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can low power be the cause of low WiFi speed?

I'm using a raspberry pi 2 model b running Ubuntu core, and a TP-Link TL-WN821Nv3 USB WiFi adapter, which has a maximum speed of 300mbps/37.5mBps, and a Samsung charger which supplies 2A (lower than ...
Wis's user avatar
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Is it okay to power the Pi Touchscreen by plugging into the Pi?

I have the official raspberry Pi 7 inch touch screen, and I have mounted to it a Pi 2. Lately I have been using it and I have been plugging the power into the Pi itself. I however recently remember ...
Ethan Gascoigne's user avatar
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Connecting external Hard Drive to Raspberry Pi 2 [duplicate]

I am trying to connect a 2 Tb external Hard drive (ADATA HD710) to my raspberry pi, but the problem is that when I connect it to one of the USB ports, the raspberry pi stops working. I am not sure if ...
Nau's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi 3 vs Pi 2 power consumption and heat dissipation

I've seen the announcement of the new Raspberry 3 but didn't find any info regarding power consumption and heating. A 1.2 Ghz 64-bit CPU is great but does it draw a lot more power? Shall heat be an ...
Cedric Martin's user avatar
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Faint PWR LED, doesn't boot

I've just installed Raspbian to my new RPi2 B+. Shutdown and connect Adafruit Neopixel Ring (3 connectors: 4th pin - 5v, 6th pin - GND, 12th pin - DATA IN) and boot the RPi. Then it has reset itself ...
Damian Przygodzki's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

RPI Forever On?

I have my RPI2 deployed as a receiver at remote location which is intended to be forever on. But after some 20-30 hours, it goes into some mode with just red light turned on(no green light blinking) ...
Ric's user avatar
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2 answers

Tapping into 5v power

I will be using a high-amp 5v power supply feeding the Raspberry Pi 2 via microusb. (Similar to this one) I ...
pierce.jason's user avatar
2 votes
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My Pi2 won't boot. How do I check\measure the voltage on a Pi2

So my Pi is giving me the red light of doom and I want to check to see if the power supply is faulty. How do I measure the voltage on the Pi2 from the power supply to ensure it is not faulty?
sarin's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 2 - HDMI not displaying

Just recently purchased a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 1GB. I also bought a micro SD card Kingston 16GB Class 10. I loaded up the Noobs software as instructed on:
BantuTech's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Current draw for +/2/3/0 models

Essentially "What's the current draw and supply voltage tolerance?" but for newer models.
Alexander M's user avatar