Questions tagged [snappy]

for questions refering to the Snappy Ubuntu Core operation system - aimed for speed, stability, and security.

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11 votes
1 answer

Is Ubuntu Snappy compatible with Raspberry Pi 3

I have the new Raspberry Pi 3 and trying to run Snappy on it. I know that there is a 100% compatibility between 2 and 3 but Sanppy fails to boot on 3 (rainbow screen no IO light flashing). Has ...
Khash's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How can I modify interfaces file of Snappy Ubuntu on raspberry pi 2?

I know how to modify interfaces file to enable raspberry pi work under WIFI. But for raspberry pi 2, installed of snappy ubuntu, the file is on a read-only file system and I cannot modify it. Like ...
Tom Xue's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Raspberry PI not booting Snappy Ubuntu Core

I just bought a Raspberry Pi B+ model and i am trying to load SNAPPY UBUNTU CORE using it. I have followed the instructions and wrote the ubuntu core into a 32gb SD Card. But it seems the Pi could not ...
Sivakumar S's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is the Docker framework planned for Snappy Ubuntu Core on the Pi 2?

I can boot and run Snappy Ubuntu Core on the Pi 2, but there are very few apps and frameworks currently available for the ARM version of Snappy. This wouldn't be a major problem if the Docker ...
Darren Wilkinson's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

gpio: command not found

With my raspbian I used to use the command gpio. Unfortunately, I forgot how I installed it, or if it came installed by default in Raspbian. Now I'm playing with UbuntuCore for RaspberryPi, and I ...
knocte's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

how can i find the public IP address (external) using UbuntuCore? not curl/telnet/wget/dig maybe netcat?

I have researched and found dozens of ways to determine the public IP on a standard Rasbian or UbuntuMate Distro. Because I am working in UbuntuCore I do not have access to any thing that I cannot ...
Brothaman's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to install raspistill on Ubuntu Core?

I would like to be able to take pictures with the Raspberry Pi camera while running Ubuntu Core (Snappy). How can I install/enable the camera? This question is about Ubuntu Core, not Raspbian.
Erik Berkun-Drevnig's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to install custom mainline kernel in Ubuntu snappy core?

I have cloned latest Torvalds kernel, compiled it for the Raspberry Pi 2 model B and generated deb packages as well. When I install them using dpkg -i *.deb the files under /boot/firmware are not ...
user682858's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to install Nextcloud on Ubuntu 16.04 using snap?

So I've installed snapd on Raspberry Pi 3 with fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installed on it. After doing : $ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade And rebooting i've installed snapd using $ sudo apt ...
devaerial's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Snappy Ubuntu Core Lose Ethernet Connection After Updating

So I installed Snappy Ubuntu Core just like the offical guide. Found its IP. Everything works. I Followed step two of the guide which is updating package. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ...
janw's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Will RPi 2 with Ubuntu Snappy Core boot without monitor and keyboard

I just buy a Raspberry Pi 2, this is my first one! I love it! I install Ubuntu Snappy Core, plug the monitor, keyboard, internet cable then install program and have fun. I check that sshd is running, ...
nvcnvn's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

can't install snap ros package

I just build and published ros2 packages in snap repo with the hlep of github action without any error. Here is the link just for testing. But now when i install the package 'turtlebot' in my ...
Dinesh Lama Rumba's user avatar