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USB to RS485 Module with MODBUS-RTU RS485 Soil Sensor on Raspberry Pi 4B

If I purchase 2 of the USB to RS485 Module from DFRobot ( and 2 types of soil sensors which require that USB converter (
User239847234984's user avatar
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Is the 8-in-one JXCT soil sensor compatible with the raspberry pi 4B?

I have a Raspberry Pi 4B and want to use the JXCT 8-in-one soil sensor with it but the documentation for the product ( ...
User239847234984's user avatar
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Need guidance using 4 Pico PiRP2040 and getting variation in output signals

I am using a PICO RP2040 where the trigger signal (reference voltage) is connected to GP14. I’ve programmed the Picomite to set a trigger value for a falling edge, which means the trigger should ...
hasham ahmed's user avatar
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AS5600 encoder is not reading on Raspberry Pi 4

I'm trying to read the stepper motor angle using the AS5600 magnetic position encoder. I'm using Raspberry Pi 4 and the pinout is the following: VCC to 3.3V , GND to Ground ,SDA to GPIO2 (Pin 3) , SCL ...
welp's user avatar
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Hooking up a rotary encoder to raspberry pi 4

There are a ton of questions on this, and I'm pretty new at working with rotary encoders. I purchased this one Taiss E38S6-600-24G, thinking (incorrectly I might add) that it would be a simple thing ...
Greg W's user avatar
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Did i fry MH-Z19B CO2 sensor with my raspberry PI?

I got a new MH-Z19 Sensor, which i connected to my raspberry PI. The first time everything was okay, but later i connected the pins wrong by moving everything by one pin to the left. See the table 2 (...
user2084343's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multiprocessing to speed up data acquisition for I2C devices

Here's my situation: I have four FDC1004 devices that I want to have connected to an array of 64 electrodes through four ADG1206 16:1 multiplexers. Each device is slaved to a pi4 using separate I2C ...
Dallon Penney's user avatar
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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Heating Up and Not Working

I have two breadboards (for the front and back of a go-kart) which are supplied by the 5V power pins of the raspberry pi 4 respectively (pins 2 and 4). However, when both are plugged in, the second ...
Pasindu Danthanarayana's user avatar
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How to interface 6 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors rasberry pi

I am a beginner to Rasberry Pi and working on a parking warning system for a go-kart. The plan is to use 6 ultrasonic sensors (3 at the front of the kart and 3 at the back) to achieve distance ...
Pasindu Danthanarayana's user avatar
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Infrared Receiver for remote controll not working

I am using a raspberry pi 4 with raspian. uname -a yields: Linux raspi 5.15.32-v8+ #1538 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 31 19:40:39 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux I am trying to get an IR-receiver working (model OS-...
Thomas Preu's user avatar
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Raspberry pi does not detect compass sensor

I have a GY-91 sensor connected to raspberry pi 4B+ and only mpu6050(accelerometer, gyroscope) address 0x68 is getting detected while the compass sensor address 0x0C is not. $ i2cdetect -y 1 0 1 ...
gaurang navelkar's user avatar
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3 answers

Simple float switch sensor frying GPIO pins, while the other doesn't? Hydroponics system

I'm building this mostly finished hydroponics system. It's a surge tank build. Surge tank looks like: (that's nutrient water, it's got electrolytes that plants crave) Inside that bucket are two ...
Slight's user avatar
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How to PID control a heater with SSR, Raspberry Pi and python

I would like to PID control the temperature of a water bath using a RaspberryPi4, a solid state relay (SSR) and a heater (200W, 230VAC) using python. The IVMech library seems a good starting point. As ...
Marco Bobinger's user avatar
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Errno 121 Remote I/O error happening too often on Raspberry Pi 4 [closed]

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4 - Rev1.4 together with a tc9548 multiplexer and 2 additional I2C sensors behind each multiplexer channel. OS version: AME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11&...
Marco Bobinger's user avatar
2 votes
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Air pressure transducer to be connected with RPi 4

I just want a recommendation for an analog air pressure transducer with a range from 0-10 bar (to be used in an electro-pneumatic system) to be connected easily with RPi 4 (compatible with RPi 4) and ...
ibrahim tahoun's user avatar
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How can Rpi4B use python to talk to the I2C DHT20 / SHT20 temperature and humidity sensor?

