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Questions tagged [nfs]

Network File System (NFS) - a distributed file system protocol

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Mounting an NFS share to the current user

I have two Raspberry Pis, say Pi-One and Pi-Two. I have an NFS share setup on Pi-One. I have 2 users on Pi-Two, the original 'Pi' (uid=1000, gid=1000), and 'Steve' (uid=1001, gid=1001). Whatever I do ...
Richard's user avatar
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Mounting nfs causes infinite recursive directories on one of two RaspberryPi-s

I have a disk image file looped to the directories (with two partitions): /srv/bookworm-image/loop0p1 /srv/bookworm-image/loop0p2 These directories are normal boot and root partitions of bookworm ...
Dims's user avatar
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How to use a pi zero as NFS client/USB stick?

I have a Google Chromecast with an app that I would like to connect to my NFS share on my NAS. The app does not have a built-in NFS (or smb) client, so there is no way I can make the connection ...
Christian Brinch's user avatar
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Can a RPi be network booted with an NFS other than NFSv3?

Please excuse me if I am asking this question in the wrong place: I'm trying to network boot Ubuntu 22.04 on a Raspberry Pi 4B, and I'm not entirely clear where Raspberry ends and Ubuntu begins :-) ...
Stephen Winnall's user avatar
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Can a raspberry pi get the video feed of another through a NFS server between the two?

For my project, I need to get the feed (preferably simultaneousely) of 2 pi cameras (one on each pi 4). As of now, both are communicating through ssh over wifi. It's very slow, not reliable and very ...
Sanico's user avatar
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Kernel not updating with atp-get update/upgrade - Ubuntu 21.04 - TFTP boot NFS root

I am gradually getting a Pi 4 cluster up and running, and have hit an issue I have not been able to resolve with google. It is my understanding of the Ubuntu boot process that is lacking really. I ...
Mark Jones's user avatar
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Convert network folder to USB drive

I know that the question sound creasy, but I will explain the purpose in a while. I have a NAS at home with many storage space, shared as SMB/NFS folders in my network. My idea would be to connect 1 ...
GrizzlyBear's user avatar
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Mount USB then NFS

I'm creating a kubernetes cluster with 1 desktop pc and 3 raspberry pi4. The desktop PC is set as master node and NFS server. Each RPi4 has two USB keys: Ubuntu 21.04 Server on 32GB key Storage on ...
T00rk's user avatar
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2 answers

Which user is used to authenticate with the NFS server when mounting in fstab?

I'm trying to wrap my head around connecting my Pi2B to a NAS using NFS. In this answer, @Ingo wrote. As customary then you mount to nfs shares with entries in /etc/fstab. This line in your /etc/...
serialhobbyist's user avatar
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Writing to a NAS from a Raspberry Pi 2B - SMB or NFS?

I'm familiar with Windows but a Linux newbie. I have a Synology NAS which I want to use with my Raspberry Pi 2B (which is running Tvheadend). The NAS supports NFS, SMB and AFP. I want to minimise ...
serialhobbyist's user avatar
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NFS client access denied

I created a basic NFS share on my RPi4 following the RaspberryPi doc and PiMyLife tutorial. First, installed nfs-kernel sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server -y then, set permissions sudo chown -R ...
markfree's user avatar
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mount.nfs: access denied by server

I am trying to mount an NFS share from one Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspbian 10) on another Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspbian 10) but I keep getting an error. $ sudo mount -vvvv -t nfs /mnt ...
foodev's user avatar
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nfs server on linux with windows 10 client

I have a nfs server on a raspberry pi 3 b+, that share an ext4 directory. The nfs client is a windows 10 computer. I have a problem with character encoding on client side. All accent characters are ...
geo667's user avatar
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Can I boot with a nfsroot over a wireless network?

