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Camera Module 3 / PiCamera not working on Ubuntu Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry pi 4B with Ubuntu, and I’m trying to use my camera module 3 with python (I’ve tested the code with Raspberry Pi OS, so I know it’s right) using PiCamera and in a virtual environment ...
Flamethrower's user avatar
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RPi Camera V2 not detected with Raspberry Pi4 running Ubuntu 20.05 LTS

I am running into a problem in which I am unable to have my Pi detect my new RPi Camera V2. I am running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (focal) since I am working on a robotics project that requires ROS2(foxy). ...
boogie_muffins's user avatar
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Picamera on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit

Is there any way to get picamera to work on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit. I have tried: Compiling a non-official version of userland for 64-bit and it compiled, but the camera does not work I have tried using ...
Klemen's user avatar
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Rpi Camera in ubuntu server 20.04 raspistill working, but python picamera and c++ raspicam not

I have been able to get the rpi camera v2 working on ubuntu server 20.04 (64bit) by using raspistill. However I am having trouble getting it to work with the python package picamera and the c++ ...
Bart van Ingen's user avatar
5 votes
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picamera and Ubuntu 20.04 arm64?

Does picamera work on Ubuntu 20.04 arm64? I am on pi4 4gb. Added start_x=1 to /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt and rebooted. Checked for updates. pip3 install picamera - ok. When import picamera is ...
lead-free's user avatar
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Why can't I access camera through my remote desktop?

I am currently running ubuntu 18.04 and I have a picamera connected to my rpi. When I use the main display and connect the rpi to my screen via HDMI, I can access the camera using the opencv library ...
JKEL's user avatar
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