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how to use a 32 gigabyte sd card for raspberrypi zero w?

I've been trying to ssh to a raspberry pi with a 32 gigs sd card with no progress. I've been using raspberry pi imager for a while with other 16 gigs sd's on other pi zero w with expected results. ...
Martin Montas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SSH connection to Raspberry PI Zero W with modern Raspberry OS imager

I'd like to connect via ssh over usb from a linux laptop to a Raspberry Pi Zero W 1.1. I looked up several tutorials and followed them to the best of my ability but they seem to be outdated, as they ...
none none's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up SSH via Raspberry Pi Imager fails. "Permission denied (publickey)"

I use Raspberry Pi Imager to create an SD card with Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-Bit) for my Raspberry Pi 3B. I activate SSH and choose authentication via public key. Until recently this worked fine but ...
303's user avatar
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1 answer

SSH not working on freshed installed Rasperry Pi OS with enabled ssh in Rasperry PI Imager

I have the Raspberry Pi 4B (2GB) and I'm trying to configure it without using a desktop environment. I'm using the official Raspberry Pi Imager v1.7.1. I'm installing Rasperry PI OS Lite (64bit). In ...
desperate rasperry pi user's user avatar