raspberry Pi to create a web application for my sensors? [closed]

I recently bought many sensor to use with my pi, using the GPIO. All the scripts to retrieve data are ready, but now, I would like to store it in a database, and then thanks to an API, use it to ...
Tom French's user avatar
2 votes
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Connection to MySQL database does not work

I have two Raspbery PI 3 which I have installed (almost) identical. The configuration of /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf is identical for both Raspberrys. Problem: I can only connect to the ...
Michael Hutter's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

insert sensor data in mysql to python [duplicate]

Hello I want to insert sensor data in mysql to python. My sensor is connected to arduino and it sends sensor data to raspberry pi via bluetooth. Raspberry pi receives sensor data to python code. This ...
김진수's user avatar
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MySQL vs SQLite on OSMC (Kodi) install

A python app has been successfully configured with the MySQL connector to write records to a small table to demonstrate a concept (very low volume of writes). I will need to write to a database and ...
gatorback's user avatar
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MySQL initial installation

I know there are many, many threads on this, but hear me out before marking it as a duplicate. On an Raspberry Pi running stretch installed mysql sudo apt-get install mysql-server No errors pi@...
Chad G's user avatar
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How to connect MySQLdb in Python 3?

I want to connect MySQLdb with Raspberry Pi. But when running my program, I get this error: $ sudo python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 17, in <...
เพชอน เพชอน's user avatar
2 votes
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Install MariaDB 10.2 on Raspbian Stretch

How (if at all) can I install MariaDB 10.2 on Raspbian Stretch? I'm using the November 2017 version of Stretch Lite. I found some instructions on how to install on Debian 9 (which I realise isn't the ...
Dan McCoy's user avatar
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How I can use a barcode scanner and PHP/MySQL to run a database? [closed]

I am currently trying the following with the help of a Raspberry Pi: Barcode scanner scans barcode (connected to the Raspberry Pi via USB Port) (via Python?) A hidden form is filled in The user ...
spacew4lker's user avatar
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MySQL suddenly broken after restart

I restarted my raspberry pi and now then I got this error on my website: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory I look at sudo service mysql status and I can see this. Jan 09 17:34:45 ...
cobra12's user avatar
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PHP5, MySQL & MySQLAdmin issues on latest raspbian stretch release

A day or two ago I downloaded the latest release of raspbian stretch. I am currently busy installing all the components I require for a web server and mysql server. In the latest release, PHP5 has ...
Joachim Prinsloo's user avatar
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Installing mysql in Rasbian installs mariadb [duplicate]

I'm trying to install mysql server on my Raspberry pi 3 Model B. I've updated the packages and I've upgraded the packages using: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade When I install ...
Balaji's user avatar
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Can`t install mysql-server on my Raspberry Pi running Stretch

My Raspberry Pi 3b running Raspbian Stretch with desktop, Release 2017-09-07. I want to install the "LAMP" on my Raspberry Pi. I successfully install apache2 and PHP, and went on to install the ...
Gwanyu Chu's user avatar
5 votes
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Raspbian Stretch with MariaDB

For the last 6 hours I have been trying to install MariaDB on my Raspberry Pi Zero. I am using the latest Raspbian Stretch. The problem is that the configuration menu for MariaDB doesn't show up ...
Soma Zambelly's user avatar
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Can't upload data from Raspbian to PHPMyAdmin server

I am trying to upload data from Raspbian to my web server which is PHPMyAdmin MySQL type. I am trying to do this using Python 3, as follows: import pymysql as ps con = ps.connect(host='ip address ...
Nilanj's user avatar
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Win 10 IoT + apache + php + mysql + ssl?

I'm looking for an easy way to get on Win10 webserver based on apache (or familiar), php, mysql, and ssl (all 3 must have). Everything I found on google has no info how to do it... only how to change ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Trying to install mysql-server and it throws a mariadb error

While trying to install mysql-server, I get this error: root@raspberrypi:~# sudo apt-get -f install Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done ...
Austin Grant's user avatar
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Cannot start mariadb - timeout [closed]

A bit of background information. I have rasbian installed on my raspberry pi 3 and i'm trying to set up mysql however it seems there is a password already set. I tried purging mariadb and mysql but I ...
dos584's user avatar
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Cannot start the Google Cloud SQL Proxy on RPi 3

I am trying to install Google Cloud SQL Proxy to my RPi 3, but it does not work after install the LINUX-64BIT proxy and the below command on this page Connecting mysql Client Using the Cloud SQL Proxy ...
sauceishere's user avatar
4 votes
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unmet dependencies for php5-mysql

I'm trying to get owncloud running on a Raspberry Pi 3 to run as a local file server. I'm following some tutorials that are running me through setting up mysql for owncloud, and MySQL installed fine ...
NotCras's user avatar
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Unable to install mysql

I am trying to install mysql on my pi. I've installed mysql server successfully, but get the following error when I try to run $ sudo apt-get install php5-mysql Some packages could not be ...
Sam Driver's user avatar
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How to install pam_mysql on Raspbian

I'm trying to install the vsftpd web interface, but it requires pam_mysql and I'm pretty sure I don't have this installed. Does anyone know how to install this on the Pi? I'm using the latest version ...
gerrgheiser's user avatar