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Questions tagged [raspbian]

DO NOT use this tag for new questions; Identify actual OS e.g. Raspberry Pi OS-Buster . Raspbian renamed Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) is a family of GNU/Linux operating systems derived from Debian. Version numbering follows that of Debian and the current stable is 11 (Bullseye). Raspberry Pi OS is the most widely used Pi based distro.

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Configuring VSFTPD more specificly

I'm new to Raspberry Pi and Linux in general. I'm trying to setup my Pi4 as an FTP server. VSFTPD seems to be the most prevalent option. I have found many how-to's on it, but what is demonstrated ...
Muscle Nerd Jerry's user avatar
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Permission problem with pwm and ros2

Good afternoon, I have a problem for a project. Let me explain, I'm trying to do a lawn-mower, it's a personnal project. I'm currently using a RPi 4 4bg, It runs on raspbian (Debian GNU/Linux 12 (...
nolwen mallet's user avatar
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I want to build a ultra low latency live streaming application using raspberry pi, picamera and ffmpeg

I’m working on building an ultra-low-latency live streaming application using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2. My setup includes FFmpeg for video streaming over UDP to achieve low latency, and ...
Ismail Mansuri's user avatar
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Raspberry Shake and Boom Down: What I tried. What else I can try?

I noticed on October 25 that my Raspberry Shake (AM.R3635) is down. It has been working fine for last several years and nothing changed in terms of internet connectivity. All the lights are glowing as ...
JessM's user avatar
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Reflashed my SD card for my Raspberry pi 5 the packages are still there

I reflashed my SD card for another project, I set it up some and packages that was previously installed back before I reflashed it is still in the /usr/lib like PyQt5 and PyQt5-sip it always show &...
Test Account's user avatar
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RPi bootlooping after apt full-upgrade

I've tried to execute sudo apt full-upgrade for my Raspberry Pi 4b and ran into an issue, The update stopped at 60%, and since then, I haven't been able to boot it properly. I've tried to reinstall it ...
Ruben Rudov's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 doesn't show anything on screen a short while after installing the OS

I installed the 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS onto a Raspberry Pi 4B model very recently. Everything worked fine, I installed vscode in it and updated the libraries. However, after shutting it down once, I ...
C Vith's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 5 sometimes has no LAN connection after booting

My raspberry Pi 5 sometimes (about one in seven) boots has no network connection. The Rpi receives an IP address from the DHCP server, but cannot ping any IP address from it. Interestingly, it is ...
Radek's user avatar
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Touch blocked on raspberry pi when pressing repeatedly

I have a raspberry pi in kiosk mode connected to a 32 inch touch screen. When I press quickly for a while the touch screen is blocked and does not allow me to perform any action. I am trying to change ...
Jorge Palacios Zaratiegui's user avatar
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I have Arducam IMX708 camera, I am unable to connect it to raspberry pi

I bought arducam IMX708 camera. I have connected it to Raspberry pi 4B+. i followed document. performed everything correctly. ...
Snehal Shende's user avatar
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Plugging External Hard Drives in USB Blocks Raspberry Pi Access

When I plug my (powered) external hard drive (any of several that I have) into my Pi USB ports I cannot log into Raspberry Pi (ssh). If I unplug the external hard drive I can log in, and then I can ...
RKO's user avatar
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How to install agcc-arm-linux-gnueabi on the Raspberry Pi 2B?

Is it possible to install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi on the Raspberry Pi 2b? How do I install it? Thank you so much for any help.
user2231142's user avatar
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Port / host forwarding through VPN on Pi

I am looking to use my Raspberry Pi as a VPN tunnel (not sure of the correct terminology). The basic setup is as follows: I have wireguard set up on the RPi and I have successfully connected to my ...
RichC's user avatar
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RASPBERRY PI ZERO - SSH working but PING fails in console mode

SFTP works well in Desktop mode autologin. I mean I can send/get files from a host computer using filezilla (sftp - ssh file tansfer protocol) but I cannot connect my raspberry pi0 with SFTP when it ...
bbd 666's user avatar
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Cannot ping pi, unless pi is actively pinging something else

Reloaded raspbian again and things seem to work. :) Pi 3b+. Just reloaded rasbian with the newest version and now I am unable to ping the pi or SSH into it. I have three other windows computers that I ...
Andy H's user avatar
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Network Home Setup with Raspberry Pi as a router

