Questions tagged [openvino]

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RuntimeError: Can not init Myriad device: NC_ERROR on RaspberryPi 3 with NCS Ver. 1

I am trying to install OpenVINO on RaspberryPi 3 with NCS. Unfortunately, after several attempts, the procedure which I followed step-by-step was unsuccessful. The procedure itself ran smoothly, ...
1 vote
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Using gstreamer with openvino opencv in rpi4 without installing gstreamer packages

I am trying to use gstreamer pipeline with openvino opencv-4.1. I don't have the root permission so can't install any packages. So I copied all the needed libs for gstreamer into /usr/local/lib. But ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to fix link error of OpenVINO sample on Raspberry PI

I have raspberry pi 3 B+ with Raspbian Jessi on it it. I am trying to setup it to run OpenVINO applications. I was following the installation steps as per the documentation and it went fine. When I ...