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Linux programming concept approach [closed]

I am working on an IoT project using a Raspberry That connects to a couple of sensors gathers data, saves into a local database then at the end of the day sends all the data to a remote server. ...
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Cannot start the Google Cloud SQL Proxy on RPi 3

I am trying to install Google Cloud SQL Proxy to my RPi 3, but it does not work after install the LINUX-64BIT proxy and the below command on this page Connecting mysql Client Using the Cloud SQL Proxy ...
sauceishere's user avatar
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Run a python script when start up and SSH not log in

I am new to programming and doing a simple academic project with Raspberry Pi, I have a script which will monitor the changes of database and output the change with 2 different color LED. I want it ...
hellojoshhhy's user avatar
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4 answers

Can Raspberry Pi Model B be used as JEE applications web server?

I have learnt how to develop web applications with JEE technologies, working in Eclipse IDE, using Apache TomEE server and MySQL database. Until now, I was using local server instance. I don't have ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Failed MySQL install (Raspbian)

I finally got a Raspberry Pi for Christmas and decided to set it up as a home web server. I have nginx with PHP set up and working. I came to install MySQL and ran sudo apt-get install mysql-server. ...
ClearCarbon's user avatar