I'm looking for a way to setup my home network, with a Raspberry Pi 3 as the router. My ISP is using ``PPPOE`` to deliver service. The ideal would be to have both a wired network and a wifi network ...
Matthieu Matt's user avatar
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Problem with GLIBC when running executable on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

I created a executable file on the raspberry pi 3 using pyinstaller. Did the regular changes to the .spec to include my other files and attempted to run it... Nothing. So, I went into terminal and ...
Electrical Computer Man's user avatar
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Show full boot messages which are shortened

I have set up one of those waveshare 3,5" TFT displays and it works well. But on (re)boot the boot messages are somehow shortened by a dot in the middle of each line so the beginning and end of ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Upgrading systemd from Debian backports safely

I want to upgrade systemd to the one in the Debian backports to fix an issue that was resolved in the newer version. After adding bullseye backports to apt sources, I tried running sudo apt install ...
Guiorgy's user avatar
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On-screen keyboard popup on chromium text field input

I am running a web app on my pi using streamlit. I want my pi to operate as a standalone system so I have it connected to a touchscreen and I have a systemd script to autostart my streamlit app and ...
keshmaster81's user avatar
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Raspbian OS / Klipper Box Only SSH need Wlan1 to work how to?

I setup a raspbian os with klipperbox and mainsailos its for my 3d printer. all works well but my rpi 3b has less connection to wlan with the build in setup. so i put in a usb wlan fritzbox n v2 its ...
Bill Sian's user avatar
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How to speed up boot in Raspberry Pi 3 Model B?

I installed a Raspberry Pi os Lite (64-bit) on a current 32gb SD card and connected it via HDMI. After that, I'm testing by installing pyqt via apt and running the file. Since it is CLI mode, ...
Khanna's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 5 running Blender..?

Raspberry pi 5 running Blender..? hi this is SorenaSenpai, I have Raspberry Pi 5 I want to Run Blender but it said I need OpenGl 3 or higher is it possible? if yes how do I install it? 1 more question:...
black knight's user avatar
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SSH hanging with Raspberry Pi

I have a RaspberryPi Model 3A+, with the Raspbian OS installed. I am trying to SSH from my laptop, into my Pi over my LAN. Initially I encountered no issues. I could ssh in fine, execute commands, etc....
user10709800's user avatar
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Instructions for installing eGalax Touch Screen from the command line on Raspberry pi 4b

I need instructions on how to install, configure, calibrate, eGalax Touch Screen. All necessary actions must be done from the command line, replacing and editing files. definition USB: root@pi:~# ...
Aleksey's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 with the QT5.15 program running, the resistive touch screen does not respond to pressing

I have Qt5.15 embedded with Linux Raspberry Pi 4. My touchscreen does not respond to pressing. More details: display ids-3210r-40sva1e. ver. Linux pi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT ...
Aleksey's user avatar
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SSH from iPhone into RPi 2B on the go

I have a RPi 2B and Zero W. When I’m on the go I want to ssh into the 2B but I have no WiFi adapter. So I thought I can connect the 2B and the Zero using a Ethernet cable and adapter (for the Zero). ...
Teriff's user avatar
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Kano will not update/upgrade

I did see someone else getting the same 404 error when trying to update but no solution. Is there a way to bypass raspbian stretch to further update? We have the kano build your own tablet. I have ...
Becky P.'s user avatar
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Blue screen appearing on webcam server of raspberry pi.?

Motion version 4.3.2 is used. If i edit the configuration file according to version 4.1.1 will it work? or is there anyother solution
zig zag's user avatar
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MT7601U Wireless Adapter only works if connected after boot

I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero W, with a USB hub and adding a second wifi. If the dongle in question is connected after boot, it works flawlessly: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, ...
Argus Rosenhaim's user avatar
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Raspbian started lagging, tried to reboot and now stuck on a black screen with a blinking cursor

Momentarily shows the Raspberry Pi splash screen then sits on a black screen with a blinking cursor. I've checked the SD card on Window using Paragon software and SD card is almost full. I dont know ...
Josh Otis's user avatar
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I want to use NRF24L01 transceiver with raspberry pi but some GPIO pins are already occupied by 3.5 inch display how do i connect transceiver

26 GPIO pins are already used by 3.5 inch display some of these occupied pins are needed to connect transceiver. I am using NRF24L01 for wireless communication between raspberryPi and arduino can i ...
Anuragverma2804's user avatar
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Simple request for help to autostart mining at boot time

I'm really struggling to get something as simple as this to work. I've tried using rc.local, but for some reason the program doesn't seem to be starting, and I believe it would try to start before the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Problems with start service automatically on boot

