Questions tagged [opengles]

OpenGL ES is a cross-platform API for 2D and 3D graphics on embedded systems. It has different subset profiles of desktop OpenGL for fixed function hardware and programmable hardware.

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8 votes
3 answers

Running the PC version of Minecraft on a Pi

In my never ending quest to try and get a Raspberry Pi to run the full PC version of Minecraft, I think I came across something that could help. I nearly have the program booting up on its own. I'm ...
moocow1452's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Running Modern Opengl on raspberry pi

Is there any way to "enable" modern OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi (specifically the Raspberry Pi3)? I would like to use C++ instead of Python, since I'm a lot more familiar with it. I know there is a ...
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3 votes
1 answer

EGL and OpenGL ES forwarding via SSH

I've tried to access my Raspberry Pi(running Raspbian) using SSH with -X flag. On my host machine(Ubuntu 14.04 x64), I can run graphic programs like browser, however, when I want to execute the sample ...
Han's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Fixing "failed to add service - already in use?" error programmatically

This is related to an earlier question "eglGetDisplay() fails on RaspBerry 3". On Raspbian Stretch with the full OpenGL driver, running hello_triangle or other GLES examples under /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/...
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