I'm trying to use a Raspberry Pi 4 to read an I2C temperature and humidity sensor. The part I'm using is a module from Grove based on the DHT20 sensor. Here's a link to a page about the module: https:/...
thatguyfromcanada's user avatar
-1 votes
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PWM input to raspberry pi 4B

I want to read PWM output signal which I got from a sensor. Is there any way to give PWM signals as input to Raspberry pi 4B?
Rumaisa Mubaraka P A's user avatar
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Unable to detect Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor on my RPi 4 through ADS1115

My RPi 4 does not read any values in from my capacitive soil moisture sensor. I have a breadboard for the wiring that I will attach a photo of, and I am running a test program ( from the ...
vinbera's user avatar
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RFID to Raspberry pins

I am working on a school project and need to connect Rfid RC522 and tuchscreen to raspberry, problem is that tuchscreen is using same GPIO pins as Rfid, I Got suggested connect RFID using I2c And use ...
WantToKnowMore's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a way to connect a serial cable to my pi while it is connected to my breadboard?

Currently I have my pi connected to my breadboard using a cobbler and breakout cable so I can connect some sensors (DHT22 and BMP280). Is there are way I can also connect my serial cable to it so I ...
Stephanie's user avatar
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Trying to debug why the magnetic sensor of my MPU9250/6500 Gyroscope Acceleration Magnetic Sensor won't connect via I2C but all the other sensors will

I am trying to debug why the magnetic sensor of my MPU9250/6500 9-Axis 9 DOF 16 Bit Gyroscope Acceleration Magnetic Sensor IIC/SPI won't connect to my Raspberry Pi 4+, but all the other sensors will. ...
SomeoneElse's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 4 doesn't detect i2c devices

I am working on a gas flow sensor SFM4100. It's communcation protocol is i2c. And according to gasses bus adresses are changing. For o2 gas, address is 2. When I connected the all pins according to ...
noobinmath's user avatar
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Connect Infrared sensor with GPIO

I'm following a tutorial on how to connect an infrared sensor to the raspberry pi to control it with remote control. So far so good, the infrared sensor is working, but now I have to read its output ...
Thibault Abry's user avatar
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Connecting Differential pressure sensor MPXV7002DP to Raspberry Pi 4

MPXV7002DP is analog sensor which measures differential pressure and requires 5V supply voltage and gives an output voltage of 4.5V. However, I want to get the digital output so I will connect the ...
ui2020's user avatar
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Using 5V sensors

Most of the sensors available in the market requires 3.3V-5V. The GPIO of the Raspberry Pi is 3.3V max only and not 5V tolerant. I have seen tutorials around the internet that they supply the sensors ...
ui2020's user avatar
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Connecting Various Devices Using Bluetooth as Serial Port

I managed to connect a sensor via Bluetooth to a serial port on the Raspberry Pi 4 by doing the following: First, I added the SP profile to the Raspberry by opening and editing the following file: ...
blt's user avatar
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How can I know the serial port of the device of outside (UART)? Not USB

I want to ask. How do I know the serial port of the external UART from Raspberry Pi. This is a sensor. I connected the wire to the Raspberry Pi. But I can't find which is activate port. I searched ...
Boxun LU's user avatar
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Temperature/PH/Humidity sensors Wireless?

I am designing an irrigation system. I have already put in place the pump piece, piloted by the Raspberry through a relay. Please note that this is an outdoor system, so the less wires are there the ...
Edge7's user avatar
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Issue with Pi 4 and 1wire

I've got a Pi 4 and went to hook up a couple sensors, the first being a DHT11, it's working fine. The second being a DS18B20, on the 1-wire interface (using the standard GPIO pin 4). The circuit is ...
lane.maxwell's user avatar
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How to increase sampling rate of Raspberry Pi to 10Msps using external ADC or Microcontroller

I am working on a project where I want to use 3 electret microphones to triangulate the origin of a noise. I will add a 4th microphone for some additional accuracy. The microphones will be around ...
Tootsie's user avatar
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What is the correct hardware required to connect multiple analog sensors to a Raspberry Pi 4?

I've been an avid Bonsai enthusiast for some time, and have always wanted to automate some of the day to day tasks (and get some data logging in the process). I'd like to be able to detect: soil ...
Saeven's user avatar
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How can Rpi4B connect and read the the EC4-2000-CO sensor?

How is Raspberry pi 4 connected with EC4-2000-CO sensor? Can someone please let me know about the hardware and software setup of the same?
Trinity's user avatar
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Using GPIO on the Bitwizard DMX hat board

I have a rpi 4, with a relays board on top of it, and a Bitwizard DMX hat board on top of that. The Bitwzard board doesn't have a male header on the top, so I am unable to connect my sensors. It was ...
M.Parent's user avatar
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Connecting multiple sensors to Raspberry Pi 4 B

I have a Raspberry Pi Project in mind but I'm completely new to this matter and have literally no idea. My plan is to create a transportable Weather Station (which includes a temperature sensor, air ...
dmrthis's user avatar
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