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Cannot determine pins to use when connecting 3 SPI devices to Pi 5

I am trying to connect 3 SPI devices to my pi 5, they are all RFID-RC522 modules and so they all have the same device id, so I put them on separate busses. I researched and selected these three ...
spl's user avatar
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Using RFID-RC522 with spi on RBpi 3B+

Hello_friends, I am trying to get a RFID reader working on a Raspberry 3b+ That same setup and codebase used to work well on the older 3b+ model from 2015 (the current one is 2017 edition), but now ...
clockw0rk's user avatar
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Connecting RC522 RFID module to Raspberry Pi 4

I connect my RC522 RFID module to my Raspberry Pi 4 according to so we have and #!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as ...
Pouya's user avatar
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Problem in the SPI communication with RFID-RC522 (spi mode)

I have some trouble using the RFID-RC522 reader with my RPi. It was working in the past, but now it stopped. I'm trying to find if a configuration changed somewhere and I also looked at the code of ...
Dark Patate's user avatar
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change mfrc522 module SPI to I2C

I'm working on a project where I need to use touchscreen and RC522 senzor on same Raspberry Pi, now I need to change senzor from SPI to I2C in order to do that I need to change mfrc522 module which ...
WantToKnowMore's user avatar
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Sharing SPI Adafruit PiTFT and RFID RC522

I have a Pi Zero 1.2 connected to an Adafruit 2.8" PiFTF screen and a RFID-RC522 board. I also have a thermal printer connected to TX/RX, but I don't think this plays a part in my question. The TFT ...
Alexander Holsgrove's user avatar
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Use RFID reader AND a 4x4 matrix keypad with breadboard

I am trying to set up a pi to use rfid to scan a card and if the card is correct, the user will enter in a 4 digit code into a 4x4 matrix keypad. Each device works perfectly fine independently however ...
StarScr3am77's user avatar
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For a school project I wanted to use a 128x64 OLED i2c OLED screen and a RFID reader. I tested everything separate and it worked, but when I wanted to join everything in my main program it failed, ...
DwarfNebula's user avatar
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Connecting PN532 NFC module to Raspberry Pi

I want to connect the PN532 NFC module to my Raspberry Pi. The pin layout is as follows: The original product page is here on eBay. The page says: Operating Voltage: 3.3V Power Supply Voltage: 3.3~...
Yahya Uddin's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3B RFID RC522 - not reading data

I know this topic has been already discussed in many aspects here and other forums but I haven't found help for my problem (which I guess may be just slightly different than in older topics because ...
deevee's user avatar
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How to use RC522 RFID on spidev1.x on Raspberry Pi 3

I followed this trying to use my RC522 on spi 1.0 but I'm stuck. Could someone give me a hand wiring correctly (I hope it is) and how to use the ...
g0rg's user avatar
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how to enable spi1? / pi 3 and two rc522 RFID readers

Is it possible to connect two RC522 readers with one RaspberryPi 3? As far as I know I should just choose different CS pins for them (Add more than 2 SPI slaves). I have following connections: 1st ...
Maciej Treder's user avatar
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How construct MISO byte order with SPI interface

I have a raspberry Pi 3, model B. I have an RFID-RC522 hooked up to it using SPI. I want to read from it, raspi being master device, RFID being slave(MISO). I am struggling to construct the correct ...
Pasha Shestakov's user avatar
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Connect two SPI RFID readers in the Raspberry Pi B +

I followed this tutorial to connect one RC522 RFID reader in a Raspberry Pi. I'm able to connect it to work with ...
Gabriel Carranza's user avatar
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MFRC522 Not working over SPI Interface

I am running (on a Pi3) an MFRRC522 reader - much like this one: It has been working fine, but after I changed SD card, to increase capacity - whilst also doing a new Raspian install I haven't been ...
JBithell's user avatar
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RFID RC522 Stops reading data after reading data continuously

I'm trying to make RFID RC522 work with my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I use the library MFRC522, and the the sensor can read data most of the times. However if I just put the card on the sensor it will stop ...
Constantine Samoilenko's user avatar
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Pi4J and Mifare RC-522 via SPI

I am having problems with coding a program that allows me to read RFID Tags with Pi4J on my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. I am totally new to Python and would prefer a program written in Java to save some ...
Nico Enking's user avatar
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Raspbian Jessie+ breaks SPI (RFID Reader MFCR 522)?

Long version: I have a very odd problem: I connected a Mifare MFRC 522 RFID Reader to my raspberry Pi (it handles communication via SPI). For that I used one of the many Tutorial already on the ...
Zven Baum's user avatar
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using wiringPi and bcm2835

i am trying to make an aplication where i integrate rfid reader and an LCD, i have acomplished this by two different libraries, wiringPi for LCD and i found a library called rc522 for the rfid. and ...
pato.llaguno's user avatar
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Connecting to an RC522 RFID reader

I'm trying to connect an RC522 RFID reader to the a Raspi via its SPI port. Up till now, I have tried several different pieces of code that are supposedly working, however, I have had no success with ...
Urban's user avatar
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