I've recently been transitioning the various Raspberry Pis on my (wired) network over to use NFS root filesystems rather than mounting them from the SD cards, to avoid the assorted known problems with ...
Cerebrate's user avatar
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Can't mount NFS shares on Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to mount a NFS share on two Raspberry Pi, both running raspbian buster, but I can't. The same commands and steps issued on several VMs that I have running Debian buster minimal, work as ...
Sergio's user avatar
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1 answer

OMV: Unit proc-fs-nfsd.mount has failed

I've flashed an OMV (openmediavault) image on an SD-card and fired up my R-Pi. I've created a share and would like to export it via NFS. When enabling the NFS-server it fails. I did some digging in ...
participant's user avatar
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Cannot see files from DSM I made with Transmission on NFS share on Synology NAS

I installed Tranmission on my Pi3 today, mainly following this post: Permission problems with Transmission. I finally got it working I thought, but now I ran into something weird. From the Pi3 side ...
FenderBender's user avatar
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PXE - reboot if nfs root fail

I have a full working PXE server and multiple Raspberry Pi 3b+ running on read only. My problem come from an issue we can face anytime, a connection loss. If we lose connection with the NFS server, ...
Thanatheos's user avatar
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2 answers

sqlite gigabyte database on RPi3B+ [closed]

I need r/w access to a sqlite database of several GBytes. Putting it on the SD card is out of the question as the writing would wear out the SD too quickly. This is why I was thinking of network file ...
user1095108's user avatar
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Installing NFS in Raspbian

I read a lot of articles and it seems it should be pretty simple to install NFS in Raspbian. Just installed the three packages rpcbind nfs-common nfs-kernel-server and I'm getting this error: Oct 4 ...
Luca Carlon's user avatar
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Cannot automatically mount NFS share to Raspberry Pi

I am having a problem with mounting an NFS share from my Western Digital server to my Raspberry Pi. As a relatively inexperienced Raspberry user, I solicited help from several collaborators and ...
ASF's user avatar
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How to increase NFS clients beyond 16

I increased my cluster from 16 to 20 machines. One issue which has come up is that I cannot connect more that 16 machines as NFS clients to the raspberry pi nfs server. The nfs server machine runs ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Debian Jessie with NFS root stalls on startup

I am running Debian Jessie (Raspbian Jessie Lite) on my RPi model B. Previously with Wheezy I had great success booting with root filesystem mounted over NFS, but now it stalls on startup. I am ...
Tiksi's user avatar
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NFS share won't mount on boot, but will manually

OK - this is frustrating...there are lots of messages on this board and others with the same problem, yet none of the solutions provided seem to work in my case. I'm using a Pi-3, with a fresh ...
Dwayne King's user avatar
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Permission denied when mounting NFS drive from Pi 3 to Mac

I'm trying to share a drive mounted to my Raspberry Pi with my Mac using NFS. The drive is formatted HFS+ so that I can still use it with my mac if need be. I set up the NFS server on my pi using ...
mrstephens's user avatar
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nfs-kernel-server does not start after reboot

After installing the nfs server it does not run. After manually sztarting the rpcbind and nfs-kernel-server service everything works fine, but after a reboot it is again not running.
Bibo's user avatar
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Can't mount Raspberry Pi NFS Server [closed]

I am trying to set up my pi3 running raspbian as an NFS server. I've followed these instructions: In /etc/exports I have ...
EddyTheB's user avatar
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Abmysal NFS read performance RPi2

Im having a hard time pinpointing why my RPi2 have such a terrible NFS read performance. Background: Using openelec or Libreelec i cannot read large BD-rips file structures without having heavy ...
TEB's user avatar
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Mounting using Autofs needs to reboot Nfs-server after rebooting the server

I have 2 RPis3 and nfs server 4, i used this tutorial for Autofs And it works but after restarting the ...
Malaz Albawarshi's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

nfsroot boot fails - nfs server reports the request

I have a raspberry pi model b+ that I am attempting to boot with a root on an nfs share. The pi takes an ip address from dhcp, and makes request to my nfs server for the root share. The server reports ...
gnarly-line's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it OK to install Jessie Lite on a Raspberry 1 model B?

