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SSH hanging with Raspberry Pi

I have a RaspberryPi Model 3A+, with the Raspbian OS installed. I am trying to SSH from my laptop, into my Pi over my LAN. Initially I encountered no issues. I could ssh in fine, execute commands, etc....
user10709800's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu won’t connect to wifi

Flashed on Raspberry Pi OS, and I couldn’t connect to the internet by any graphical or terminal means, so I tried Ubuntu but I get the same results. I got this PI less than a year ago and have barely ...
Jessie Productions's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

RPI4B Ubnutu Server 20.10 wifi setup

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 20.10 on my RPI 4B and cannot get wifi to work. I followed the instructions here, here, and here. When I attempt to setup wifi via wpa_supplicant (the last link) ...
user138669's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NetworkManager on Ubuntu Mate keeps asking the password

We recently changed the router and set up the devices and everything worked fine. Except there is my raspberry pi 3 which cannot connect to the new router. It doesn’t show any errors but it simply ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to configure Ubuntu 19.10 Raspberry Pi 4 wifi to automatically connect?

How do I configure wifi to automatically without rebooting? For example, like phone, when my phone detect wifi that has connected, it connect the wifi network automatically without reboot and any ...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

DNSMasq unknown interface wifi0 - failed to start

Introduction I am trying to use my Ubuntu Core-RaspberryPi as a Wifi Access point. Therefore, I am using hostapd and dnsmasq. I followed this tutorial in order to setup everything. I start them ...
linus_hologram's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

possible to ssh with Ubuntu MATE

I flashed the Ubuntu MATE distro with my OSX. Now I try to connect to my pi through ssh. I get an IP but when I try to log with ubuntu/ubuntu as a login/password, it does not work. Is it configured to ...
epsilones's user avatar
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