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Are there any archives that I could use to do "apt full-upgrade" on Rasbian Jessie or Stretch?

I have an old Raspberry P B+ which used run much faster with the old versions of Rasbian. I can still find the install images for Rasbian Jessie or Stretch, but the repositories needed to do apt ...
Erin Tyres's user avatar
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Kano will not update/upgrade

I did see someone else getting the same 404 error when trying to update but no solution. Is there a way to bypass raspbian stretch to further update? We have the kano build your own tablet. I have ...
Becky P.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Install php rasbian stretch

I would install php (php-fpm) on my raspberry pi 3 b+. Its running with raspbian stretch 9 i dont have choice, i must keep this version. I can’t even update, the official mirrors that are programmed ...
Yoo's user avatar
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Python PIP not working after upgrade

How do I fix this? I was trying to upgrade my Python to 3.10.2 which works fine. However, pip is throwing errors. These are the steps I followed to upgrade: #Downloaded new version and Extracted ...
CornDevil's user avatar
-1 votes
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Reboot into new OS image Remotely

I have a few old rpi 3b+ still running stretch which i would like to upgrade to either bullseye or buster. They are all remote and i access them via AnyDesk or reverse ssh tunnels as a backup. I have ...
LecauseAndThePi's user avatar
-1 votes
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BalenaFin v1.0 wifi works on Stretch but not bullseye or buster

I have a balena fin v1.0 which used to run stretch. It used to perfectly show all available wifi (2.4G and 5G). However I was not able to have the same on the buster image when I got it back in 2020 ...
TheBlue Phoenix's user avatar
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AT- serial port communication with USB modem breaks ([Errno 32] Broken pipe) after upgrading to Stretch or Buster

Good day, I hope you guys are good. My name is Francis From Nigeria. I have been using raspberry for a while. I had to upgrade from Jessie to Stretch because my favorite raspberry pi 3B model is ...
ufumes's user avatar
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Error install raspberrypi-ui-mods

I am moving from Jessie to newer version Stretch followed this What is the latest sources.list for Raspbian?. I successfully update and upgrade. However, when I installed the raspberrypi-ui-mods and ...
CoffeePlease's user avatar
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Not booting after shutdown [duplicate]

We are putting rpis in one of our products and we have a few dozens of units already in use. We currently observe a very annoying problem - whenever it shuts down or is issued reboot it won't boot ...
php_nub_qq's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can login over LAN with SSH - but not from local keyboard

I setup a headless RPi0W, connected to it with SSH and gave it a new password using "passwd" - works great. However, if I boot with a directly connected USB keyboard and composite video ...
Victor Martelli's user avatar
2 votes
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Sporadic slow booting due to fsck (mount count being reset)

I'm hoping to use a Raspberry Pi as the basis of an in-car infotainment system. I've followed a number of guides on reducing boot times, but the Pi will often take a long time to boot—about 20 s ...
screwtop's user avatar
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Streaming via DLNA is smooth, but same video via browser is unenjoyable

I manage and stream my videos with a self-hosted web application. The web application also offers DLNA based streaming. When I stream the videos via the browser (latest Raspberry PI OS and default ...
Sybil's user avatar
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How to Install Canon LBP6000 Printer Driver on QEMU?

Canon Printers and CUPS: ARM drivers availabile? Platform: Raspbian Stretch I tried the link above but couldn't get it to work.In the driver guide it says I need to install some packages. # yum ...
a.gulcan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Rotary Encoder usig SPI Protocol for RPM Measurement

Raspberry pi : Master Rotary Encoder: Slave (14 Bit of Transmission ,3 wire communication (MISO,CLK,CE)) After each cycle of communication it is compulsory to toggle CS pin from high to low. when ...
pratik anandpara's user avatar
3 votes
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No internet with Access Point as WiFi router/repeater with additional WiFi-dongle

I followed the great tutorial by Ingo to to use my USB dongle as AP. I just inverted the wlan0 and wlan1 to use the first one to connect as client to my router, and the second one (the dongle) to be ...
Fra Ore's user avatar
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Docker-Compose won't install on Raspberry Pi 3

Most guides that I found to install Docker Compose on Raspbian resolve around an installation via pip, e.g. sudo pip3 install docker-compose Unfortunately, if I try that on my Raspberry Pi 3, it ...
Pharao2k's user avatar
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running apt-get update/upgrade through a proxy

