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Do I need to stop services when performing a full system backup of Raspberry OS on a RPi4 using rsync?

Well I guess the title is pretty self-explanatory but to put a little more words on, I want to use rsync to perform a weekly, incremental backup of my RPi4 which is hosting Pi-Hole, Unbound DNS and ...
problemshavearisen's user avatar
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Failed to start Load Kernel Modules after rsync restore

After restoring the whole raspbian system using rsync, I get following errors during boot. systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Main process exited, code=exited, sta... systemd[1]: systemd-...
wewa's user avatar
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Copy / Back up all images on Android phone to SD Card with folders

I am running a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B as a VPN Gateway with OpenVPN. On my Samsung S8, I have the app OpenVPN for Android installed and the VPN tunnel to my home network works like a charm. What I ...
Ferit's user avatar
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Backup RPI to a Linux Machine via ssh

How to backup my RPI and keep it up to date without needing to create an image with dd. I want to do it from a linux machine via ssh. With the backup I want to be able 1) to restore the system on ...
jake's user avatar
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Restore backup failed (using rsync)

I backuped my RPI following goldilock's answer (Can a Raspberry Pi be used to create a backup of itself?). Running this: rsync -axHv --delete --exclude-from=rsync-exclude.txt --rsh="ssh" root@...
jake's user avatar
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Rsync freezing when trying to backup

I have been looking at other threads. Some have said the problem is a permission issue, and some have said it hasn't been solved. I am using rsync to backup to a USB drive. When I insert the usb drive,...
Test4444's user avatar
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Restoring a Raspbian system with an rsync ssh backup: permissions at backup time

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian Jessie. It is being used as a reverse proxy for my various self-hosted services, it is running openHAB, it is my mosquitto server, etc. I would like to create ...
E. Schiesser's user avatar