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3 12V DC motors on raspberry pi with L298N

Completely new to this stuff. For context, I am trying to connect 3 DC motors that probably are 12v. I haven't bought them yet, they will definitely be more than 5v. I want to be able to control all ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
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Can RPi 4 deliver more amps on the 5 volt rail than RPi 3 powered over PoE?

I have a setup using a Raspberry Pi 3B. I use the PoE hat on top and I power the entire setup over PoE from a Unifi switch. The setup has quite a lot of peripherals that need power and I use the 5 ...'s user avatar
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2 answers

Pi Remains Running When External (Powered) HD is connected

I have a Pi3B+. Attached is a (powered) Western Digital My Book external hard drive. When I accidentally unplugged the power to the Pi, it kept running, happy as can be with the only other energy ...
Steve's user avatar
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Can I give power 5V 2.1A to Raspberry Pi 3 B+?

I have already taken RPI 3 B + from post office and now I want start RPI 3 B +. But I'm seeing that I haven't got 5V 2.5A Power Block. So, I have a question. Can I give power 5V 2.1A to Raspberry Pi 3 ...
TheFnafException's user avatar
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Power LED blinks at first boot, but fine during second boot

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. When I turn it on, it works fine but the red PWR LED keeps blinking. Everything else works fine, with no issues, but when I power it off and turn it on again, then it ...
tester's user avatar
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Is there a code for the power LED blinking (I've noticed a pattern) or is it simply "blinking" and that's it?

I recently got my first Raspberry Pi (model 3 B+) plus a starter kit from Adafruit, and I have encountered my first challenge: boot the darn thing. The starter kit came with a micro SD with NOOBs ...
John Cox's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 3 b+ and 7" touchscreen over poe

I have an issue, i want to power my pi and 7" touchscreen over poe but the raspberry pi poe hat supplies only 2.5 amp. 7" touchscreen requires 2.5 amp and rpi 3 b+ also requires 2.5 amp so i am in ...
Madis Tuisk's user avatar