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SSH hanging with Raspberry Pi

I have a RaspberryPi Model 3A+, with the Raspbian OS installed. I am trying to SSH from my laptop, into my Pi over my LAN. Initially I encountered no issues. I could ssh in fine, execute commands, etc....
user10709800's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu won’t connect to wifi

Flashed on Raspberry Pi OS, and I couldn’t connect to the internet by any graphical or terminal means, so I tried Ubuntu but I get the same results. I got this PI less than a year ago and have barely ...
Jessie Productions's user avatar
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Cannot find name of my network interface card on Ubuntu 20.04

I Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop OS running on Raspberry Pi 4. I have connected a printer to the Pi's ethernet port, and I have troubles in assigning a static IP using netplan. The problem is I cannot find the ...
jxw's user avatar
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Connection too slow using RPi 4 and Wireguard

I setup a local home VPN on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core (4GB of RAM) running Ubuntu 20.04 connected to my home router using ethernet. I used PiVPN with Pihole for the setup. I setup the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Not able to mount D-Link DMW-156 on ubuntu system

D-Link DMW-156 is a 3g USB dongle, when I plugin to the usb it shows green light for few seconds and then red light.Have tried the following commands on the terminal. sudo mount /dev/sr1/mnt mount: /...
Madhuraank B's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Trying to make PI 4 into headless VPN, WiFi hotspot and provide VPN connection to a VOIP adapter [closed]

I’ve looked at this board and done quite a few Google searches and haven’t found what I’m looking for. I have read a few replies to posts that say the writer should include more information and be ...
Tom Fish's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

RPI4B Ubnutu Server 20.10 wifi setup

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 20.10 on my RPI 4B and cannot get wifi to work. I followed the instructions here, here, and here. When I attempt to setup wifi via wpa_supplicant (the last link) ...
user138669's user avatar
0 votes
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More SSH Permission denied blues

I have recently purchased the raspberry-pi Zero W and i must say it is nice little device accept for my little ssh issue every time i try to ssh all i get: pi@raspberrypi's password: Permission ...
Sychron's user avatar
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1 answer

NetworkManager on Ubuntu Mate keeps asking the password

We recently changed the router and set up the devices and everything worked fine. Except there is my raspberry pi 3 which cannot connect to the new router. It doesn’t show any errors but it simply ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Random network sleeps when using ubuntu 20.04 server

I am trying to setup a cluster of Pi4Bs, and have decided to use Ubuntu 20.04 server 64-bit. I have setup static IP via Netplan and have disabled cloud-init. (Wired ethernet interface) But after this ...
user3414321's user avatar
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Wants to install Eclipse Kura but failed to set up internet network after removing dhpcd5 package

I am trying to install Eclipse Kura on my raspberry pi. From the Kura website, it is said that the package dhcpcd5 is not compatible with Kura. After removing the package, I tried to follow the ...
Dr Drill's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to configure Ubuntu 19.10 Raspberry Pi 4 wifi to automatically connect?

How do I configure wifi to automatically without rebooting? For example, like phone, when my phone detect wifi that has connected, it connect the wifi network automatically without reboot and any ...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
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CompoundPI unidentified server problem

I am trying to use CompoundPI ( with two RPIs and an ubuntu client. CompoundPI connects multiple RPIs, that each of them has a picamera,...
Essam Gouda's user avatar
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Raspberri Pi unreachable

I am totally new to the forum, linux and Rasperry Pi, which is not the best baseline, I know. I bought some Raspberry's (4B) and made two bootable SD cards. I don't like the interface of Raspbian, so ...
user12053478's user avatar
2 votes
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DNSMasq unknown interface wifi0 - failed to start

Introduction I am trying to use my Ubuntu Core-RaspberryPi as a Wifi Access point. Therefore, I am using hostapd and dnsmasq. I followed this tutorial in order to setup everything. I start them ...
linus_hologram's user avatar
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Connected to the internet but unable to ping

I have a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with a Huawei E3372 LTE USB Stick. I use a mobile simcard in this USB stick to provide it with a internet connection. The problem now is that I can't even ping the IP ...
Sander bakker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Raspberry Pi board is not detecting LAN connection

I'm working on Raspberry Pi board with Ubuntu OS but it's not detecting the LAN connection and I am not getting an IP address when I type ifconfig. I've added below code to /etc/netplan/01-config....
Karma Yogi's user avatar
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1 answer

rPi3 Access Point and Ubuntu artful 17.10 [closed]

I just configured the raspbian as an AP. The Wi-Fi connection works well on windows and android, but when I try to connect from Ubuntu, it enters but does not have an internet connection: In the ...
AlexisCaffa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

network setup when installing ubuntu core on raspberry pi 3 [closed]

Does anyone know what I need to do with network configuration when installing Ubuntu core on the Raspberry Pi 3? I was able to download the Ubuntu image and copy it onto a small SD card as the ...
user3064141's user avatar
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PI Zero gadget with g_ether on Ubuntu host creates new wired connection every boot

I have a Raspberry PI Zero running Raspbian Stretch 2017-09-07 configured in otg mode with the g_ether module loaded. When I set a static IP in the interfaces files, connecting on Windows is ...
Ulincsys's user avatar
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3 votes
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“Destination Host Unreachable” when not logged in

I ping a device on my network by its local IP. When the device is logged out (at lock screen), I get a wall of "Destination Host Unreachable". When the device is logged in, the pings return just fine. ...
Wolf's user avatar
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1 answer

Mount error(6) when trying to mount a network path on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

I am trying to mount a folder from one Raspberry Pi to another one. The Raspberry Pi I am trying to mount is running Ubuntu Mate and I have shared the folder and gave it guest access and write ...
Rob's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to PXE Boot a Pi 3?

I am setting up a demo lab where I build a baby Openstack data center using MaaS and Juju with LXD hypervisors running ZFS. Here is my setup: Macbook Pro i7, 16GB RAM VMWare Fusion VM(s) running ...
spyderdyne's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

possible to ssh with Ubuntu MATE

I flashed the Ubuntu MATE distro with my OSX. Now I try to connect to my pi through ssh. I get an IP but when I try to log with ubuntu/ubuntu as a login/password, it does not work. Is it configured to ...
epsilones's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to update multiple Pis at once?

Is there a way to update multiple Raspberry Pi machines at the same time? Would it be possible to update them from a single copy of the image on the central Ubuntu PC server so that the download takes ...
Jhondoe's user avatar
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How I transfer files from laptop to raspberry via ethernet cable?

I am using Ubuntu 13.04 version and raspberry device is connect with my laptop through Ethernet cable. I want to transfer some python(.py) file to raspberry pi. How I transfer data or files between ...
Zeb's user avatar
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