I'm developping a dotnet core service to run in rpi4, and when i execute the service with "dotnet run rpiservice.dll" the code executes normally. So, i created a .service file and insert in /...
FelipeFonsecabh's user avatar
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Tp Link on a Pi 1B

I am trying to set up an one RPi 1B with a Tp Link Archer T2U AC600 wifi adapter. The Pi detects this adapter as a usb device, and I have installed both the Realtek rtl8812au and the Mediatek MT7610U ...
tjqscott's user avatar
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runing interface from C# on raspbian os raspberry pi 4 B

i have project make interface using C# to control plc from raspberry pi 4, and i want to try use camera using library, is it possible to run it on raspbian os ?
Naufal hanif Marzukie's user avatar
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GPIO not performing program operations

I'm working on tensorflow lite project with custom models. I'm making a conveyor belt to detect and remove defective items which are trained by me. My camera detects object but when it comes to make ...
namaaa's user avatar
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Can a Pi3 be used as an RS232 to TTL Level Shifter?

I have a couple of Pi 3's here, and have to recover an Iomega NAS. Normally I would use a USB device and have the cables connected from a laptop, run up putty, communicate over the usb serial port to ...
The Britalian's user avatar
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How to get Pi working as a simple bridge?

I have a RaspberryPi 4, and need it to connect to an Ethernet printer/ scanner. I have looked at many articles and I think that as not one worked, now there are problems as a result! The bizarre point ...
TTM's user avatar
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GPIO pins with pijuice hat

I am currently building a website controlled bb8 based on a raspberry pi 4b, and 2 12v motors controlled by a wma4000 relays module(4 relays, 2 for each motor are used to move forward and backwards). ...
Claus de la Guardia's user avatar
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Raspi not using IPv6-Interface-ID defined in router settings

I'm trying to make my raspi available via dyndns over IPv6. I have the whole dyndns thing setup in my router and it works. When trying to make the raspi itself available I can open up ports in my ...
Daniel Waidele's user avatar
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Problems With AutoConnections Wifi

I have a raspberry pi 4 with latest version of raspian and i want 2 things: 1 - static IP for eth0 port, so that I can guarantee access via ssh without any monitor. 2 - configure a wifi network via ...
FelipeFonsecabh's user avatar
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Using SPI0 on Raspberry Pi for 3 to 4 slaves

I've been having troubles to use several readings using SPI on a raspberry pi 3B and I would like to get any solution, all my code is in python since everything then goes to a GUI So I have three ...
Ángel Navarro's user avatar
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How to Turn Off Red Idle LED Light on Raspberry Pi 4 When Device is Turned Off

On a Raspberry Pi 4, and I've noticed that the red idle LED light remains on even when the device is turned off. While I understand this might be a default behavior, I'm looking for a way to turn off ...
user3607022's user avatar
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How to enable USB mode on Ubuntu Server installed on Raspberry Pi Zero W?

have installed Ubuntu Server on my Raspberry Pi Zero W and I'm trying to enable USB mode. I have edited the cmdline.txt and config.txt files as suggested, but upon booting, the USB mode is not working....
Prasaanth Sakthivel's user avatar
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Unable to unbind/disable the built-in USB driver

i was trying to upload my custom USB driver to test it but the kernel calls it's built-in USB driver probe once pendrive is plugged in. 1)i cannot directly remove using the built-in drive functn. as ...
Udit's user avatar
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Send command to tty1 on startup

I've connected a Waveshare e-ink display to my Raspberry Pi 3B+ and installed PaperTTY. My idea is to run vim on the e-ink display and use it as a Freewrite-like device or a writerdeck. Basically, use ...
Javier de Pascual's user avatar
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Getting v4l2rtspserver working on Raspian bookworm with High Resolution camera V1

I have installed v4l2rtspserver on raspian (bookworm) using snap: sudo apt update sudo apt install snapd sudo snap install core sudo snap install v412rtspserver The install went great, ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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Dual 96kHz custom Microphone Recording

I'm working on a project that involves two custom analog microphones, each with a -2 to +2 volt analog output signal. My goal is to capture audio from these mics using a Raspberry Pi at a minimum ...
Neithard's user avatar
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seedstudio reterminal not turning off after sudo reboot

I am using the seedstudio reterminal with cm4 to make a program that involves sht20 sensor. I encountered an error and found one solution in editing the “boot/config.txt” , by just adding some lines ...
arctic's user avatar
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