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Turn on camera led on pi 0 2w

i tried to use disable_camera_led=0 in /boot/config.txt file but it didn't work, and as for the camera its brand new pi camera v2 i went through the post where its been told that camera led line is ...
Siddh Mistry's user avatar
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Exposure time in PiCamera not working

I am trying to take a long exposure image (30 sec+) in python using a RPi HQ camera ( and the PiCamera module). This is my code: ...
Jake's user avatar
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Display monitor closes while running a python code on Rpi zero

I am writing a code using the Google AIY vision kit and its APIs. I have a loop which calls the face_detection model continuously every 30 secs. The loop works perfectly fine for the first 2 ...
Nadeen Tarek's user avatar
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Scanning a QR code using a raspberry pi zero or a Pi3 via a command line script

I need to scan a QR code via the command line when a script is run. My current setup is an epaper display with integrated 4 buttons. So far I have each button programmed to run a script to change ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar