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RPi4 procedure for booting secondary CPUs

From I found such a statement: The Raspberry Pi 3 has four core processors, and after the device is powered on, ...
k1r1t0's user avatar
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PI 4B stopped working after I possibly shorted 5V from USB PSU to USB ground casing. Any fixes?

I had the Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet using the GPIO pins on my Raspberry Pi 4B connecting to a 64x64 LED matrix. Everything was working well. Then I decided to try and add a little fan from an old PI ...
c1uq92's user avatar
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Can I disassemble start4.elf file?

I am a student studying with the Raspberry Pi 4. I would like to learn about the embedded boot process, and I want to disassemble the startup4.elf file, but I was unable to do so with objdump or the ...
ghjeon's user avatar
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Kernel in use does not match headers after manual update

Goal: configuring my RPi 4 to act as a bridge/router between the cafe wifi downstairs and my private network while also using Pi-hole for my local network. Effectively, my wlan0 connects to the cafe (...
letmeinLetMeInLETM's user avatar
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RaspberryPi 4b won't boot from SD card anymore

I have used my RaspberryPi 4B multiple times with the same sd card. Everything worked perfectly fine. To test if the RaspberryPi fits in a case I got for it, I removed the sd card. After putting it ...
Emily's user avatar
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How to enable a fastApi server on startup?

im looking for solution, how to edit some files to specify which bash file (it's called should start after booting the device. I'm using bash version, without GUI. But the script ...
M0nk3y's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 crashes at startup then boot loops

I have a raspberry 4 8GB model, tested with multiple power supplies, multiple SD cards, and even tried to boot from USB (both the 2.0 and 3.0 ports). I also tried multiple images, the 64 and 32 bit ...
Tudor Szabo's user avatar
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unable to boot to network mode in pi4 B board when SDcard is removed

I am trying to Boot pi4 Board in Network boot without Sdcard for that i have done below steps 1 > sudo rpi-eeprom-config --edit and set as below BOOT_ORDER=0xf21 - **Try SD first**, followed by **...
abhi's user avatar
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Multiple first time start issues, including "Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2)"

So from what I have been googling, it sounds like it could be the SD card, but it is brand new and no other applications detect an error with it. Hopefully someone here can help me confirm. I bought a ...
Mac's user avatar
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Where is the boot sequence documented in detail?

I'm following this tutorial on writing "bare metal" code for the Raspberry Pi 4. I've gotten the code working fine, but I'm left wondering how I could have figured any of this stuff out for ...
Jack M's user avatar
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cant SSH into Raspberry Pi for the first time headless setup, login issue

I am trying to SSH into my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B for the first time. I've successfully installed the Raspberry OS using the UI configuration tool from the official website and boot loaded and SSH ...
eguneys's user avatar
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Raspberrry Pi 4 doesn't display image

I just received my raspberry pi 4 and I've got a basic setup ready to go. However when I turn the Pi on nothing displays on screen. I've got a microSD with Raspberry Pi OS installed already. Here's ...
BlueJay987's user avatar
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(Quick Help Please) I accidentally plugged the Positive wire into GND and the Negative wire into 5v GPIO

I have a fan that I was trying to plug into my Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb) (Deskpi lite addition from "Geeekpi") I was plugging it in, but didn't realize I accidentally plugged the red/positive ...
Unique_Zeph's user avatar
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Pi 4; 8GB RAM: Having fimware and OS(openBSD) both on the SD card

Yesterday I installed openBSD on my Pi 4 with 8GB RAM: I first installed the [UEFI firmware][1] on the vfat formated, primary, and only partition of an SD Card I created an openBSD 7.3 boot stick I ...
M0M0's user avatar
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halt the raspberry when power supply connected but not when GPIO3 is shorted to ground

For context I am using a raspberry PI3 but in the end might use a PI4 (but docs says they should behave the same). I changed config.txt to allow my raspberry to wake from a halt state (with GPIO3). ...
camp's user avatar
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Turn on raspberry PI from an input GPIO pin without ground

For context, I am using a raspberry PI 4 connected with it's charger (edit : I meant power supply, not charger). I wish to be able to turn it on when it receive a high value on a pin (for example,...
camp's user avatar
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What is wrong/what did I do wrong on boot? Raspberry Pi 4 [closed]

I just got my Pi on Christmas and I mostly use it for Discord bot hosting and now I am interested into turning it into a NAS. I followed Network Chucks video after I installed the Open Media Vault my ...
Kryptic Knight's user avatar
-1 votes
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Execute a line of code in the terminal after Pi is booting

I need to write this line of code on my Pi terminal in order to make my music software to work sudo systemctl restart my_puredata.service How can I make the Pi automatically execute this line of ...
user150653's user avatar
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RPI not connecting the wifi

As written I am unable to connect my RPI to the internet. What happened is I took the RPI from the office (where it was working) and took it home (to a new wifi). To save myself the headache, before I ...
Nicholas Frańczak's user avatar
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virtually boot my rpi-disk in mac env

I have an SSD disk with Raspbian on it. When I plug it into my MAC it only shows the boot partition (not the filesystem that you get once booted into the actual raspbian). Is there a simple way to ...
Matt Welander's user avatar
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Boot on Live Linux (USB) with command line of SD Card Raspbian

I would like to be able to boot on a live linux contained in a usb key connected to my Raspberry PI, from the terminal of my primary Raspbian contained on the SD card. The goal is to be able to ...
IluSioN's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4B won't boot. Red LED lights up but green LED dead

So I've been using my Pi4B for a couple of days and I was trying to run some OpenCV Python programs on it when it suddenly go disconnected (I use the Pi via Putty and VNC viewer). Ever since that the ...
A7sus4's user avatar
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System binaries fail with "Exec format error", apt-get fails with "117: Structure needs cleaning"

Most system commands fail with "Exec format error" and apt-get upgrade fails with "117: Structure needs cleaning". Does this sound like an SD-card corruption? If not, what could ...
Marcel Stör's user avatar
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Trying to Connect RaspberyPi4 to my monitor

LG monitor LCD 22" max res: 1680x1050 60Hz(without overclock) Using microHDMI to VGA hostOS: w10 64bit guestOS: raspberypiOS 32bit whenever adapter is connected to my monitor underscore(_) symbol ...
Alex's user avatar
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RPI 4 and creation of scripts from buildroot

I want to know if it is possible to allow my system created by buildroot, to automate the execution of script which would allow for example, to switch from qwerty to azerty (maybe this option exists ...
Fred's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 not booting after the welcome screen splash

I shut down my Raspberry Debian OS (properly using Shut Down) to attach a DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor to the board. After connecting the sensor, I started the Pi. I get a colorful splash ...
disasterkid's user avatar
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Black screen single dash but not blinking

I have a raspberry pi 4 that when booting gets stuck on the black screen with the blinking cursor in the top left corner but after about 3 seconds it freezes and the cursor becomes still. I have tried ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
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Using the Dynamic Device Tree to add Overlays at Run Time

I am working on a couple of ideas for device tree overlays for the RPi 3B+ & 4B. It will be useful in my testing to be able to load and unload overlays without having to reboot each time. As ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 not booting after trying to set up USB boot

I have just gotten a Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB), flashed Raspbian 64bit on it and read through various of tutorials to start Raspbian from an external SSD drive. In my last try/experiment, I downgraded ...
skna.1000's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi: Unable to reboot (unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2) - on brand new sdcard/image

I got some new Sandisk 32gb Ultra sdcards installed Pi OS on them etc - but when booting the Pi they gave the error in the title - all the same.
pperrin's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4B script won't run without being plugged in to monitor

I have a Python Script which takes input from a USB camera to monitor the face. The script runs as expected and runs automatically on start up when connected to a monitor. However, I need the script ...
beeslaw's user avatar
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Delay booting devices or booting the kernel

BLUF: I'd like to see if there's a solid way to delay the boot-up of the kernel to keep a Pi from sucking up a lot of juice out of the gate, or the USB bus to delay the devices' boot-up until after ...
jmcdee's user avatar
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Problem with booting Raspberry Pi 400 from USB drives

Summary: I have a USB3 flash drive that I can use to boot my Raspberry Pi 400 without a problem, but only when it is directly attached to one of my my RPI 400 USB3 ports. However, when I attach the ...
mcgregor94086's user avatar
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Boot Raspberry Pi 2 with SD card from Raspberry Pi 4

I have a working setup inside SD card, which I used on Raspberry Pi 4 successfully and now I want to use it also on Raspberry Pi 2. Currently I cannot make it run. It shows always initial multicolored ...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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Creating an OS for the raspberry pi in rust, booting from it

I was following this tutorial on how to make your own basic OS for an x86_64 system in rust, but wanted to do it for an ARM64 target, specifically, the raspberry pi 4. I am at the point where I have ...
LittleBigTech's user avatar
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How do I get back to GUI?

Recently my RPi started switching to a terminal on boot. I cannot get out of it and when i boot it says "Time Synchronization error" I've tried setting it manual, automatic and nothing has ...
Jason S.'s user avatar
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M.2 nvme ssd boot

Can anyone please help me out on how to setup/configure or point me in the right direction of publication on how to get my RPI4 to boot from M.2 nvme ssd specifically it is a WD Blue Operating system ...
Ares's user avatar
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How to run a program on boot, but not user login?

I need to set an environment variable and run an app when the Raspberry Pi boots up. To that end, I added the following to /home/pi/.bashrc: export MY_ENV_VAR=foo cd /home/pi/MyApp ./MyApp When I ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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PI 4 Touchscreen unresponsive after first boot

this is my first post here. I recently got a Raspberry pi 4 B 2018, 64bits & 8GB ram. With this I have a touchscreen that I plugged in the "DISPLAY" ribbon cable socket. So far so good. ...
John Oakman's user avatar
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Error while writing bootloader to SD card

I have some problems with my RPi 4B, and one of the suggested tests is to overwrite a bootloader. I'm trying to do this on my xUbuntu 20.04 with rpi-imager, but I get the following error: Tried two ...
Bbllaaddee's user avatar
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how to troubleshoot a headless RPi4 that isn't reaching the internet (maybe isn't booting)

My pi4 has been hosting some web services at a friends house for a long time, but a few days ago it just went silent. I use Tailscale as an intranet between my different machines, and Tailscale shows ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Secure Boot Configurations with Authentication IC

I am working on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with raspbian buster (command line only) os. I want to secure my Raspberry Pi, I have read some solutions on that. As I see there some manufacturers ...
shiv patil's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 refuses to boot from USB (128GB)

OK, Raspberry Pi does not boot from Raspbian USB...
Asher's user avatar
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Raspbian 10 boot on Pi3 but not boot on pi4 [closed]

I have a copy of a working raspbian 10 SD card. When I clone it, clone SD card didnt boot on pi4 giving error: print_req_error i/o error dev mmcblk0 sector 0 buffer io error on dev mmcblk0, logical 0,...
Hakan Ulusoy's user avatar
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Disable boot-time messages

I'm on Rpi-4 and the OS is DietPi. I have modified /boot/cmdline.txt using the following parameters to disable all and every boot-time logs: console=tty3 root=PARTUUID=907af7d0-02 rootfstype=ext4 ...
A_Kz's user avatar
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How to boot and safely shutdown with a button when WAKE_ON_GPIO=0

1. Description To boot and shutdown my pi I have been using a button shorting GPIO 3 an GND. However after shutting down the pi, the fan shim and HDD keep on running. To solve this I've edited the ...
Pieter Huybrechts's user avatar
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Mount USB then NFS

I'm creating a kubernetes cluster with 1 desktop pc and 3 raspberry pi4. The desktop PC is set as master node and NFS server. Each RPi4 has two USB keys: Ubuntu 21.04 Server on 32GB key Storage on ...
T00rk's user avatar
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Raspberry pi with HDD and SSD not booting on reboot

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 B with 2 disks connected via usb. One is an SSD and the other is an HDD. Both of them are in SATA to USB cases that have their own power supply each. I've configured the Rpi4 ...
RabidTunes's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 4 gives vertical color lines on bootup

I am using a Raspberry pi 4 model B 4GB with ubuntu 20.04 installed on a 32GB memory card and when I booted, I got a display with vertical color lines. I tried using multiples displays and all results ...
user133622's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 does not respond ssh

My setup is a RaspberryPi4 with SSD (Kingston 120GB) as boot drive. It has also a regular HDD connected to it. Both hard drives are connected to a USB dock via 3.0 USB. The dock has also a power ...
RabidTunes's user avatar