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Waveshare ePaper display via IT8951 hat driver for Raspberry pi 4 model B

I bought the 10.3 epaper display which I am trying drive it from a Raspberry Pi 4. The official wiki instructions ( is using BCM2835 which I assume ...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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SPI Chip Select (CS) Control?

I am working with spidev on my RPi4 project and I have noticed that there is a significant delay caused by the CS signal. I am using the hardware CS pin (CE0, pin header 24) to drive the CS signal for ...
zeruel.z's user avatar
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spi driver works on pi 3 and pi 4, but not on pi cm4

I have a spi driver for an nrc7292. When I load it on a pi3 or 4 it works every time, but when I load it on a cm4 it only loads correctly about half the time. What could possibly be different? Once ...
bob mcgrath's user avatar
2 votes
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Enable ENC28J60 on Raspberry Pi 4 SPI1 CE1

I have a Raspberry Pi model 4B V1.4 running: Linux raspberrypi 5.10.42-v7l+ #1422 SMP Tue Jun 8 13:03:05 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux I want to connect an ENC28J60 spi ethernet adapter on spi1. Using ...
Heneer's user avatar
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How to write a Kernel module using SPI properly?

I have no experience writing kernel modules. I build some examples with gpio interrupts and they worked prety well. Now I want to use SPI from my kernel module and I will explain why I need it. I am ...
Murilo Machado Pinto's user avatar
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How is spidev and the spi-bcm2835 module related?

Removing either one deletes the SPI devices from /dev/ What's the difference between the two modules and how do they relate?
Eon's user avatar
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Single channel SPI DMA

The documentation on the SPI peripheral says: Two DMA channels are required, one to read from and one to write to the SPI. Is this necessarily true? I have a device where I need to write a few ...
Tom's user avatar
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Accessing 3+ SD/MMC /dev/mmcblk devices

I've successfully followed some instructions for access 2 SD cards via SPI on a Raspberry Pi 3: How do I configure it to access more than 2 SD ...
Adam Tegen's user avatar
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In simultaneous use of SPI0 and DPI Mode 3 interfaces, can SPI0 CS0 be moved to a pin other than 8?

I am attempting to design a device using a Pi Zero which needs to connect to both an ENC18J60 SPI ethernet controller, and a VGA monitor via Mode 3 DPI and the Mincepi Pi Zero pi2vga schematic. While ...
DodoDude700's user avatar
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How to setup resistive LCD touchscreen over SPI

I've been following a guide for setting up an LCD touchscreen, without success. When the screen is plugged into the GPIO pins it just shows a white screen. After all my attempts it remains white. ...
Nateowami's user avatar
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SPI problem when install CAN controller driver

I updated my raspi to 3.18.7+ last days and i also need new driver for my modules. I was waiting for PICAN board driver for pi and yesterday i uploaded it. Before uploaded; ls -al /dev/spi* crw-rw---...
mezzocannone's user avatar
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"Inappropriate ioctl for device" error since upgrading Rasbian & firmware

I was happily controlling Shiftbrite LEDs using SPI and Python based on this code Today I upgraded my Pi using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo rpi-update Now my script ...
TrevorJ's user avatar
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