I'm having issues keeping a Pi up-to-date in a customers network. The pi is there for controlling a piece of equipment, and it needs to be updated once in a while, among other things to keep backward ...
UncleBob's user avatar
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Unable to install a package on pi zero

Colleagues, I am trying to install a package using pi@pizero:~ $ sudo apt-get install git Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done You might want to run ...
Martin's user avatar
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pydbus throwing error in raspbian lite

I have successfully installed and used pydbus to communicate and control a few Bluetooth LE devices from a Raspberry Pi (full version). When I tried to do the same with Raspbian lite, I got: object ...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
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Failing during configuration of "Access point as WiFi router/repeater with additional WiFi-dongle" [closed]

I am newbie in this area and I try to follow the instructions of @Ingo from here since days Link I have Raspberry 4B 2GB with on board wifi and additional WIFI dongle "TP-Link TL-WN823N" I ...
Damian's user avatar
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How to remap keys on Raspberry Pi 4

I type using a Norman keyboard layout instead of the typical QWERTY one, so for example, where one would normally press the J key, I press the N key. How can I remap the keyboard in the Raspberry Pi ...
Jack N's user avatar
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Error while dist-upgrade: ..../raspberrypi-kernel_1.20210108-1_armhf.deb Hash Sum mismatch

I am upgrading my RPi 3 from Raspbian stretch to buster. I get this error while running sudo apt dist-upgrade: Err:1 buster/main armhf raspberrypi-kernel armhf 1....
Mostafa Ahangarha's user avatar
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Wolfram-engine failed to create symbolic link while doing dist-upgrade on Raspbian-stretch

I tried to upgrade my Raspbian on Raspberri Pi 3 from Stretch to Buster but receive this error: ➜ ~ sudo apt dist-upgrade -y Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading ...
Mostafa Ahangarha's user avatar
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Plex Media Server, unable to load libraries

I have just installed PMS on my RPI3 B, after some issues I can manage the server fro the web gui, but I can not load any libraries. As you can see from the screenshot it is not possible to continue ...
andrewz's user avatar
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How to connect the raspberry pi to the internet with the internet from a pc (via an ethernet cable) [closed]

excuse me I want to ask. I am still a beginner in raspberry pi. I have internet connection problems on the raspberry pi. I can remote raspberry with PC using ethernet. and my pc is also connected to ...
Zakkya.Arfi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't install netatalk 3 on Stretch

I've got a Pi Zero running stretch and when I install netatalk with apt-get it always installs version 2.2.5. When I run apt-cache policy netatalk, it reports that as the Candidate version. Is there a ...
Ben Long's user avatar
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Turning off and on ad hoc mode on raspberry pi

I setup an ad hoc network between my computer and a pi for a project which works perfectly but when I have the ad-hoc on I have no access to the internet on the pi. There are times I am going to need ...
Nicokofi's user avatar
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rc.local not able to execute python script with network code

(Disclaimer, this is a crosspost from my Unix & Linux Overflow question, however I got no answers) To introduce my problem, I'm running Raspbian Stretch on a RPi 3 model B+, and I have two scripts ...
robinspi's user avatar
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Using PyDBUS to read BLE battery service

I tried to read battery service (0x180F) using pydbus and also via term but unable to find, setNotify or read the value. I tried to register-service under Menu GATT in Terminal running Bluetoothctl ...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
3 votes
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raspberry pi suddenly incapable of verifying amazon ssl certificates

One of our raspberry pis running stretch suddenly, from one moment to the other, lost the ability to verify ssl certificates from servers. As far as I can see there were no reboots, crashes or other ...
UncleBob's user avatar
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Can the same SD card be used for Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3A+ that is to be accessed wirelessly (SSH & wpa_supplicant)?

I wanted to use an older Raspbian 9 (Stretch) version of 2017/2018 because I wanted to use the "perf" tool which is not available for the current version. But the previous version was not ...
Sukhmani Kaur Thethi's user avatar
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Booting of RPi 3A+ fails for the Raspbian stretch 2018-03-13 and even for 2017-08-16

I have a 16GB micro SD card, on which raspbian strecth 2018-03-13 is installed (via win32diskimager, earlier formatted via SD card formatter). It works perfectly for my RPi zero model, but doesn't ...
Sukhmani Kaur Thethi's user avatar
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No module named 'gi'

Recently i have installed Altinstall Python 3.8.0 in /usr/bin. However when i try to from gi.repository import GLib i get: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi' I have tried many ways (...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
-1 votes
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Raspberry pi 3B+ not booting up ( ACT light / green light doesn't blink at all)

