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Rotary encoder issues

I currently have a 600 p/r encoder hooked up to a pi 4. Seems to work ok, but due to the pi OS (bookworm) it usually misses some counts. From what I read, it seems that there are 2 possible ways to ...
Greg W's user avatar
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Simple float switch sensor frying GPIO pins, while the other doesn't? Hydroponics system

I'm building this mostly finished hydroponics system. It's a surge tank build. Surge tank looks like: (that's nutrient water, it's got electrolytes that plants crave) Inside that bucket are two ...
Slight's user avatar
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pigpio's sending only partial and inaccurate data

I want to send IR signals with pigpio and receive it, all on a raspberry zero w. To send the data, I use the IR Record and Playback script from the pigpio library. To receive data, I use the code from ...
Emanuel Graf's user avatar
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Failing to read I2C data on LPG10 flow sensor using Python

I'm having some issues reading flow sensor data (Sensirion LPG10, to be precise) using the RPi Zero's I2C bus. I think I have set the bus and wiring up correctly as running 'i2cdetect -y 1' returns ...
TheFaustie's user avatar
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Pigpio reading sensor returning -83”i2c read failed”

I am testing using my new air quality 5 click sensor with my Raspberry Pi ( using command line. When I enter i2cdetect -y 1it appears at address 48. Then ...
wye_mine codebase's user avatar
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Pigpio not closing

I have a program that is meant to read data: import pigpio pi = pigpio.pi() if not pi.connected: exit() h = pi.i2c_open(1, 0x5a) c, data = pi.i2c_read_device(h,0x09) print(data) pi....
wye_mine codebase's user avatar
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2 answers

HC-SR04 distance = 0 using pigpio in C++

As the title says, the distance in my sonar is giving me 0, I think I found out the problem, but the code was working fine with wiringPi. Functions: I only changed names to be equal to Arduino ...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
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HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor reading becomes highly unusable when PWM is active

Good day I am trying to sample distance using a sonar/ultrasonic sensor for altitude measurement. When the PWM is not active, the sensor gives accurate measurements in centimeters, however with the ...
user123456098's user avatar