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Raspberry 3+ b and two external usb drives: lack of current

I've encountered the following problem: when I connect 1 external usb hdd to my Pi, everything works fine. But when I connect second one with the same characteristics, both drives are not usable. I ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Connecting external Hard Drive to Raspberry Pi 2 [duplicate]

I am trying to connect a 2 Tb external Hard drive (ADATA HD710) to my raspberry pi, but the problem is that when I connect it to one of the USB ports, the raspberry pi stops working. I am not sure if ...
Nau's user avatar
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Ext. HDD I/O Error - suspends, power issues?

My external USB HDD becomes repeatedly inaccessible after a long time of usage/idleness. The same thing happened before with a very old disk and I thought it was just failing. But I do have the same ...
Benjamin Maurer's user avatar