My problems started when I used it as a master node in a cluster with 3 more Pi2B as slaves. Nfs4 did not run because of the portmap issue and then I could not install openjdk7 because of the packages ...
Julita Inca's user avatar
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Install NFS server

On my Raspberry I try to install NFS like following: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server The last command returns: Reading package lists....
Boris Brodski's user avatar
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NFS transfer speed Raspberry Pi 2 vs 3

I'm using an Raspberry Pi2 Model B as a NFS file server in my LAN. If I copy a 3.3 GB image file with "rsync -av" from an encrypted drive on my laptop to an encrypted USB drive on my Pi2 I get a ...
Rotareti's user avatar
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NFS mount at boot with autofs on Raspbian Jessie

I'm trying to configure my RPi to use autofs to mount at boot a NFS share from my QNAP NAS. The manual mount with mount -v -t nfs server://share /mnt/share works and also the autofs service works ...
Cheshire Cat's user avatar
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How much of core is used for nfs transfer

So I am debating on whether or not to use my one core or quad core pi as the nfs root for my pi cluster. I do not know much about nfs and am wondering if the amount of cores matter. I appreciate any ...
user36865's user avatar
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OMXPlayer not exiting after playing mp3

I suddenly ran into this problem. My default OMXPlayer is not exiting ("hanging") after playing a .mp3 from the command line. The only way to exit is Ctrl Z, so I can't use any sort of loop function ...
Renier Delport's user avatar
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Can't see video files in NFS Share (haneWIN)

Running OSMC RC3 on RPi2. Just set up NFS server using haneWIN and the instructions here ( I can see the shared folder and subfolders, but I do not see ...
Korean_Of_the_Mountain's user avatar
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NFS booted Pi hangs if booting while the server is not ready

I'm NFS booting a Pi and using DHCP IP assignment wonderfully well. I've noticed that in the event of a power outage or other situation that interrupts the connection to the server, the Pi freezes ...
user300457's user avatar
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How to U-Boot for Arch linux over NAS?

I want to use u-boot my Arch linux including the kernel from the NAS via NFS (or TFTP if it requires). I have installed Arch before and I understand kernel.img, I have read this link about U-Boot ...
Vicary's user avatar
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Users and permissions on a Raspi which is both a home and an owncloud server [closed]

I'm a long time Linux desktop user but a total newbie in servers and security. Now I want to set up a Raspi (running Raspbian) to act as a CUPS print server, an NFS file server and backup storage, an ...
Photon's user avatar
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Unmount NFS shared drive without stopping nfs-kernel-server

I have a setup in which I have a Raspberry Pi B+ with Raspbian as file server, sharing a 5 disk usb rack. I don't whant the rack to be on all the time, so I turn it on when I'm going to use it and ...
Saikamur's user avatar
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When booting with rootfs on NFS, where is the best place to put swap file?

I have 6 raspberry pi (model B) units on my home network and, following a tutorial (here:, have configured them ...
Tiksi's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Mount NFS Folder share on RPi from a synology NAS

I would like to mount a NFS folder share from my Synology NAS on my RPi. So far, all my efforts have been unsucessful. I get stuck on : pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mount -t nfs
cgasp's user avatar
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6 answers

Mount NFS directory at boot

I have a raspberry pi humming along happily. I'd like it to mount an NFS directory and so I've set up an /etc/fstab rule: /mnt/media nfs rw,auto,hard,intr The directory ...
Gregable's user avatar
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NFS root, mount speed

I'm wondering what can I do to speed up booting from NFS server (nfs root). I'm using Arch and there are no problem in booting over network, but still, it needs ~2 minutes to start booting and then ...
10robinho's user avatar
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9 answers

NFS Server: Not starting: portmapper is not running

I'm attempting to set up my Raspberry Pi with Wheezy Raspbian 2013-02-09 as an NFS server (client will be Ubuntu 12.10). I have followed these instructions. I can't start the service and get the ...
d2le's user avatar
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Can one mount an NFS directory at /

I tried following this Answer: How do I configure the Raspberry Pi to boot with an NFS root? But at some point smoke started to come out of my ears. All I want to do is move as many of my files off ...
puk's user avatar
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Appalling write speed using NFS

I've set up a NFS share on my Raspberry by installing @nfs-kernel-server@ and configuring the following export: /media/hdd,async) I've mounted the share on a Ubuntu client using ...
John Darret Steward's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I connect to my RPi NFS server using version 4?

I've set my Raspberry Pi up as an NFS server, but I cannot connect to it with NFS version 4. However, version 3 works. From my Kubuntu 13.04 client: $ sudo mount -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049,vers=4 ...
Sparhawk's user avatar
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NFS vs Samba shares

So I'm setting up a NAS server with my Raspberry-Pi, and I'm trying to figure out what type of file sharing I want to implement. Between NFS and Samba shares, I've read that NFS is faster than Samba, ...
joaocandre's user avatar