I have an old raspberry pi 3B+. After a long time, I tried to use it. I found raspbian stretch image file in an old archive. So I wrote it in a 32GB microSD card and tried to boot the pi. But the ACT ...
San's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package barrier

I am trying to install barrier on my raspberry pi so to enable sharing my mouse and keyboard over LAN. However when I run the command: $ sudo apt install barrier -y Reading package lists... Done ...
Sam's user avatar
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Cannot install docker on RBPi 3 (strecht) through convenience script

I am trying to install docker on my Raspberry Pi 3 $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9 (stretch)" VERSION_CODENAME=...
Fede9390's user avatar
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Editing files on Raspberry PI over ssh and with root privileges

Setup: local machine has PopOS 20 (based on Ubuntu 20), remote server is running Raspbian Stretch. I have been editing files on the remote server from the terminal, over ssh and with nano, but I'm ...
Fede9390's user avatar
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using passlib with argon2 gives MissingBackendError

Installed passlib on my Windows 10 pc to study how to store passwords To use passlib with argon2 I installed that argon2-cffi too just as it shows in the passlib documentation Runs fine on my laptop, ...
snappercayt 's user avatar
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How to install PHP 7.2?

The title says it all. I'm trying to install PHP7.2 on RPi 3 so I can install OwnCloud on it. When I run sudo apt-get install php7.2 -y I get Unable to locate package php7.2. Do I need to add a repo ...
mark's user avatar
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Can take ssh from windows machine but couldn't ping back from raspberry pi

I have created a network using a wifi router with 2 raspberry pi devices (stretch OS) and one windows 10 machine. Windows ipconfig: Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :...
Ram's user avatar
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pyaudio - Alsa warnings on Raspberry pi

I am trying to send data through 3.5mm jack. In that process, Everytime i'm getting these warnings import pyaudio p = pyaudio.PyAudio() The following warnings are: Expression '...
Jaikiran Jay's user avatar
2 votes
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PiVPN (WireGuard) not working after updating to Buster

A few days ago, I have updated my Raspberry PI 3 model B device from Stretch to Buster. Previously I installed and configured successfully PiVPN with WireGuard, so it has been working before the ...
olhptr's user avatar
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Pi Hole suddenly stopped working

I've been running Pi-Hole on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ continuously for a few weeks now. Everything worked great but all of a sudden it stopped working. My devices don't connect to the internet as ...
pumpitup9090's user avatar
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pi 3 won't connect to the internet through an Ethernet cable

Overnight I left my pi on so it could keep up the website I am hosting but come day my pi was not connecting to the internet so as I had setup a static ip (router side) I decided to delete the ...
Willral's user avatar
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Raspbian Stretch unable to start SSH on boot: Problem starting ssh on boot exit 255 when executing ssh -D $SSHD_OPTS?

When I boot my Raspberry pi running Stretch 9, the syntax checks out alright, but when it goes to start the following error is what it gets: pi@hostname:~ $ sudo systemctl status ssh.service * ssh....
leeand00's user avatar
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Whatis the pi@raspberry exactly

When I want to connect on my raspberry with the terminal via SSH, I have to do : ssh pi@raspberry I know the raspberry is the hostname, but what is pi@? Thanks!
user676767's user avatar
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Only one application can output audio to bluetooth speaker at a time

I have a rpi 3b+ running on the latest Raspbian Stretch with desktop (2019 April 09), I updated/upgraded all packages to newest version, everything related to bluetooth & audio is kept default. I ...
luatntother's user avatar
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Audio stopped work on Rasbian Lite after reboot

So I know there's a lot of similar posts here, but I've read everything on the first 2 pages of Google and no luck yet. There's only one command that does actually produce audio for me: /opt/vc/src/...
Ethan Coeytaux's user avatar
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Headless Shutdown of Raspberry Pi using Adafruit-GPIO-Halt

I am new to Raspberry Pi and am trying to use the headless shutdown module provided by Adafruit. I downloaded the script of Adafruit-GPIO-Halt to my Raspberry Pi, installed it to the /usr/local/bin/...
Atharv Goel's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are these upgrades all Jessie related, none are Stretch or Buster?

RASPBIAN JESSIE: I recently did a full update and then upgrade of apt. So eventhing was up to date. I then decided I needed some advance s/w and hence uncommented this line in /etc/apt/sources.list to ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar

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